DayZ 1.24
No Matches
Collaboration diagram for Materials:


const int MATERIAL_DEFAULT = 0
const int MATERIAL_METAL = 1
const int MATERIAL_IRON = 2
const int MATERIAL_GLASS = 3
const int MATERIAL_PLASTIC = 4
const int MATERIAL_LIQUID = 5
const int MATERIAL_SLIME = 6
const int MATERIAL_BETON = 7
const int MATERIAL_RUBBER = 8
const int MATERIAL_FLESH = 9
const int MATERIAL_GRASS = 10
const int MATERIAL_WOOD = 11
const int MATERIAL_SNOW = 12
const int MATERIAL_SAND = 13
const int MATERIAL_DIRT = 14
const int MATERIAL_GRAVEL = 15
const int MATERIAL_STONE = 16

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation


const int MATERIAL_BETON = 7

Definition at line 95 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_DEFAULT = 0

Definition at line 88 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_DIRT = 14

Definition at line 102 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_FLESH = 9

Definition at line 97 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_GLASS = 3

Definition at line 91 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_GRASS = 10

Definition at line 98 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_GRAVEL = 15

Definition at line 103 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_IRON = 2

Definition at line 90 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_LIQUID = 5

Definition at line 93 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_METAL = 1

Definition at line 89 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_PLASTIC = 4

Definition at line 92 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_RUBBER = 8

Definition at line 96 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_SAND = 13

Definition at line 101 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_SLIME = 6

Definition at line 94 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_SNOW = 12

Definition at line 100 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_STONE = 16

Definition at line 104 of file constants.c.


const int MATERIAL_WOOD = 11

Definition at line 99 of file constants.c.