DayZ 1.24
This is the complete list of members for WeaponInventory, including all inherited members.
AddEntityToInventory(notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
AddInventoryReservation(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
AddInventoryReservationEx(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
AttachmentCount() | GameInventory | private |
c_InventoryReservationTimeoutMS | GameInventory | private |
c_InventoryReservationTimeoutShortMS | GameInventory | private |
c_MaxItemDistanceRadius | GameInventory | private |
CanAddAttachment(notnull EntityAI e) | GameInventory | private |
CanAddAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI e, int slot) | GameInventory | private |
CanAddEntityInCargo(notnull EntityAI e, bool flip) | GameInventory | private |
CanAddEntityInCargoEx(notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip) | GameInventory | private |
CanAddEntityInCargoExLoc(InventoryLocation loc) | GameInventory | private |
CanAddEntityInto(notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags=FindInventoryLocationType.ANY) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
CanAddEntityIntoHands(notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
CanAddEntityIntoInventory(notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
CanAddEntityToInventory(notnull EntityAI item, int flag=FindInventoryLocationType.ANY) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
CanAddSwappedEntity(notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2) | GameInventory | private |
CanForceSwapEntities(notnull EntityAI item1, InventoryLocation item1_dst, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation item2_dst) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
CanForceSwapEntitiesEx(notnull EntityAI item1, InventoryLocation item1_dst, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation item2_dst) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
CanLockInventoryWithKey(notnull EntityAI key) | GameInventory | private |
CanRemoveAttachment(EntityAI attachment) | GameInventory | private |
CanRemoveAttachmentEx(EntityAI attachment, int slot) | GameInventory | private |
CanRemoveEntity() | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
CanRemoveEntityInCargo(notnull EntityAI e) | GameInventory | private |
CanRemoveEntityInCargoEx(notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col) | GameInventory | private |
CanSwapEntities(notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
CanSwapEntitiesEx(notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
CanUnlockInventoryWithKey(notnull EntityAI key) | GameInventory | private |
CheckDropRequest(notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, float radius) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
CheckManipulatedObjectsDistances(notnull EntityAI e0, notnull EntityAI e1, float radius) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
CheckMoveToDstRequest(notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst, float radius) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
CheckRequestSrc(notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, float radius) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
CheckSwapItemsRequest(notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2, float radius) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
CheckTakeItemRequest(notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst, float radius) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
ClearInventoryReservation(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
ClearInventoryReservationEx(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
CountInventory() | GameInventory | private |
CreateAttachment(string typeName) | GameInventory | private |
CreateAttachmentEx(string typeName, int slotId) | GameInventory | private |
CreateEntityInCargo(string typeName) | GameInventory | private |
CreateEntityInCargoEx(string typeName, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip) | GameInventory | private |
CreateInInventory(string type) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
DropEntity(InventoryMode mode, EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
DropEntityInBounds(InventoryMode mode, EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, vector halfExtents, float angle, float cosAngle, float sinAngle) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
DropEntityWithTransform(InventoryMode mode, EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, vector transform[4]) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
EEDelete(EntityAI parent) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
EEInit() | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
EnumerateInventory(InventoryTraversalType tt, out array< EntityAI > items) | GameInventory | private |
ExtendInventoryReservation(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
ExtendInventoryReservationEx(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
FindAttachment(int slot) | GameInventory | private |
FindAttachmentByName(string slotName) | GameInventory | private |
FindFirstFreeLocationForNewEntity(string item_type, FindInventoryLocationType flags, out notnull InventoryLocation loc) | GameInventory | private |
FindFreeLocationFor(notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags, out notnull InventoryLocation loc) | GameInventory | private |
FindFreeLocationForEx(notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull InventoryLocation exclude, out notnull InventoryLocation loc) | GameInventory | private |
FindFreeLocationsFor(notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags, out notnull array< ref InventoryLocation > locs) | GameInventory | private |
FindPlaceholderForSlot(int slot) | GameInventory | private |
FlipCargo() | GameInventory | private |
ForceSwapEntities(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, notnull InventoryLocation item2_dst) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
GetAnyInventoryReservationCount() | GameInventory | private |
GetAttachmentFromIndex(int index) | GameInventory | private |
GetAttachmentSlotId(int index) | GameInventory | private |
GetAttachmentSlotsCount() | GameInventory | private |
GetCargo() | GameInventory | private |
GetCargoFromIndex(int index) | GameInventory | private |
GetCurrentAttachmentSlotInfo(out int slot_id, out string slot_name) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
GetCurrentInventoryLocation(out notnull InventoryLocation loc) | GameInventory | private |
GetFlipCargo() | GameInventory | private |
GetInventoryCheckContext() | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
GetInventoryOwner() | GameInventory | private |
GetInventoryReservationCount(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
GetScriptLockCount() | GameInventory | private |
GetSlotId(int index) | GameInventory | private |
GetSlotIdCount() | GameInventory | private |
GetSlotLock(int slot) | GameInventory | private |
HasAttachment(notnull EntityAI e) | GameInventory | private |
HasAttachmentEx(notnull EntityAI e, int slot) | GameInventory | private |
HasAttachmentSlot(int slotId) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
HasEntityInCargo(notnull EntityAI e) | GameInventory | private |
HasEntityInCargoEx(notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col) | GameInventory | private |
HasEntityInInventory(notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | private |
HasInventoryReservation(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
HasInventoryReservationCanAdd(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
HasInventoryReservationEx(EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, FindInventoryReservationMode itemMode, FindInventoryReservationMode parentMode) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
HasInventorySlot(int slotId) | GameInventory | private |
HasKeys() | GameInventory | private |
Init() | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
IsAttachment() | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
IsCargoInHiearchy() | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
IsInCargo() | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
IsInventoryLocked() | GameInventory | private |
IsInventoryLockedForLockType(int lockType) | GameInventory | private |
IsInventoryUnlocked() | GameInventory | private |
IsPlaceholderEntity(notnull Object e) | GameInventory | private |
LocalDestroyEntity(notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
LocationAddEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationCanAddEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationCanAddEntityEx(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
LocationCanMoveEntity(notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationCanMoveEntitySyncCheck(notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
LocationCanRemoveEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationCreateEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc, string type, int iSetupFlags, int iRotation) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationCreateLocalEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc, string type, int iSetupFlags, int iRotation) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationGetEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationMoveEntity(notnull InventoryLocation src_loc, notnull InventoryLocation dst_loc) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationRemoveEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationSwap(notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationSyncMoveEntity(notnull InventoryLocation src_loc, notnull InventoryLocation dst_loc) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LocationTestAddEntity(notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc, bool do_resevation_check, bool do_item_check, bool do_lock_check, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check, bool do_script_load_check) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
LockInventory(int lockType) | GameInventory | private |
LockInventoryWithKey(notnull EntityAI key) | GameInventory | private |
m_inventory_check_context | GameInventory | privatestatic |
MakeDstForSwap(notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, out InventoryLocation dst1, out InventoryLocation dst2) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
MakeSrcAndDstForForceSwap(notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation src1, out InventoryLocation src2, out InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
MakeSrcAndDstForSwap(notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation src1, out InventoryLocation src2, out InventoryLocation dst1, out InventoryLocation dst2) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
OnAfterStoreLoad() | GameInventory | private |
OnInputUserDataProcess(ParamsReadContext ctx) | GameInventory | private |
OnInventoryFailure(InventoryCommandType type, InventoryValidationReason reason, InventoryLocation src, InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | private |
OnInventoryJunctureFailureFromServer(ParamsReadContext ctx) | GameInventory | private |
OnInventoryJunctureFromServer(ParamsReadContext ctx) | GameInventory | private |
OnInventoryJunctureRepairFromServer(ParamsReadContext ctx) | GameInventory | private |
OnServerInventoryCommand(ParamsReadContext ctx) | GameInventory | private |
OnServerInventoryCommandStatic(ParamsReadContext ctx) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
OnStoreLoad(ParamsReadContext ctx, int version) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
OnStoreSave(ParamsWriteContext ctx) | GameInventory | private |
PrepareDropEntityPos(EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out vector mat[4], bool useValuesInMatrix=false, int conflictCheckDepth=-1) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
ReplaceItemWithNew(InventoryMode mode, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
ResetFlipCargo() | GameInventory | private |
ServerHandEvent(notnull Man player, notnull EntityAI item, ParamsWriteContext ctx) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
ServerLocationMoveEntity(notnull EntityAI item, ParamsWriteContext ctx) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
ServerLocationSwap(notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2, ParamsWriteContext ctx) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
ServerLocationSyncMoveEntity(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, ParamsWriteContext ctx) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
SetFlipCargo(bool flip) | GameInventory | private |
SetGroundPosByOwner(EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out InventoryLocation ground) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
SetGroundPosByOwnerBounds(EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out InventoryLocation ground, vector halfExtents, float angle, float cosAngle, float sinAngle) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
SetGroundPosByTransform(EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out InventoryLocation ground, vector transform[4]) | GameInventory | inlineprivatestatic |
SetSlotLock(int slot, bool locked) | GameInventory | private |
SwapEntities(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityAsAttachment(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityAsAttachmentEx(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityAsTargetAttachment(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityAsTargetAttachmentEx(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityToCargo(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityToCargoEx(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item, int idx, int row, int col) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityToInventory(InventoryMode mode, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityToTargetCargo(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityToTargetCargoEx(InventoryMode mode, notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeEntityToTargetInventory(InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TakeToDst(InventoryMode mode, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) | GameInventory | inlineprivate |
TestAddEntityInCargoEx(notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip, bool do_resevation_check, bool do_item_check, bool do_lock_check, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check, bool do_script_load_check) | GameInventory | private |
TestAddEntityInCargoExLoc(notnull InventoryLocation loc, bool do_resevation_check, bool do_item_check, bool do_lock_check, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check, bool do_script_load_check) | GameInventory | private |
TestDropEntityPos(EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out vector mat[4], bool useValuesInMatrix=false, int conflictCheckDepth=-1) | GameInventory | privatestatic |
UnlockInventory(int lockType) | GameInventory | private |
UnlockInventoryWithKey(notnull EntityAI key) | GameInventory | private |