DayZ 1.24
No Matches
Local data saving to files


const int CFG_ARRAY_ITEMS_MAX = 64
const string CFG_FILE_FIXED_PROFILE = "Scripts/profile_fixed.cfg"
const string CFG_FILE_USER_PROFILE = "$profile:profile.cfg"
const string CFG_FILE_DEBUG_PROFILE = "debugProfile.cfg"
const string CFG_FILE_EMOTES_PROFILE = "$profile:emotesProfile.cfg"
const string CFG_FILE_SEARCH_HISTORY = "$profile:search_history.history"
const string CFG_FILE_ENS_HISTORY = "script_enscript.history"
const string CFG_FILE_ENS_HISTORY_SERVER = "script_enscriptServer.history"
const string CFG_FILE_SCRIPT_LOG = "$profile:script.log"
const string CFG_FILE_SCRIPT_LOG_EXT = "$profile:scriptExt.log"
const string CFG_FILE_ADDITIONAL_INFO = "$profile:serverInfo.cfg"
const string CFG_FILE_DEBUG_DIR = "$profile:ScriptConsole/"
const string CFG_FILE_MISSION_LIST = "$profile:missionlist.json"

Detailed Description

\desc constants for saving local datas

Variable Documentation


const int CFG_ARRAY_ITEMS_MAX = 64

Definition at line 228 of file constants.c.


const string CFG_FILE_ADDITIONAL_INFO = "$profile:serverInfo.cfg"

Definition at line 238 of file constants.c.

Referenced by PluginLocalProfile::GetFileName().


const string CFG_FILE_DEBUG_DIR = "$profile:ScriptConsole/"


const string CFG_FILE_DEBUG_PROFILE = "debugProfile.cfg"

Definition at line 231 of file constants.c.

Referenced by PluginConfigHandler::GetFileName().


const string CFG_FILE_EMOTES_PROFILE = "$profile:emotesProfile.cfg"

Definition at line 232 of file constants.c.

Referenced by PluginConfigHandler::GetFileName().


const string CFG_FILE_ENS_HISTORY = "script_enscript.history"

Definition at line 234 of file constants.c.

Referenced by PluginLocalHistoryBase::GetFileName().


const string CFG_FILE_ENS_HISTORY_SERVER = "script_enscriptServer.history"

Definition at line 235 of file constants.c.

Referenced by GetFileName().


const string CFG_FILE_FIXED_PROFILE = "Scripts/profile_fixed.cfg"

Definition at line 229 of file constants.c.

Referenced by PluginConfigDebugProfile::GetFileName().


const string CFG_FILE_MISSION_LIST = "$profile:missionlist.json"

Definition at line 240 of file constants.c.

Referenced by JsonMissionLoaderData::GetData().


const string CFG_FILE_SCRIPT_LOG = "$profile:script.log"

Definition at line 236 of file constants.c.


const string CFG_FILE_SCRIPT_LOG_EXT = "$profile:scriptExt.log"

Definition at line 237 of file constants.c.

Referenced by Debug::GetFileName().


const string CFG_FILE_SEARCH_HISTORY = "$profile:search_history.history"

Definition at line 233 of file constants.c.


const string CFG_FILE_USER_PROFILE = "$profile:profile.cfg"

Definition at line 230 of file constants.c.

Referenced by PluginFileHandler::GetFileName().