DayZ 1.24
This is the complete list of members for IEntity, including all inherited members.
AddActiveEffects(array< int > effects) | Managed | inlineprivate |
AddArrow(Object arrow, int componentIndex, vector closeBonePosWS, vector closeBoneRotWS) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
AddChild(notnull IEntity child, int pivot, bool positionOnly=false) | IEntity | protected |
AddHealth(string zoneName, string healthType, float value) | IEntity | private |
AddHealth(float add_health) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
AddHealthLevel(int healthLevelDelta, string zone="") | IEntity | inlineprivate |
AddProxyPhysics(string proxySelectionName) | IEntity | private |
AddSuspendRequest(int request_id) | Managed | inlineprivate |
Animate(float speed, int loop) | IEntity | protected |
AnimateEx(float speed, int loop, out vector lin, out vector ang) | IEntity | protected |
AreEffectsSuspended() | Managed | inlineprivate |
BleedingIndicator(int source_ID, int severity, GameplayEffectsDataBleeding parent) | Managed | inlineprivate |
BLOOD_THRESHOLD_LOW | Managed | private |
CanAffectPathgraph() | IEntity | private |
CanBeActionTarget() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanBeAutoDeleted() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanBeIgnoredByDroppedItem() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanBeRepairedToPristine() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanBeSkinned() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanObstruct() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanProxyObstruct() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanProxyObstructSelf() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanUseConstruction() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanUseConstructionBuild() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CanUseHandConstruction() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
CharacterLoad(int character_id, vector char_pos, vector char_rot) | Managed | inlineprivate |
CharacterUnload() | Managed | inlineprivate |
CheckBlood() | Managed | inlineprivate |
CheckHealth() | Managed | inlineprivate |
CheckValues() | Managed | inlineprivate |
Cleanup() | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
ClearEventMask(EntityEvent e) | IEntity | protected |
ClearFlags(EntityFlags flags, bool recursively) | IEntity | protected |
ClearSuspendRequests() | Managed | inlineprivate |
ClippingInfo(out vector minMax[2]) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetBool(string entryName) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
ConfigGetFloat(string entryName) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetFloatArray(string entryName, out TFloatArray values) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetInt(string entryName) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetIntArray(string entryName, out TIntArray values) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetString(string entryName) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetStringRaw(string entryName) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetTextArray(string entryName, out TStringArray values) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetTextArrayRaw(string entryName, out TStringArray values) | IEntity | private |
ConfigGetVector(string entryName) | IEntity | private |
ConfigIsExisting(string entryName) | IEntity | private |
CoordToLocal(vector coord) | IEntity | protected |
CoordToParent(vector coord) | IEntity | protected |
CreateDefaultCharacter() | Managed | inlineprivate |
CreateDynamicPhysics(int interactionLayers) | IEntity | private |
CreateNewCharacter() | Managed | inlineprivate |
CreateNewCharacterById(int character_id) | Managed | inlineprivate |
CreateNewCharacterByName(string character_name, bool randomize_equip=true) | Managed | inlineprivate |
CreateNewCharacterRandom() | Managed | inlineprivate |
DataInitialized() | Managed | inlineprivate |
DecreaseHealth(string zoneName, string healthType, float value) | IEntity | private |
DecreaseHealth(string zoneName, string healthType, float value, bool auto_delete) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
DecreaseHealth(float dec_health, bool auto_delete=true) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
DecreaseHealthCoef(float dec_health_coef, bool auto_delete=true) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
Delete() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
DescriptionOverride(out string output) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
DisableVicinityIcon() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
DisplayNameRuinAttach() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
EEOnDamageCalculated(TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
EnableDynamicCCD(bool state) | IEntity | private |
EOnAnimEvent(IEntity other, AnimEvent extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnContact(IEntity other, Contact extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy020(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy021(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy022(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy023(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy024(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy025(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy026(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy027(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy028(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy029(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy030(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnDummy031(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnEnter(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnExtra(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnFrame(IEntity other, float timeSlice) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnInit(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnJointBreak(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnLeave(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnNotVisible(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnPhysicsMove(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnPostFrame(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnPostSimulate(IEntity other, float timeSlice) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnSimulate(IEntity other, float dt) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnSoundEvent(IEntity other, SoundEvent extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnTouch(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnUser0(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnUser1(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnUser4(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnVisible(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
EOnWorldProcess(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | inlineprotected |
Explode(int damageType, string ammoType="") | IEntity | inlineprivate |
FilterNextTrace() | IEntity | protected |
ForceStop() | Managed | private |
GameplayEffectsData(array< ref Widget > input, int type, int user_override=-1) | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetActionComponentCenter(int level, int componentIndex) | IEntity | private |
GetActionComponentCenterOOB(int level, int componentIndex) | IEntity | private |
GetActionComponentMinMax(int level, int componentIndex, out vector min, out vector max) | IEntity | private |
GetActionComponentName(int componentIndex, string geometry="") | IEntity | private |
GetActionComponentNameList(int componentIndex, TStringArray nameList, string geometry="") | IEntity | private |
GetActionComponentPosition(int componentIndex, string geometry="") | IEntity | private |
GetActionComponentsForSelectionName(int level, string selectionName, TIntArray componentIndices) | IEntity | private |
GetActions(typename action_input_type, out array< ActionBase_Basic > actions) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetAllowDamage() | IEntity | private |
GetAngles() | IEntity | protected |
GetBlood() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetBonePivot(int level, int component) | IEntity | private |
GetBonePivotsForAnimationSource(int level, string animationSource, out TIntArray pivots) | IEntity | private |
GetBonePositionLS(int pivot) | IEntity | private |
GetBonePositionMS(int pivot) | IEntity | private |
GetBonePositionWS(int pivot) | IEntity | private |
GetBoneRotationLS(int pivot, out float quaternion[4]) | IEntity | private |
GetBoneRotationMS(int pivot, out float quaternion[4]) | IEntity | private |
GetBoneRotationWS(int pivot, out float quaternion[4]) | IEntity | private |
GetBoneTransformLS(int pivot, out vector transform[4]) | IEntity | private |
GetBoneTransformMS(int pivot, out vector transform[4]) | IEntity | private |
GetBoneTransformWS(int pivot, out vector transform[4]) | IEntity | private |
GetBoundingCenter() | IEntity | private |
GetBounds(out vector mins, out vector maxs) | IEntity | protected |
GetCanBeDestroyed() | IEntity | private |
GetCenter() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetCharacterGender() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharacterID() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharacterName() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharacterNameById(int char_id) | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharacterObj() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharGenderList() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharList(ECharGender gender) | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharPantsList() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharShirtsList() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetCharShoesList() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetChildren() | IEntity | protected |
GetCollisionBox(out vector minMax[2]) | IEntity | private |
GetCollisionRadius() | IEntity | private |
GetDamage() | IEntity | private |
GetDamageZoneNameByComponentIndex(int componentIndex) | IEntity | private |
GetDamageZonePos(string zoneName) | IEntity | private |
GetDamageZones(out TStringArray dmgZones) | IEntity | private |
GetDebugName() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetDebugName(Object o) | IEntity | inlineprivatestatic |
GetDebugNameNative() | IEntity | private |
GetDirection() | IEntity | private |
GetDirectionAside() | IEntity | private |
GetDirectionUp() | IEntity | private |
GetDisplayName() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetEndNow() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetEventMask() | IEntity | protected |
GetFireGeometryLevel() | IEntity | private |
GetFlags() | IEntity | protected |
GetGeometryLevel() | IEntity | private |
GetGlobalPos(vector vPos) | IEntity | private |
GetHealth(string zoneName, string healthType) | IEntity | private |
GetHealth() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetHealth01(string zoneName, string healthType) | IEntity | private |
GetHealth01() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetHealthLevel(string zone="") | IEntity | private |
GetHealthLevelValue(int healthLevel, string zone="") | IEntity | private |
GetHiddenSelections() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetHiddenSelectionsMaterials() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetHiddenSelectionsTextures() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetHierarchyPivot() | IEntity | protected |
GetID() | IEntity | protected |
GetLastPlayedServer(int characterID, out string address, out string name, out int port) | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetLocalAngles() | IEntity | protected |
GetLocalPos(vector vPos) | IEntity | private |
GetLocalPosition() | IEntity | protected |
GetLocalTransform(out vector mat[]) | IEntity | protected |
GetLocalYawPitchRoll() | IEntity | protected |
GetLODByName(string name) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetLODName(LOD lod) | IEntity | private |
GetLODS(notnull out array< LOD > lods) | IEntity | private |
GetMaxHealth(string zoneName, string healthType) | IEntity | private |
GetMaxHealth() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetMemoryLevel() | IEntity | private |
GetMemoryPointIndex(string memoryPointName) | IEntity | private |
GetMemoryPointPos(string memoryPointName) | IEntity | private |
GetMemoryPointPosByIndex(int pointIndex) | IEntity | private |
GetModelName() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetModelSpeed() | IEntity | private |
GetName() | IEntity | protected |
GetNetworkID(out int lowBits, out int highBits) | IEntity | private |
GetNetworkIDString() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetNextCharacterID() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetNumberOfHealthLevels(string zone="") | IEntity | private |
GetOrientation() | IEntity | private |
GetOrigin() | IEntity | protected |
GetParent() | IEntity | protected |
GetPosition() | IEntity | private |
GetPrevCharacterID() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetRenderTransform(out vector mat[]) | IEntity | protected |
GetRequester(typename type) | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
GetRequester(int index) | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
GetRequesterID(typename type) | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
GetRequesterTypename(int index) | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
GetScale() | IEntity | protected |
GetSelectionList(out TStringArray selectionList) | IEntity | private |
GetSelectionPositionLS(string name) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetSelectionPositionMS(string name) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetSelectionPositionOld(string name) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetSelectionPositionWS(string name) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetSeverity() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetShapeName() | IEntity | private |
GetSibling() | IEntity | protected |
GetSpeed() | IEntity | private |
GetSurfaceNoise() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetSurfaceType() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetSuspendRequestCount() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetTightlyPackedCorners(ETransformationAxis axis, out vector corners[4]) | IEntity | private |
GetTransform(out vector mat[]) | IEntity | protected |
GetTransformAxis(int axis) | IEntity | protected |
GetType() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetViewGeometryLevel() | IEntity | private |
GetVObject() | IEntity | protected |
GetWaterSourceObjectType() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
GetWidgetSet() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetWidgetSetID() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetWidgetSetType() | Managed | inlineprivate |
GetWorldBounds(out vector mins, out vector maxs) | IEntity | protected |
GetWorldPosition() | IEntity | private |
GetYawPitchRoll() | IEntity | protected |
HasAnimation(string anim_name) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
HasDamageSystem() | IEntity | private |
HasDefinedHandle() | Managed | inlineprivate |
HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
HasNetworkID() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
HasProxyParts() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
HasSelection(string selection) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IncreaseMaskUpdateCount() | Managed | inlineprivate |
Init() | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
Init() | Managed | inlineprivate |
Init(array< ref Widget > input, int type, Widget layout_root, int user_override=-1) | Managed | inlineprivate |
InitIndicator(vector position) | Managed | inlineprivate |
IntroSceneCharacter() | Managed | inlineprivate |
INVALID | Managed | privatestatic |
IsActionComponentPartOfSelection(int componentIndex, string selectionName, string geometry="") | IEntity | private |
IsAlive() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsAmmoPile() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsAnyEffectRunning() | Managed | inlineprivate |
IsAnyInherited(array< typename > typenames) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsBeingBackstabbed() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsBuilding() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsBush() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsCharacterFemale() | Managed | inlineprivate |
IsClothing() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsContainer() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsCorpse() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsCuttable() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsDamageDestroyed() | IEntity | private |
IsDayZCreature() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsDefaultCharacter() | Managed | inlineprivate |
IsElectricAppliance() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsEntityAI() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsFireplace() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsFlagSet(EntityFlags flags) | IEntity | protected |
IsFood() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsFruit() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsFuelStation() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsHealthVisible() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsHierarchyPositionOnly() | IEntity | protected |
IsHologram() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsInventoryItem() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsItemBase() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsItemTent() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsKindOf(string type) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsMagazine() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsMan() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsMeat() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsMeleeWeapon() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsMushroom() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsParticle() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsPeltBase() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsPendingDeletion() | IEntity | private |
IsPlainObject() | IEntity | private |
IsRock() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsRuined() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsRunningDrops() | Managed | inlineprivate |
IsScenery() | IEntity | private |
IsScriptedLight() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsStaticTransmitter() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsTransmitter() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsTransport() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsTree() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsWeapon() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsWell() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
IsWoodBase() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
KindOf(string tag) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
LoadCharacterData(vector char_pos, vector char_rot, bool default_char=false) | Managed | inlineprivate |
m_ActiveDrops | Managed | private |
m_ActiveDropsCount | Managed | private |
m_AnimType | Managed | private |
m_AverageFrequency | Managed | private |
m_BasePosition | Managed | private |
m_BloodClient | Managed | private |
m_BloodMaxValue | Managed | private |
m_CharacterDta | Managed | private |
m_CharacterId | Managed | private |
m_CharacterObj | Managed | private |
m_CharacterPos | Managed | private |
m_CharacterRot | Managed | private |
m_Characters | Managed | private |
m_CharacterType | Managed | private |
m_CharGender | Managed | private |
m_CharGenderList | Managed | private |
m_CharPantsList | Managed | private |
m_CharShirtList | Managed | private |
m_CharShoesList | Managed | private |
m_CleanupQueue | Managed | private |
m_CurrentDropProbabilityStep | Managed | private |
m_DropProbabilityArray | Managed | private |
m_DropProbabilityRollsCount | Managed | private |
m_DropSpawnMaxDelay | Managed | private |
m_DropSpawnMinDelay | Managed | private |
m_DropSpawnsQueued | Managed | private |
m_EndNow | Managed | private |
m_Fullbody | Managed | private |
m_HasSource | Managed | private |
m_HealthClient | Managed | private |
m_HealthDamage | Managed | private |
m_HealthMaxValue | Managed | private |
m_HitDir | Managed | private |
m_Initialized | Managed | privatestatic |
m_Initialized | Managed | private |
m_InitialSyncSent | Managed | private |
m_Instances | Managed | privatestatic |
m_IsRunning | Managed | private |
m_LastBloodUpdate | Managed | private |
m_LastDropSpawnTime | Managed | private |
m_LastHealthUpdate | Managed | private |
m_lastID | Managed | privatestatic |
m_LayoutRoot | Managed | private |
m_MaskWidgetUpdateCount | Managed | private |
m_ParentMetaData | Managed | private |
m_Player | Managed | private |
m_Registrations | Managed | privatestatic |
m_SequenceDuration | Managed | private |
m_SequenceTick | Managed | private |
m_Severity | Managed | private |
m_SourceID | Managed | private |
m_Terminating | Managed | private |
m_TimeElapsedSequence | Managed | private |
m_TimeElapsedTotal | Managed | private |
m_TimeSinceLastTick | Managed | private |
m_Type | Managed | private |
m_WidgetArray | Managed | private |
m_WidgetSetIdentifier | Managed | private |
MemoryPointExists(string memoryPoint) | IEntity | private |
ModelToWorld(vector modelPos) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
NameOverride(out string output) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
Object() | IEntity | private |
OnEnterTrigger(ScriptedEntity trigger) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
OnExplodeClient() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
OnExplosionEffects(Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, float energyFactor, float explosionFactor, bool isWater, string ammoType) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
OnLeaveTrigger(ScriptedEntity trigger) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
OnPlayerRecievedHit() | IEntity | private |
OnReceivedHit(ImpactEffectsData hitData) | IEntity | private |
OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) | IEntity | private |
Managed::OnRPC(ParamsReadContext ctx) | Managed | inlineprivate |
OnScheduledTick(float deltatime) | Managed | inlineprivate |
OnSimulationDisabled() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
OnSimulationEnabled() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
OnTreeCutDown(EntityAI cutting_entity) | IEntity | private |
OnVoiceEvent(float breathing_resistance01) | Managed | inlineprivate |
PlaceOnSurface() | IEntity | private |
PlaySound(string sound_name, float range, bool create_local=true) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
PlaySoundLoop(string sound_name, float range, bool create_local=true) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
PlaySoundSet(out EffectSound sound, string sound_set, float fade_in, float fade_out, bool loop=false) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPoint(out EffectSound sound, string soundSet, string memoryPoint, bool looped=false, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPointLooped(out EffectSound sound, string soundSet, string memoryPoint, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPointLoopedSafe(out EffectSound sound, string soundSet, string memoryPoint, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
PlaySoundSetLoop(out EffectSound sound, string sound_set, float fade_in, float fade_out) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
PostAreaDamageActions() | IEntity | private |
PreAreaDamageActions() | IEntity | private |
ProcessDirectDamage(int damageType, EntityAI source, string componentName, string ammoName, vector modelPos, float damageCoef=1.0, int flags=0) | IEntity | private |
ProcessMeleeItemDamage(int mode=0) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
ReceiveValue(int value_type, float value) | Managed | inlineprivate |
RegisterData(Param p) | Managed | inlineprivate |
RegisterGameplayEffectData(int id, Param p) | Managed | inlineprivate |
RegisterRequester(typename type) | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
Release() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
RemoveActiveEffects(array< int > effects) | Managed | inlineprivate |
RemoveChild(notnull IEntity child, bool keepTransform=false) | IEntity | protected |
RemoveProxyPhysics(string proxySelectionName) | IEntity | private |
RemoveSuspendRequest(int request_id) | Managed | inlineprivate |
REQ_BLOODLOSS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_BURLAPSACK | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_CAMERAADS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_CAMERANV | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_CONTAMINATEDAREA | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_CONTROLLERBLUR | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_CONTROLLERDISCONNECT | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_DEATHEFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_DROWNING | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_FEVEREFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_FLASHBANGEFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESAVIATOR | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESDESIGNER | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESSPORTBLACK | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESSPORTBLUE | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESSPORTGREEN | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESSPORTORANGE | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESTACTICAL | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_GLASSESWELDING | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_HEALTHHITEFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_INTROCHROMABB | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_INVENTORYBLUR | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_MENUEFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_MOTOHELMETBLACK | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_PAINBLUR | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_SERVERBROWSEREFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_SHOCKHITEFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_SPOOKYAREA | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_TUNELVISSION | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_TUTORIALEFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_UNCONEFFECTS | Managed | privatestatic |
REQ_UNDERGROUND | Managed | privatestatic |
ResetIndicator() | Managed | inlineprivate |
ResetMaskUpdateCount() | Managed | inlineprivate |
ResetSequence() | Managed | inlineprivate |
RPC(int rpc_type, array< ref Param > params, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=NULL) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
RPCSingleParam(int rpc_type, Param param, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=NULL) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SaveCharName(string name) | Managed | inlineprivate |
SaveDefaultCharacter() | Managed | inlineprivate |
SendEvent(notnull IEntity actor, EntityEvent e, void extra) | IEntity | protected |
SendInitValues() | Managed | inlineprivate |
SendValue(int value_type, float value) | Managed | inlineprivate |
SENSITIVTY_PERCENTAGE | Managed | private |
SetAffectPathgraph(bool fromConfig, bool affect) | IEntity | private |
SetAllowDamage(bool val) | IEntity | private |
SetAngles(vector angles) | IEntity | protected |
SetAttachment(string type, int slot) | Managed | inlineprivate |
SetBeingBackstabbed(int backstabType) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SetBreathIntensityStamina(float stamina_cap, float stamina_current) | Managed | inlineprivate |
SetCameraMask(int mask) | IEntity | protected |
SetCanBeDestroyed(bool val) | IEntity | private |
SetCharacterGender(ECharGender gender) | Managed | inlineprivate |
SetCharacterID(int char_id) | Managed | inlineprivate |
SetDestructTime(float time) | IEntity | private |
SetDirection(vector vPos) | IEntity | private |
SetDynamicPhysicsLifeTime(float lifeTime) | IEntity | private |
SetEventMask(EntityEvent e) | IEntity | protected |
SetFlags(EntityFlags flags, bool recursively) | IEntity | protected |
SetFullHealth() | IEntity | private |
SetGlobalHealth(float health) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SetHealth(string zoneName, string healthType, float value) | IEntity | private |
SetHealth(float health) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SetHealth01(string zoneName, string healthType, float coef) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SetHealthLevel(int healthLevel, string zone="") | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SetHealthMax(string zoneName="", string healthType="") | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SetID(int id) | IEntity | protected |
SetName(string name) | IEntity | protected |
SetObject(vobject object, string options) | IEntity | protected |
SetOrientation(vector vOrientation) | IEntity | private |
SetOrigin(vector orig) | IEntity | protected |
SetPosition(vector vPos) | IEntity | private |
SetScale(float scale) | IEntity | protected |
SetToDefaultCharacter() | Managed | inlineprivate |
SetTransform(vector mat[4]) | IEntity | protected |
SetupPlayerName(bool new_name) | Managed | inlineprivate |
SetYawPitchRoll(vector angles) | IEntity | protected |
ShootsExplosiveAmmo() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
ShowDebugValues(bool show) | Managed | inlineprivate |
ShowZonesHealth() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SpawnDamageDealtEffect() | IEntity | private |
StartRunningDrops() | Managed | inlineprivate |
StopAllEffects() | Managed | inlineprivate |
StopIndicator(bool instant=false) | Managed | inlineprivate |
StopSoundSet(out EffectSound sound) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
SynchExplosion() | IEntity | inlineprivate |
ToDelete() | IEntity | private |
TransferValues(PlayerBase player) | Managed | inlineprivate |
TrySpawnNextDrop() | Managed | inlineprivate |
TYPE_BLOOD | Managed | private |
TYPE_HEALTH | Managed | private |
Update() | IEntity | protected |
Managed::Update(float timeSlice) | Managed | inlineprivate |
Managed::Update(float timeSlice=0, Param p=null, int handle=-1) | Managed | inlineprivate |
UpdateVisibility(bool state) | Managed | inlineprivate |
UpdateWidgets(int type=-1, float timeSlice=0, Param p=null, int handle=-1) | Managed | inlineprivate |
VALUE_CHECK_INTERVAL | Managed | private |
VectorToLocal(vector vec) | IEntity | protected |
VectorToParent(vector vec) | IEntity | protected |
VerifyRequester(PPERequesterBase req) | Managed | inlineprivatestatic |
WorldToModel(vector worldPos) | IEntity | inlineprivate |
~IntroSceneCharacter() | Managed | inlineprivate |
~Object() | IEntity | private |