
BattlEye RCON CLI and go package



./bercon-cli is the command line interface and go package for the BattlEye RCON protocol


bercon provides a convenient way to interact with the server using the BattlEye RCON (Remote Console) protocol. This tool allows you to execute various commands, control the server, and track responses from the server.

It is suitable for such servers as Arma2, Arma3, DayZ, etc. using the protocol BERConProtocol, with a full list of games you can check out the full list of games on the BattlEye website


You can download the latest version of the programme by following the links:

For Linux you can also use the command

curl -#SfLo /usr/bin/bercon-cli \
chmod +x /usr/bin/bercon-cli
bercon-cli -h && bercon-cli -v


This help information is available when running the program with the --help flag

bercon-cli --help
  bercon-cli [OPTIONS] command [command, command, ...]

BattlEye RCon CLI.

Application Options:
  -i, --ip=          Server IPv4 address (default: [$BERCON_ADDRESS]
  -P, --password=    Server RCON password [$BERCON_PASSWORD]
  -g, --geo-db=      Path to Country GeoDB mmdb file [$BERCON_GEO_DB]
  -p, --port=        Server RCON port (default: 2305) [$BERCON_PORT]
  -t, --timeout=     Deadline and timeout in seconds (default: 3) [$BERCON_TIMEOUT]
  -b, --buffer-size= Buffer size for RCON connection (default: 1024) [$BERCON_BUFFER_SIZE]
  -j, --json         Print result in JSON format [$BERCON_JSON_OUTPUT]
  -h, --help         Show version, commit, and build time
  -v, --version      Prints this help message

You can also use environment variables, they are specified in the help in square brackets [], and are also listed in the file example.env

Usage Examples

You can use arguments, variables, or a combination of both

bercon-cli -p 2306 -P myPass players
BERCON_PASSWORD=myPass BERCON_PORT=2306 bercon-cli players
BERCON_PASSWORD=myPass bercon-cli -p 2306 players

The argument value has the highest priority over the environment variable

# pas$$word will be used
BERCON_PASSWORD='strong' bercon-cli --password 'pas$$word' players

You can pass multiple commands within a single context. If a command consists of multiple words separated by spaces, or contains # or - characters, you must enclose them in quotes. You can also explicitly separate commands after flags using --.

bercon-cli --ip --port 2306 --password 'pas$$word' -- '#unlock'
bercon-cli -t 1 -i -p 2306 -P 'pas$$word' '#shutdown'
bercon-cli -i -p 2306 -P 'pas$$word' -- '#lock' 'say -1 server restart in 5 min'

You can use json output for further processing

bercon-cli -p 2306 -P myPass -j players | jq -er .

Geo IP

If you specify the path to the GeoIP city database in mmdb format, the Country column with the short country code or the country key in json format will be added to the output.
GeoIP processing supported for Players, IP Bans and Admins.

# pass as flag
bercon-cli -p 2306 -P myPass -g /path/to/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb players
# or as variable
BERCON_GEO_DB=/pat/to/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb BERCON_PASSWORD='myPass' bercon-cli -p 2306 players

An empty value in --geo-db, -g or BERCON_GEO_DB will disable geoip processing.

Below are examples of responses:

Players on server:
[#]  [IP Address]:[Port]    [Ping]  [GUID]                            [Name]                  [Country]
0   33      20501A3C348F41D8B7AC3F4D1BB2B11C  Avtonom Fedenko         CN       
1    298     A3333BB4AFBC64F07F1FA0C6C09E6746  Svitlogor Zelinka       US       
2     156     8DA159D526C95D590303BF5DE422D044  Budislav Dovgalyuk      CA       
3   285     DA55E95D18536F77A14C0EC70562CB20  Sergiy Filevich         AR       
4      274     090B1EAD1075519FC30942580067EB48  Vernislav Moyseienko    RU       
5    16      2E1589F4CF2E3EF553A4DA9F6C2ADB4C  Radimir Sosnovskiy      VN       
6    198     D5D648188992BB7B4994451E70F71558  Sobislav Peleshchishin  XX       
7     227     256D87ED2B7D0ADB664B372C297E1B4D  Virodan Bogovin         IT       
8  141     799B37118AC27D5C345092069DAFE8B2  Gostomisl Yaskevich     GB       
9    106     CFBAC3F0F22C492FA238D9ED159F3E6C  Vodogray Zhigalko       KR       
10  277     ADD6FEB25F352F0F6C01F0731E49EF43  Toligniv Doshchenko     JP       
(11 players in total)
    "ip": "",
    "guid": "20501A3C348F41D8B7AC3F4D1BB2B11C",
    "name": "Avtonom Fedenko",
    "country": "CN",
    "port": 46534,
    "ping": 33,
    "id": 0,
    "valid": true,
    "lobby": false

XX country code is used for local addresses and other cases when it was not possible to get data from the GeoIP DB

More useful bash examples

You can also use variables to store parameters for different servers in different files

# in the ~/.server-1.env file

# read the file and execute the command
. .server-1.env && bercon-cli players

An example function that will allow you to execute commands on several of your DayZ servers at the same time

Functions can be placed in ~/.bashrc for quick access to them


dayz-all-rcon() {
  for i in $(seq 1 "$DAYZ_SERVERS_COUNT"); do
    printf '[$s] ' "Server-$i"
    . "~/.server-$i.env".
    bercon-cli -t 1 -- "$@";

# show players on all servers
dayz-all-rcon players

This example will allow you to conveniently perform a delayed restart on all DayZ servers at the same time, notifying players that a restart is imminent

This example recycles the function from the previous example

dayz-all-restart() {
  local timer="${1:-120}" step="${2:-10}"
  dayz-all-rcon \
    '#lock' \
    "say -1 Server locked for new connection, restart after $timer seconds"

  for i in $(seq "$timer" "-$step" 0); do
    sleep "$step"
    ((timer-=step)) || :
    dayz-all-rcon "say -1 Restart server after $timer seconds"

  dayz-all-rcon 'kick -1'
  sleep "$step"
  dayz-all-rcon '#shutdown'

# restart all servers after 120 (default) seconds
# restart all servers after 360 seconds and send messages every 20 seconds
dayz-all-restart 360 20

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