DayZ 1.24
This is the complete list of members for SEffectManager, including all inherited members.
Cleanup() | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
CreateSound(string sound_set, vector position, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0, bool loop=false, bool enviroment=false) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
DestroyEffect(Effect effect) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
DestroySound(EffectSound sound_effect) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
EffectRegister(Effect effect) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
EffectUnregister(int id) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
EffectUnregisterEx(Effect effect) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
Event_OnFrameUpdate | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
Event_OnFrameUpdate(float time_delta) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
Event_OnSoundWaveEnded(EffectSound effect_sound) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetCachedSoundParam(string soundset) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetEffectByID(int effect_id) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetFreeEffectID() | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
Init() | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
INVALID_ID | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
IsEffectExist(int effect_id) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
m_EffectsMap | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
m_FreeEffectIDs | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
m_HighestFreeEffectID | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
m_IsCleanup | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
m_IsInitialized | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
m_ParamsMap | SEffectManager | protectedstatic |
PlayInWorld(notnull Effect eff, vector pos) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
PlayOnObject(notnull Effect eff, Object obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_rotation_relative_to_world=false) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
PlaySound(string sound_set, vector position, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0, bool loop=false) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
PlaySoundCachedParams(string sound_set, vector position, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0, bool loop=false) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
PlaySoundEnviroment(string sound_set, vector position, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0, bool loop=false) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
PlaySoundOnObject(string sound_set, Object parent_object, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0, bool loop=false) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
PlaySoundParams(notnull SoundParams params, vector position, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0, bool loop=false) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |
Stop(int effect_id) | SEffectManager | inlineprotectedstatic |