DayZ 1.24
Classes | |
class | string |
Functions | |
proto native int | string::ToInt () |
Converts string to integer. | |
proto native int | string::HexToInt () |
Converts string to integer. | |
proto native float | string::ToFloat () |
Converts string to float. | |
proto vector | string::ToVector () |
Returns a vector from a string. | |
vector | string::BeautifiedToVector () |
Convert beautified string into a vector. | |
proto native int | string::ToAscii () |
Converts string's first character to ASCII code. | |
proto native | string::ToType () |
Returns internal type representation. Can be used in runtime, or cached in variables and used for faster inheritance checking. | |
static proto string | string::ToString (void var, bool type=false, bool name=false, bool quotes=true) |
Return string representation of variable. | |
proto string | string::Substring (int start, int len) |
Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters. | |
string | string::SubstringInverted (string string_to_split, int position_start, int position_end) |
Inverted SubString. This deletes everything in between position_start and position_end. | |
proto string | string::SubstringUtf8 (int startChar, int len) |
Substring of 'str' from 'startChar' position 'len' number of characters for UTF8 strings with multibyte chars. | |
proto int | string::Replace (string sample, string replace) |
Replace all occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' by 'replace'. | |
proto int | string::ToLower () |
Changes string to lowercase. Returns length. | |
proto int | string::ToUpper () |
Changes string to uppercase. Returns length. | |
proto native int | string::Length () |
Returns length of string. | |
proto native int | string::LengthUtf8 () |
Returns number of characters in UTF8 string. | |
proto native int | string::Hash () |
Returns hash of string. | |
proto native int | string::IndexOf (string sample) |
Finds 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found. | |
proto native int | string::LastIndexOf (string sample) |
Finds last 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found. | |
proto native int | string::IndexOfFrom (int start, string sample) |
Finds 'sample' in 'str' from 'start' position. Returns -1 when not found. | |
bool | string::Contains (string sample) |
Returns true if sample is substring of string. | |
proto string | string::Trim () |
Returns trimmed string with removed leading and trailing whitespaces. | |
proto int | string::TrimInPlace () |
Removes leading and trailing whitespaces in string. Returns length. | |
proto int | string::ParseStringEx (out string token) |
Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length. | |
proto int | string::ParseString (out string tokens[]) |
Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens. | |
void | string::Split (string sample, out array< string > output) |
Splits string into array of strings separated by 'sample'. | |
static string | string::Join (string separator, notnull TStringArray tokens) |
proto string | string::Get (int index) |
Gets n-th character from string. | |
proto void | string::Set (int index, string input) |
Sets the n-th character in string with the input, replacing previous value. | |
proto void | string::Insert (int index, string input) |
Inserts a string into the n-th index, increasing the string length by the size of the input. | |
static proto string | string::Format (string fmt, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL) |
Gets n-th character from string. | |
Variables | |
static const string | string::Empty |
inlineprivate |
Convert beautified string into a vector.
vec | beautified string |
resulting vector Definition at line 67 of file EnString.c.
References string::Replace(), and string::ToVector().
Referenced by ScriptConsoleGeneralTab::OnClick().
Returns true if sample is substring of string.
sample | string Finding string expression |
true if sample is substring of string Definition at line 286 of file EnString.c.
Referenced by BaseBuildingBase::CheckLevelVerticalDistance(), AttachmentsOutOfReach::CreateAttachmentPosition(), CreateMission(), ItemBase::ToggleAnimation(), and ObjectSpawnerHandler::ValidatePath().
staticprivate |
Gets n-th character from string.
index | character index |
character on index-th position in string Referenced by Add(), ItemBase::EEItemAttached(), ItemBase::EEItemDetached(), FullTimeData::FormatedWithZero(), GetAdminLogMessage(), ErrorProperties::GetClientMessage(), GetColorString(), GetComponentNamesFromDamageZone(), GetDamageZoneMap(), TentBase::GetMaterialPath(), ErrorProperties::GetServerMessage(), ErrorHandlerModule::GetSimpleMessage(), array::GetTestEx(), Entity::InitDamageZoneDisplayNameMapping(), LandMineTrap(), ParticleList::RegisterParticle(), TFModule::Result(), and TripwireTrap().
Gets n-th character from string.
index | character index |
character on index-th position in string Referenced by FireworksLauncherClientEvent::FireworksLauncherClientEvent(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Highlight(), and ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Select().
Returns hash of string.
- Hash of string Referenced by Capture(), DayZPlayer::OnStepEvent(), and ArrowManagerPlayer::Save().
Finds 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found.
sample | string Finding string |
- Returns position where sample
starts, or -1 when sample
not found Referenced by PluginBase::GetPlayerPrefix().
Finds 'sample' in 'str' from 'start' position. Returns -1 when not found.
start | int Start from position |
sample | string Finding string expression |
- Length of string s
Referenced by ActionUnmountBarbedWire::ActionCondition(), and CGame::SetMissionPath().
Inserts a string into the n-th index, increasing the string length by the size of the input.
index | index to insert at |
input | string value to insert with |
Referenced by HFSMBase< Class FSMStateBase, Class FSMEventBase, Class FSMActionBase, Class FSMGuardBase >::GetHierarchyPath(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::LoadEntries(), and string::Split().
inlinestaticprivate |
Returns length of string.
- Length of string Referenced by ActionMountBarbedWire::ActionCondition(), ActionUnmountBarbedWire::ActionCondition(), FireworksLauncherClientEvent::FireworksLauncherClientEvent(), ItemBase::GetSlotIndexBySelection(), ActionCarDoors::OnEnd(), DayZPlayer::OnStepEvent(), string::SubstringInverted(), and ToStringLen().
Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.
[out] | token | string Founded string token |
Replace all occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' by 'replace'.
sample | string to search in str |
replace | string which replace sample in str |
- number of occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' Referenced by string::BeautifiedToVector(), and ResavePlugin::RunCommandline().
Sets the n-th character in string with the input, replacing previous value.
index | index to be replaced |
input | single non-terminated character value to replace with |
Splits string into array of strings separated by 'sample'.
sample | string Strings separator |
Array with strings Definition at line 396 of file EnString.c.
References string::Insert(), and string::Substring().
Referenced by ScriptConsoleConfigTab::OnClick(), and ParseData().
Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters.
start | Position in str |
len | Count of characters |
- Substring of str
Referenced by ActionUnmountBarbedWire::ActionCondition(), PluginBase::GetPlayerPrefix(), CGame::SetMissionPath(), string::Split(), and string::SubstringInverted().
inlineprivate |
Inverted SubString. This deletes everything in between position_start and position_end.
Definition at line 116 of file EnString.c.
References string::Length(), and string::Substring().
Substring of 'str' from 'startChar' position 'len' number of characters for UTF8 strings with multibyte chars.
startChar | Position in str . |
len | Count of characters |
- Substring of str
with startChar
character and len
staticprivate |
Return string representation of variable.
Referenced by PrintElements(), and ToStringLen().
Returns internal type representation. Can be used in runtime, or cached in variables and used for faster inheritance checking.
Type of class Referenced by CreateParticle(), ImpactMaterials::EvaluateImpactEffect(), PluginBase::GetModuleType(), EffectArea::GetRequesterIndex(), and ImpactMaterials::RegisterSurface().
Returns a vector from a string.
Converted s as vector Referenced by string::BeautifiedToVector().
Definition at line 7 of file EnString.c.
Referenced by ActionTuneFrequencyOnGround::ActionTuneFrequencyOnGround(), PluginBase::GetFileName(), PluginBase::GetSubFolderName(), PlayerSpawnPresetComplexChildrenType::IsValid(), Debug::LogMessage(), WeaponStateBase::OnEntry(), WeaponStateBase::OnExit(), DebugPrint::TrimStackTrace(), UIScriptedMenu::UpdateDisconnectTexts(), and ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::WantCreateNewEntity().