base class of all commands exposed to script to provide common functionality over animations
void OnDeactivate()
called when command ends
proto native void PreAnim_SetBool(int pVar, bool pBool)
void PreAnimUpdate(float pDt)
void PrePhysUpdate(float pDt)
proto native void PreAnim_CallCommand(int pCommand, int pParamInt, float pParamFloat)
functions usable only from OnActivate or PreAnimUpdate
proto native void PreAnim_SetInt(int pVar, int pInt)
proto native void PreAnim_SetFloat(int pVar, float pFlt)
void OnActivate()
called when command starts
proto native bool PrePhys_IsEvent(int pEvent)
functions usable in PrePhysUpdate
proto native bool PrePhys_IsTag(int pTag)
proto native IEntity GetEntity()
returns entity that this command is bount to