This is the complete list of members for WarmthNotfr, including all inherited members.
AddToCyclicBuffer(float value) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
CalculateTendency(float delta, float inctresholdlow, float inctresholdmed, float inctresholdhigh, float dectresholdlow, float dectresholdmed, float dectresholdhigh) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
DEC_TRESHOLD_HIGH | WarmthNotfr | private |
DEC_TRESHOLD_LOW | WarmthNotfr | private |
DEC_TRESHOLD_MED | WarmthNotfr | private |
DetermineBadgeLevel(float value, float lvl_1, float lvl_2, float lvl_3) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
DetermineLevel(float value, float m_warning_treshold, float m_critical_treshold, float m_empty_treshold, float p_warning_treshold, float p_critical_treshold, float p_empty_treshold) | WarmthNotfr | inlineprotected |
DisplayBadge() | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
DisplayTendency(float delta) | WarmthNotfr | inlineprotected |
GetDeltaAvaraged() | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
GetName() | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
GetNotifierType() | WarmthNotfr | inlineprivate |
GetObservedValue() | WarmthNotfr | inlineprotected |
GetVirtualHud() | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
HideBadge() | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
INC_TRESHOLD_HIGH | WarmthNotfr | private |
INC_TRESHOLD_LOW | WarmthNotfr | private |
INC_TRESHOLD_MED | WarmthNotfr | private |
IsActive() | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
IsTimeToTick(int current_time) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
m_Active | NotifierBase | private |
m_DeltaT | NotifierBase | private |
m_FirstPass | NotifierBase | private |
m_LastMA | NotifierBase | private |
m_LastTendency | NotifierBase | private |
m_Manager | NotifierBase | private |
m_ModulePlayerStatus | NotifierBase | private |
m_Player | NotifierBase | private |
m_ShowTendency | NotifierBase | private |
m_TendencyBuffer | NotifierBase | private |
m_TendencyBufferSize | NotifierBase | private |
m_TendencyBufferWriteIterator | NotifierBase | private |
m_TickInterval | NotifierBase | private |
m_TickIntervalLastTick | NotifierBase | private |
m_Timer1 | NotifierBase | private |
m_Type | NotifierBase | private |
NotifierBase(NotifiersManager manager) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
OnTick(float current_time) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
ReadFromCyclicBuffer(int index) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
SetActive(bool state) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
SmoothOutFloatValues(array< float > values) | NotifierBase | inlineprivate |
TENDENCY_BUFFER_SIZE | NotifierBase | private |
WarmthNotfr(NotifiersManager manager) | WarmthNotfr | inlineprivate |