200 if (
"DebugPrint.c") != -1)
static void Log(string msg)
Prints debug message with normal prio.
static void LogWarningAndTrace(string msg)
Prints debug message as warning message and prints stack trace of calls.
static void LogError(string msg)
Prints debug message as error message.
string s_MsgPrefix[MSG_COUNT]
bool IsStackTrace(string msg)
bool IsDebugLog(string msg)
static void LogAndTrace(string msg)
Prints debug message as normal message and prints stack trace of calls.
static void EnableTracingLogs(bool enable)
static void LogWarning(string msg)
Prints debug message as warning message.
string TrimStackTrace(string msg)
string TrimDebugLog(string msg)
static void LogErrorAndTrace(string msg)
Prints debug message as error message and prints stack trace of calls.
string s_MsgStackMarkStart
static string AdjustDebugLog(string msg)
Function adjust received message for debug console (Do not use)
void LogMessage(string msg, int msg_type, bool trace=false)
proto void DumpStack()
Prints current call stack (stack trace)
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
static const string Empty