DayZ 1.24
This is the complete list of members for Entity, including all inherited members.
AddSingleExclusionValueGlobal(EAttExclusions value) | Entity | inlineprotected |
AddTemperature(float value) | Entity | inlineprotected |
AddWet(float value) | Entity | protected |
AdjustExclusionAccessCondition(int occupiedSlot, int testedSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) | Entity | inlineprotected |
AdjustExclusionAccessPropagation(int occupiedSlot, int testedSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) | Entity | inlineprotected |
AfterStoreLoad() | Entity | inlineprotected |
AttemptDestructionBehaviour(int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanAssignAttachmentsToQuickbar() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanAssignToQuickbar() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeActionTarget() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeBackstabbed() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeCombined(EntityAI other_item, bool reservation_check=true, bool stack_max_limit=false) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeFSwaped() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeIgnitedBy(EntityAI igniter=NULL) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBePlaced(Man player, vector position) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBePlacedFailMessage(Man player, vector position) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeSkinnedWith(EntityAI tool) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeSplit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanBeTargetedByAI(EntityAI ai) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanCombineAttachment(notnull EntityAI e, int slot, bool stack_max_limit=false) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDetachAttachment(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDisplayAnyAttachmentSlot() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDisplayAttachmentCategory(string category_name) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDisplayAttachmentSlot(string slot_name) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDisplayAttachmentSlot(int slot_id) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDisplayCargo() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDisplayWeight() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanDropEntity(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanIgniteItem(EntityAI ignite_target=NULL) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanLoadAttachment(EntityAI attachment) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanLoadItemIntoCargo(EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanPutAsAttachment(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanPutInCargo(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanPutIntoHands(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanReceiveAttachment(EntityAI attachment, int slotId) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanReceiveItemIntoCargo(EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanReceiveItemIntoHands(EntityAI item_to_hands) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanReleaseAttachment(EntityAI attachment) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanReleaseCargo(EntityAI cargo) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanReleaseFromHands(EntityAI handheld) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanRemoveFromCargo(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanRemoveFromHands(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanSaveItemInHands(EntityAI item_in_hands) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanSwapEntities(EntityAI otherItem, InventoryLocation otherDestination, InventoryLocation destination) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanSwapItemInCargo(EntityAI child_entity, EntityAI new_entity) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CanSwitchDuringAttach(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ChangeIntoOnAttach(string slot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ChangeIntoOnDetach() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CheckExclusionAccessCondition(int occupiedSlot, int targetSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CheckExclusionAccessPropagation(int occupiedSlot, int targetSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CheckForDestroy() | Entity | inlineprotected |
ClearExclusionValueRecursive(set< int > values, int slotId) | Entity | inlineprivate |
ClearInventory() | Entity | protected |
ClearSingleExclusionValueGlobal(EAttExclusions value) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ClearWeightDirty() | Entity | inlineprotected |
CombineItemsClient(EntityAI entity2, bool use_stack_max=false) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ConvertNonlethalDamage(float damage, DamageType damageType) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ConvertNonlethalDamage(float damage) | Entity | inlineprotected |
CreateAndInitInventory() | Entity | protected |
CreateComponent(int comp_type, string extended_class_name="") | Entity | inlineprivate |
DEAD_REPLACE_DELAY | Entity | private |
DeathUpdate() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DebugBBoxDelete() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DebugBBoxDraw() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DebugBBoxSetColor(int color) | Entity | inlineprotected |
DebugDirectionDelete() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DebugDirectionDraw(float distance=1) | Entity | inlineprotected |
DebugDirectionSetColor(int color) | Entity | inlineprotected |
DeferredInit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
Delete() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DELETE_CHECK_DELAY | Entity | private |
DeleteComponent(int comp_type) | Entity | inlineprivate |
DeleteOnClient() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DeleteSafe() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DeleteSave() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DestroyInventory() | Entity | protected |
DisassembleOnLastDetach() | Entity | inlineprotected |
DoPlacingHeightCheck() | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEAmmoChanged() | Entity | inlineprotected |
EECargoIn(EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EECargoMove(EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EECargoOut(EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEDelete(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEHealthLevelChanged(int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEHitBy(TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEHitByRemote(int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEInit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEInventoryIn(Man newParentMan, EntityAI diz, EntityAI newParent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEInventoryOut(Man oldParentMan, EntityAI diz, EntityAI newParent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEItemAttached(EntityAI item, string slot_name) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEItemDetached(EntityAI item, string slot_name) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEItemLocationChanged(notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc, notnull InventoryLocation newLoc) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEKilled(Object killer) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEOnAfterLoad() | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEOnCECreate() | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEParentedFrom(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EEParentedTo(EntityAI parent) | Entity | inlineprotected |
EnableHeatHaze(bool pState) | Entity | private |
EnableLinear(bool pState) | Entity | private |
EnableSpecular(bool pState) | Entity | private |
EntityAI() | Entity | inlineprotected |
EOnFrame(IEntity other, float timeSlice) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ExecuteActionsConnectedToValve(int pValveIndex) | Entity | protected |
FindAttachmentBySlotName(string slot_name) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAgents() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAmbientAlpha() | Entity | private |
GetAmbientColorV() | Entity | private |
GetArrowManager() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAttachmentByConfigTypeName(string type) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAttachmentByType(typename type) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAttachmentExclusionInitSlotValue(int slotId) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAttachmentExclusionMaskAll(int slotId) | Entity | inlineprivate |
GetAttachmentExclusionMaskChildren() | Entity | inlineprivate |
GetAttachmentExclusionMaskGlobal() | Entity | inlineprivate |
GetAttachmentExclusionMaskSlot(int slotId) | Entity | inlineprivate |
GetAttachmentSoundType() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAttachmentsWithAttachments() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetAttachmentsWithCargo() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetBayonetAttachmentIdx() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetBrightness() | Entity | private |
GetButtstockAttachmentIdx() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetCastShadow() | Entity | private |
GetCompBS() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetCompEM() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetComponent(int comp_type, string extended_class_name="") | Entity | inlineprivate |
GetConfigWeightModified() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetCurrentCamera() | Entity | privatestatic |
GetCurrentFOV() | Entity | privatestatic |
GetDeadItemName() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetDebugActions(out TSelectableActionInfoArrayEx outputList) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetDebugButtonNames(out string button1, out string button2, out string button3, out string button4) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetDebugText() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetDefaultHitComponent() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetDefaultHitPosition() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetDefaultHitPositionComponent() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetDestructionBehaviour() | Entity | inlineprivate |
GetDiffuseAlpha() | Entity | private |
GetDiffuseColorV() | Entity | private |
GetEconomyProfile() | Entity | protected |
GetEntityDamageDisplayNameMap() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetEntityDamageZoneMap() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetFlareRelPosition() | Entity | private |
GetHeatHazePower() | Entity | private |
GetHeatHazeRadius() | Entity | private |
GetHiddenSelectionIndex(string selection) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetHiddenSelections() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetHiddenSelectionsData() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetHiddenSelectionsMaterials() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetHiddenSelectionsTextures() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetHideIconMask() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetHierarchyLevel(int lvl=0) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetHierarchyParent() | Entity | protected |
GetHierarchyRoot() | Entity | protected |
GetHierarchyRootPlayer() | Entity | protected |
GetHitComponentForAI() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetInventory() | Entity | protected |
GetInventoryAndCargoWeight(bool forceRecalc=false) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetInventoryHandAnimation(notnull InventoryLocation loc, out int value) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetInvulnerabilityTypeString() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetLifetime() | Entity | protected |
GetLifetimeMax() | Entity | protected |
GetLightType() | Entity | private |
GetLiquidThroughputCoef() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetMeleeTargetType() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetNearPlane() | Entity | private |
GetObjectMaterial(int index) | Entity | protected |
GetObjectTexture(int index) | Entity | protected |
GetOnAttachmentReleaseLock() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnAttachmentSetLock() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnHitByInvoker() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnItemAddedIntoCargo() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnItemAttached() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnItemDetached() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnItemFlipped() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnItemMovedInCargo() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnItemRemovedFromCargo() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnKilledInvoker() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnReleaseLock() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnSetLock() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetOnViewIndexChanged() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetPairDevice() | Entity | protected |
GetPersistentID(out int b1, out int b2, out int b3, out int b4) | Entity | protected |
GetQuantity() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetQuantityMax() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetQuickBarBonus() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetRadius() | Entity | private |
GetRemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour() | Entity | protected |
GetSingleInventoryItemWeightEx() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetSlotsCountCorrect() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetSoundLength() | Entity | private |
GetSpotLightAngle() | Entity | private |
GetSuitableFinisherHitComponents() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetTargetQuantityMax(int attSlotID=-1) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetTemperature() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetTemperatureInit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetTemperatureMax() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetTemperatureMin() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetTurnableValveIndex(int pComponentIndex) | Entity | protected |
GetUniversalTemperatureSource() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetUniversalTemperatureSourcePosition() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetViewIndex() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWeight() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWeightEx(bool forceRecalc=false) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWeightSpecialized(bool forceRecalc=false) | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWet() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWetInit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWetLevel() | Entity | protected |
GetWetLevelInternal(float wetness) | Entity | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetWetMax() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWetMin() | Entity | inlineprotected |
GetWetWeightModifier() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HasAnyCargo() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HasBayonetAttached() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HasButtstockAttached() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HasComponent(int comp_type) | Entity | inlineprivate |
HasEnergyManager() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HasFlammableMaterial() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HasInternalExclusionConflicts(int targetSlot) | Entity | inlineprivate |
HasTurnableValveBehavior() | Entity | protected |
HasWetness() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HeightCheckOverride() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HeightStartCheckOverride() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HideAllSelections() | Entity | inlineprotected |
HideSelection(string selection_name) | Entity | inlineprotected |
IgnoreOutOfReachCondition() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IncreaseLifetime() | Entity | protected |
IncreaseLifetimeUp() | Entity | inlineprotected |
InitAttachmentExclusionValues() | Entity | inlineprivate |
InitDamageZoneDisplayNameMapping() | Entity | inlineprivate |
InitDamageZoneMapping() | Entity | inlineprivate |
InitGlobalExclusionValues() | Entity | protected |
InitInherentSlotExclusionMap() | Entity | inlineprivate |
InitLegacyConfigExclusionValues() | Entity | inlineprotected |
InitLegacyExclusionCheck() | Entity | inlineprotected |
InitLegacySlotExclusionValuesDerived() | Entity | inlineprotected |
InitLegacySlotExclusionValuesImplicit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
InsertAgent(int agent, float count=1) | Entity | protected |
InterpolateTo(Camera targetCamera, float time, int type) | Entity | privatestatic |
IsActive() | Entity | private |
IsAnimal() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsBasebuildingKit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsBeingPlaced() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsDestructionBehaviour() | Entity | inlineprivate |
IsEmpty() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsEnabled() | Entity | private |
IsEntityAI() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsExclusionFlagPresent(set< int > values) | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsExclusionFlagPresentRecursive(set< int > values, int targetSlot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsFlareVisible() | Entity | private |
IsHeavyBehaviour() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsHologram() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsIgnited() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsIgnoredByConstruction() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsInitialized() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsInventoryVisible() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsLockedInSlot() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsManagingArrows() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsOneHandedBehaviour() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsPilotLight() | Entity | protected |
IsPlayer() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsPreparedToDelete() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsPrepareToDelete() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsRefresherSignalingViable() | Entity | inlineprivate |
IsSetForDeletion() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsSimpleHiddenSelectionVisible(int index) | Entity | protected |
IsSkinned() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsTakeable() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsTargetIgnitionSuccessful(EntityAI item_target) | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsThisIgnitionSuccessful(EntityAI item_source=NULL) | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsTwoHandedBehaviour() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsUniversalTemperatureSource() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsValveTurnable(int pValveIndex) | Entity | protected |
IsVisibleDuringDaylight() | Entity | private |
IsZombie() | Entity | inlineprotected |
IsZombieMilitary() | Entity | inlineprotected |
KeepHealthOnReplace() | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalDropEntity(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityAsAttachment(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityAsAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToCargo(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToCargoEx(notnull EntityAI item, int idx, int row, int col) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToInventory(FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToTargetAttachment(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToTargetCargo(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToTargetCargoEx(notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeEntityToTargetInventory(notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
LocalTakeToDst(notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) | Entity | inlineprotected |
Log(string msg, string fnc_name="n/a") | Entity | inlineprotected |
LogError(string msg, string fnc_name="n/a") | Entity | inlineprotected |
LogWarning(string msg, string fnc_name="n/a") | Entity | inlineprotected |
LookAt(vector targetPos) | Entity | private |
m_AttachmentExclusionMaskChildren | Entity | private |
m_AttachmentExclusionMaskGlobal | Entity | private |
m_AttachmentExclusionSlotMap | Entity | private |
m_AttachmentsWithAttachments | Entity | private |
m_AttachmentsWithCargo | Entity | private |
m_CanDisplayWeight | Entity | protected |
m_ComponentsBank | Entity | private |
m_ConfigWeight | Entity | private |
m_DamageDisplayNameMap | Entity | private |
m_DamageZoneMap | Entity | protected |
m_DeathSyncSent | Entity | private |
m_DestructionBehaviourObj | Entity | private |
m_ElapsedSinceLastUpdate | Entity | protected |
m_EM | Entity | private |
m_HiddenSelectionsData | Entity | private |
m_Initialized | Entity | protected |
m_KilledByHeadshot | Entity | private |
m_KillerData | Entity | private |
m_LastUpdatedTime | Entity | private |
m_OldLocation | Entity | private |
m_OnAttachmentReleaseLock | Entity | protected |
m_OnAttachmentSetLock | Entity | protected |
m_OnHitByInvoker | Entity | protected |
m_OnItemAddedIntoCargo | Entity | protected |
m_OnItemAttached | Entity | protected |
m_OnItemDetached | Entity | protected |
m_OnItemFlipped | Entity | protected |
m_OnItemMovedInCargo | Entity | protected |
m_OnItemRemovedFromCargo | Entity | protected |
m_OnKilledInvoker | Entity | protected |
m_OnReleaseLock | Entity | protected |
m_OnSetLock | Entity | protected |
m_OnViewIndexChanged | Entity | protected |
m_PendingDelete | Entity | protected |
m_PreparedToDelete | Entity | private |
m_RefresherViable | Entity | private |
m_TransportHitRegistered | Entity | protected |
m_TransportHitVelocity | Entity | protected |
m_UniversalTemperatureSource | Entity | protected |
m_ViewIndex | Entity | protected |
m_Weight | Entity | private |
m_WeightDirty | Entity | private |
m_WeightEx | Entity | private |
MaxLifetimeRefreshCalc() | Entity | inlineprivate |
OnAction(int action_id, Man player, ParamsReadContext ctx) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnAttachmentRuined(EntityAI attachment) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnBeforeTryDelete() | Entity | protected |
OnBinLoadItemsDropped() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnCargoChanged() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnCEUpdate() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnDamageDestroyed(int oldLevel) | Entity | protected |
OnDebugButtonPressClient(int button_index) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnDebugButtonPressServer(int button_index) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnDebugSpawn() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnDebugSpawnEx(DebugSpawnParams params) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnEnergyAdded() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnEnergyConsumed() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnExplosionEffects(Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, float energyFactor, float explosionFactor, bool isWater, string ammoType) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnHologramBeingPlaced(Man player) | Entity | protected |
OnIgnitedTarget(EntityAI target_item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnIgnitedTargetFailed(EntityAI target_item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnIgnitedThis(EntityAI fire_source) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnIgnitedThisFailed(EntityAI fire_source) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnInitEnergy() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnInventoryInit() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnIsPlugged(EntityAI source_device) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnIsUnplugged(EntityAI last_energy_source) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnItemAttachmentSlotChanged(notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc, notnull InventoryLocation newLoc) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnItemLocationChanged(EntityAI old_owner, EntityAI new_owner) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnMovedInsideCargo(EntityAI container) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnMovedWithinCargo(EntityAI container) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnOwnSocketReleased(EntityAI device) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnOwnSocketTaken(EntityAI device) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnPlacementCancelled(Man player) | Entity | protected |
OnPlacementComplete(Man player, vector position="0 0 0", vector orientation="0 0 0") | Entity | protected |
OnPlacementStarted(Man player) | Entity | protected |
OnRemovedFromCargo(EntityAI container) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnStoreLoad(ParamsReadContext ctx, int version) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnStoreSave(ParamsWriteContext ctx) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnSwitchOff() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnSwitchOn() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnVariablesSynchronized() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnWasAttached(EntityAI parent, int slot_id) | Entity | protected |
OnWasDetached(EntityAI parent, int slot_id) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnWetChanged(float newVal, float oldVal) | Entity | protected |
OnWetLevelChanged(EWetnessLevel newLevel, EWetnessLevel oldLevel) | Entity | protected |
OnWork(float consumed_energy) | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnWorkStart() | Entity | inlineprotected |
OnWorkStop() | Entity | inlineprotected |
PairRemote(notnull EntityAI trigger) | Entity | protected |
PlacementCanBeRotated() | Entity | inlineprotected |
PlaceOnSurfaceRotated(out vector trans[4], vector pos, float dx=0, float dz=0, float fAngle=0, bool align=false) | Entity | protected |
PredictiveDropEntity(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityAsAttachment(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityAsAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToCargo(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToCargoEx(notnull EntityAI item, int idx, int row, int col) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToInventory(FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetAttachment(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetCargo(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetCargoEx(notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetInventory(notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PredictiveTakeToDst(notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ProcessInvulnerabilityCheck(string servercfg_param) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ProcessMeleeItemDamage(int mode=0) | Entity | inlineprotected |
PropagateExclusionValueRecursive(set< int > values, int slotId) | Entity | inlineprivate |
RegisterNetSyncVariableBool(string variableName) | Entity | protected |
RegisterNetSyncVariableBoolSignal(string variableName) | Entity | protected |
RegisterNetSyncVariableFloat(string variableName, float minValue=0, float maxValue=0, int precision=1) | Entity | protected |
RegisterNetSyncVariableInt(string variableName, int minValue=0, int maxValue=0) | Entity | protected |
RegisterNetSyncVariableObject(string variableName) | Entity | protected |
RegisterTransportHit(Transport transport) | Entity | inlineprotected |
RemoveAgent(int agent_id) | Entity | protected |
RemoveAllAgents() | Entity | protected |
RemoveAllAgentsExcept(int agent_to_keep) | Entity | protected |
ReplaceOnDeath() | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerDropEntity(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityAsAttachment(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityAsAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityToCargo(notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityToInventory(FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityToTargetAttachment(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityToTargetCargo(notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityToTargetCargoEx(notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeEntityToTargetInventory(notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | Entity | inlineprotected |
ServerTakeToDst(notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetActive(bool active) | Entity | private |
SetAITargetCallbacks(AbstractAITargetCallbacks callbacks) | Entity | protected |
SetAmbientAlpha(float pAlpha) | Entity | private |
SetAmbientColor(float pRed, float pGreen, float pBlue) | Entity | private |
SetAmbientColorV(vector pColorVector) | Entity | private |
SetAsSkinned() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetAttachmentExclusionMaskGlobal(set< int > values) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetAttachmentExclusionMaskSlot(int slotId, set< int > values) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetBayonetAttached(bool pState, int slot_idx=-1) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetBrightness(float pValue) | Entity | private |
SetButtstockAttached(bool pState, int slot_idx=-1) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetCastShadow(bool pState) | Entity | private |
SetDiffuseAlpha(float pAlpha) | Entity | private |
SetDiffuseColor(float pRed, float pGreen, float pBlue) | Entity | private |
SetDiffuseColorV(vector pColorVector) | Entity | private |
SetEnabled(bool pState) | Entity | private |
SetFlareRelPosition(vector pPosition) | Entity | private |
SetFlareVisible(bool pState) | Entity | private |
SetFocus(float distance, float blur) | Entity | private |
SetFOV(float fov) | Entity | private |
SetFromProjectile(ProjectileStoppedInfo info) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetHeatHazePower(float pValue) | Entity | private |
SetHeatHazeRadius(float pValue) | Entity | private |
SetInvisibleRecursive(bool invisible, EntityAI parent=null, array< int > attachments=null) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetLifetime(float fLifeTime) | Entity | protected |
SetLifetimeMax(float fLifeTime) | Entity | protected |
SetLightType(int pType) | Entity | private |
SetNearPlane(float nearPlane) | Entity | private |
SetObjectMaterial(int index, string mat_name) | Entity | protected |
SetObjectTexture(int index, string texture_name) | Entity | protected |
SetPersistentPairID(int id) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetPilotLight(bool isOn) | Entity | protected |
SetPrepareToDelete() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetPulseCoef(float pState) | Entity | private |
SetQuantityToMinimum() | Entity | protected |
SetRadius(float pValue) | Entity | private |
SetSimpleHiddenSelectionState(int index, bool state) | Entity | protected |
SetSpotLightAngle(float pValue) | Entity | private |
SetSynchDirty() | Entity | protected |
SetTakeable(bool pState) | Entity | protected |
SetTemperature(float value, bool allow_client=false) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetTemperatureMax() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetUniversalTemperatureSource(UTemperatureSource uts) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetViewIndex(int index) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetVisibleDuringDaylight(bool pState) | Entity | private |
SetWeightDirty() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SetWet(float value, bool allow_client=false) | Entity | protected |
SetWetMax() | Entity | protected |
ShowAllSelections() | Entity | inlineprotected |
ShowSelection(string selection_name) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SoundHardBushFallingPlay() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SoundHardTreeFallingPlay() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SoundSoftBushFallingPlay() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SoundSoftTreeFallingPlay() | Entity | inlineprotected |
SpawnEntityOnGround(string object_name, vector mat[4]) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SpawnEntityOnGroundPos(string object_name, vector pos) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SpawnInInventoryOrGroundPos(string object_name, GameInventory inv, vector pos) | Entity | inlineprotected |
SwitchItemSelectionTexture(EntityAI item, string slot_name) | Entity | protected |
SwitchItemSelectionTextureEx(EItemManipulationContext context, Param par=null) | Entity | protected |
SwitchLight(bool isOn) | Entity | protected |
TranslateSlotFromSelection(string selection_name, out int slot_id) | Entity | inlineprotected |
TryDelete() | Entity | inlineprotected |
UnpairRemote() | Entity | protected |
UpdateNetSyncVariableFloat(string variableName, float minValue=0, float maxValue=0, int precision=1) | Entity | protected |
UpdateNetSyncVariableInt(string variableName, float minValue=0, float maxValue=0) | Entity | protected |
UpdateWeight(WeightUpdateType updateType=WeightUpdateType.FULL, float weightAdjustment=0) | Entity | protected |
~EntityAI() | Entity | inlineprotected |