31 return "Graphics/Materials/postprocess/filmgrainNV";
Created once, on manager init. Script-side representation of C++ material class, separate handling.
void RegisterParameterScalarFloat(int idx, string parameter_name, float default_value, float min, float max)
WARNING - min/max values are usually taken from Workbench defaults, may not be actual min/max values ...
void RegisterParameterScalarBool(int idx, string parameter_name, bool default_value)
FilmGrain - PostProcessEffectType.FilmGrain.
static const int L_1_TOXIC_TINT
static const int PARAM_SHARPNESS
override void RegisterMaterialParameters()
static const int PARAM_SIMPLE
static const int PARAM_INTENSITY
override string GetDefaultMaterialPath()
static const int PARAM_MONOCHROMATIC
static const int L_2_TOXIC_TINT
static const int PARAM_INTENSITYX1
static const int PARAM_GRAINSIZE
static const int PARAM_DISTORT
static const int PARAM_FREQUENCY
override int GetPostProcessEffectID()
static const int PARAM_INTENSITYX0
Post-process effect type.