override bool CanReceiveItemIntoCargo(EntityAI item)
represents base for cargo storage for entities
proto native void ClearUserReservedLocation(notnull EntityAI eai)
proto native int GetWidth()
proto native int GetHeight()
bool CanReceiveItemIntoCargo(EntityAI item)
condition EntityAI::CanReceiveItemIntoCargo for Cargo.
proto bool GetItemSize(int index, out int w, out int h)
proto native int FindEntityInCargo(notnull EntityAI e)
proto native int GetItemCount()
proto native int GetUserReservedLocationCount()
proto native bool IsProxyCargo()
proto native EntityAI GetCargoOwner()
get the entity that owns the cargo
proto bool GetUserReservedLocation(int index, out EntityAI eai, out int row, out int col, out int w, out int h, out int flp)
proto native int GetOwnerCargoIndex()
proto native void SetUserReservedLocation(notnull EntityAI eai)
proto native EntityAI GetItem(int index)
proto bool GetItemRowCol(int index, out int row, out int col)
bool CanSwapItemInCargo(EntityAI child_entity, EntityAI new_entity)
condition EntityAI::CanSwapItemInCargo for Cargo.
proto native EntityAI FindEntityInCargoOn(int row, int col)