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Backup a Kubernetes cluster as a yaml manifest.


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With this utility you can save your cluster resources as nice yaml manifests without unnecessary metadata.

Key features:


Quick Start Guides

Container Images


Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

Commands and flags

./kube-dump [command] [[flags]]

Available Commands:
  all, dump                     Dump all kubernetes resources
  ns,  dump-namespaces          Dump namespaced kubernetes resources
  cls, dump-cluster             Dump cluster wide kubernetes resources

The command can also be passed through the environment variable MODE.
All flags presented below have a similar variable in uppercase, with underscores
For example:
  --destination-dir == DESTINATION_DIR 

  -h, --help                  This help
  -s, --silent                Execute silently, suppress all stdout messages
  -d, --destination-dir       Path to dir for store dumps, default ./data
  -f, --force-remove          Delete resources in data directory before launch
      --detailed              Do not remove detailed state specific fields
      --output-by-type        Organize output into directories by resource type
      --flat                  Organize all resources of the same type in the
                              same file

Kubernetes flags:
  -n, --namespaces            List of kubernetes namespaces
  -r, --namespaced-resources  List of namespaced resources
  -k, --cluster-resources     List of cluster resources
      --kube-config           Path to kubeconfig file
      --kube-context          The name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kube-cluster          The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
      --kube-insecure-tls     Skip check server's certificate for validity

Git commit flags:
  -c, --git-commit            Commit changes
  -p, --git-push              Commit changes and push to origin
  -b, --git-branch            Branch name
      --git-commit-user       Commit author username
      --git-commit-email      Commit author email
      --git-remote-name       Remote repo name, defualt is origin
      --git-remote-url        Remote repo URL

Archivate flags:
  -a, --archivate             Create archive of data dir
      --archive-rotate-days   Rotate archives older than N days
      --archive-type          Archive type xz, gz or bz2, default is tar

Example of use:
  $cmd dump-namespaces -n default,dev -d /mnt/dump -spa --archive-type gz

Environment variables

All environment variables are described in the .env file, you can use them both for the container launch configuration and directly from the .env file, it is read automatically at startup.

Resources default’s

All resources automatically discovered from the API if not pass as argument.

Plans for further development