DayZ 1.24
This is the complete list of members for CGame, including all inherited members.
AbortMission() | CGame | protected |
AddActionJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, int timeout_ms) | CGame | private |
AddInventoryJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, bool test_dst_occupancy, int timeout_ms) | CGame | private |
AddInventoryJunctureEx(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, bool test_dst_occupancy, int timeout_ms) | CGame | inlineprivate |
AddPPMask(float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur) | CGame | protected |
AddToReconnectCache(PlayerIdentity identity) | CGame | private |
AddVisitedServer(string ip, int port) | CGame | inlineprotected |
AddVoiceNotification(VONStopSpeakingEventParams vonStartParams) | CGame | inlineprotected |
AdminLog(string text) | CGame | private |
ARROW_PIERCE_DEPTH | CGame | protected |
BeginOptionsVideo() | CGame | private |
CancelLoginQueue() | CGame | inlineprivate |
CancelLoginTimeCountdown() | CGame | inlineprivate |
CanDisplayMouseCursor() | CGame | inlineprotected |
CanRespawnPlayer() | CGame | protected |
CGame() | CGame | inlineprivate |
Chat(string text, string colorClass) | CGame | private |
ChatMP(Man recipient, string text, string colorClass) | CGame | private |
ChatPlayer(string text) | CGame | private |
CheckAmmoCompability(EntityAI weaponInHand, EntityAI ammo) | CGame | inlineprotectedstatic |
CheckDialogs() | CGame | inlineprotected |
ClearConnectivityStates() | CGame | inlineprivate |
ClearJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item) | CGame | private |
ClearJunctureEx(Man player, notnull EntityAI item) | CGame | inlineprivate |
ClearReconnectCache() | CGame | private |
CloseCombatEffects(Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, bool isWater, string ammoType) | CGame | inlineprotected |
CommandlineGetParam(string name, out string value) | CGame | private |
ConfigFindClassIndex(string config_path, string searched_member) | CGame | inlineprotected |
ConfigGetBaseName(string path, out string base_name) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetChildName(string path, int index, out string name) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetChildrenCount(string path) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetFloat(string path) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetFloatArray(string path, out TFloatArray values) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetFullPath(string path, out TStringArray full_path) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetInt(string path) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetIntArray(string path, out TIntArray values) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetObjectFullPath(Object obj, out TStringArray full_path) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetText(string path, out string value) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetTextArray(string path, out TStringArray values) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetTextArrayRaw(string path, out TStringArray values) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetTextOut(string path) | CGame | inlineprivate |
ConfigGetTextRaw(string path, out string value) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetType(string path) | CGame | private |
ConfigGetVector(string path) | CGame | private |
ConfigIsExisting(string path) | CGame | private |
ConfigPathToString(TStringArray array_path) | CGame | inlineprivate |
Connect() | CGame | inlineprotected |
Connect(UIScriptedMenu parent, string IpAddress, int port, string password) | CGame | private |
ConnectFromCLI() | CGame | inlineprotected |
ConnectFromJoin(string ip, int port) | CGame | inlineprotected |
ConnectFromServerBrowser(string ip, int port, string password="") | CGame | inlineprotected |
ConnectLastSession(UIScriptedMenu parent, int selectedCharacter=-1) | CGame | private |
ConnectLaunch() | CGame | inlineprotected |
CopyFromClipboard(out string text) | CGame | private |
CopyToClipboard(string text) | CGame | private |
CreateDefaultPlayer() | CGame | inlineprotected |
CreateDefaultPlayer() | CGame | inlineprotected |
CreateGamepadDisconnectMenu() | CGame | protected |
CreateMission(string path) | CGame | protected |
CreateObject(string type, vector pos, bool create_local=false, bool init_ai=false, bool create_physics=true) | CGame | private |
CreateObjectEx(string type, vector pos, int iFlags, int iRotation=RF_DEFAULT) | CGame | private |
CreatePlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, string name, vector pos, float radius, string spec) | CGame | private |
CreateRandomPlayer() | CGame | inlineprotected |
CreateRandomPlayer() | CGame | inlineprotected |
CreateScriptedMenu(int id) | CGame | inlineprivate |
CreateScriptedMenu(int id) | CGame | inlineprivate |
CreateScriptedWindow(int id) | CGame | inlineprivate |
CreateSoundOnObject(Object source, string sound_name, float distance, bool looped, bool create_local=false) | CGame | private |
CreateSoundWaveOnObject(Object source, SoundObject soundObject, AbstractWave soundWave) | CGame | private |
CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D(string p3dFilename, vector position, vector orientation, float scale=1.0, bool createLocal=false) | CGame | private |
CreateTitleScreen() | CGame | inlineprotected |
DayZGame() | CGame | inlineprivate |
DeferredInit() | CGame | inlineprivate |
DelayedMidAirDetonation(float x, float y, float z) | CGame | inlineprotected |
DeleteGamepadDisconnectMenu() | CGame | protected |
DeleteTitleScreen() | CGame | inlineprotected |
DisconnectPlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, string uid="") | CGame | private |
DisconnectSession() | CGame | private |
DisconnectSessionEx(DisconnectSessionFlags flags) | CGame | inlineprotected |
DisconnectSessionForce() | CGame | private |
DisconnectSessionScript(bool displayJoinError=false) | CGame | inlineprotected |
DumpInstances(bool csvFormatting) | CGame | private |
EarlyAccessDialog(UIScriptedMenu parent) | CGame | inlineprivate |
EnableMicCapture(bool enable) | CGame | private |
EnableVoN(Object player, bool enable) | CGame | private |
EndOptionsVideo() | CGame | private |
EnterLoginQueue(UIMenuPanel parent) | CGame | inlineprotected |
EnterLoginTime(UIMenuPanel parent) | CGame | inlineprotected |
Event_OnRPC | CGame | privatestatic |
ExecuteEnforceScript(string expression, string mainFnName) | CGame | private |
ExplosionEffects(Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, float energyFactor, float explosionFactor, bool isWater, string ammoType) | CGame | inlineprotected |
ExplosionEffectsEx(Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, float energyFactor, float explosionFactor, HitInfo hitInfo) | CGame | inlineprotected |
ExtendActionJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, int timeout_ms) | CGame | private |
FirearmEffects(Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, vector exitPos, vector inSpeed, vector outSpeed, bool isWater, bool deflected, string ammoType) | CGame | inlineprotected |
FormatRawConfigStringKeys(inout string value) | CGame | inlineprivate |
FormatString(string format, string params[], out string output) | CGame | private |
GamepadCheck() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GameScript | CGame | private |
GetAnalyticsClient() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetAnalyticsServer() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetBacklit() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetBillboardHandler() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetCallQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetCallQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetConnectedInputDeviceList() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetContentDLCService() | CGame | protected |
GetCurrentCameraDirection() | CGame | private |
GetCurrentCameraPosition() | CGame | private |
GetCurrentDisplayLanguageIdx() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetCurrentEVValue() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetDatabaseID() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetDayTime() | CGame | private |
GetDeltaT() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetDiagDrawMode() | CGame | private |
GetDiagDrawModeNames(out TStringArray diag_names) | CGame | private |
GetDiagModeEnable(int diag_mode) | CGame | private |
GetDiagModeNames(out TStringArray diag_names) | CGame | private |
GetDragQueue() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetDragQueue() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetEntityByPersitentID(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4) | CGame | protected |
GetFoodDecayModifier() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetFOVByZoomType(ECameraZoomType type) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetFps() | CGame | private |
GetGameState() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetHighestSurfaceYDifference(array< vector > positions) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetHostAddress(out string address, out int port) | CGame | private |
GetHostData() | CGame | private |
GetHostName() | CGame | private |
GetHUDBrightnessSetting() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetInput() | CGame | private |
GetInventoryItemSize(InventoryItem item, out int width, out int height) | CGame | private |
GetLastVisitedServer(out string ip, out int port) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetLoadingWorkspace() | CGame | private |
GetLoadState() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetMainMenuWorld() | CGame | protected |
GetMenuData() | CGame | private |
GetMenuDefaultCharacterData(bool fill_data=true) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetMission() | CGame | private |
GetMissionFolderPath() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetMissionPath() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetMissionState() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetModelName(string class_name) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetModInfos(notnull out array< ref ModInfo > modArray) | CGame | private |
GetModToBeReported() | CGame | private |
GetMouseCursorDesiredVisibility() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetNoiseSystem() | CGame | private |
GetObjectByNetworkId(int networkIdLowBits, int networkIdHighBits) | CGame | private |
GetObjectsAtPosition(vector pos, float radius, out array< Object > objects, out array< CargoBase > proxyCargos) | CGame | private |
GetObjectsAtPosition3D(vector pos, float radius, out array< Object > objects, out array< CargoBase > proxyCargos) | CGame | private |
GetPlayer() | CGame | private |
GetPlayerByIndex(int index=0) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetPlayerGameName() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetPlayerIndentities(out array< PlayerIdentity > identities) | CGame | protected |
GetPlayerName(out string name) | CGame | private |
GetPlayerNameShort(int maxLength, out string name) | CGame | private |
GetPlayerNetworkIDByIdentityID(int playerIdentityID, out int networkIdLowBits, out int networkIdHightBits) | CGame | private |
GetPlayers(out array< Man > players) | CGame | private |
GetPointerDirection() | CGame | private |
GetPostUpdateQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetPostUpdateQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetPreviousEVValue() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetPreviousGamepad() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetProfileOption(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionBool(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionDefault(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionDefaultBool(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionDefaultFloat(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionDefaultInt(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionFloat(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionInt(EDayZProfilesOptions option) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileOptionMap() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetProfileString(string name, out string value) | CGame | private |
GetProfileStringList(string name, out TStringArray values) | CGame | private |
GetScreenPos(vector world_pos) | CGame | private |
GetScreenPosRelative(vector world_pos) | CGame | private |
GetSoundScene() | CGame | private |
GetSurfaceOrientation(float x, float z) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetTickTime() | CGame | private |
GetTime() | CGame | protected |
GetTimerQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetTimerQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetUIManager() | CGame | private |
GetUpdateQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprivate |
GetUpdateQueue(int call_category) | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetUserFOV() | CGame | inlineprotected |
GetUserFOVFromConfig() | CGame | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetUserManager() | CGame | protected |
GetVersion(out string version) | CGame | private |
GetVoiceLevel(Object player=null) | CGame | private |
GetWaterDepth(vector posWS) | CGame | protected |
GetWeather() | CGame | protected |
GetWorkspace() | CGame | private |
GetWorld() | CGame | private |
GetWorldDirectionFromScreen(vector world_pos) | CGame | private |
GetWorldName(out string world_name) | CGame | private |
GetWorldName() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GlobalsInit() | CGame | inlineprivate |
GoBuyWorldDLC(string sWorldName) | CGame | private |
HasInventoryJunctureDestination(Man player, notnull InventoryLocation dst) | CGame | private |
HasInventoryJunctureItem(notnull EntityAI item) | CGame | private |
InitCharacterMenuDataInfo(int menudata_count) | CGame | inlineprotected |
InitDamageEffects(Object effect) | CGame | protected |
InitNotifications() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsAimLogEnabled() | CGame | inlineprivate |
IsAppActive() | CGame | private |
IsBoxColliding(vector center, vector orientation, vector edgeLength, array< Object > excludeObjects, array< Object > collidedObjects=NULL) | CGame | protected |
IsBoxCollidingGeometry(vector center, vector orientation, vector edgeLength, int iPrimaryType, int iSecondaryType, array< Object > excludeObjects, array< Object > collidedObjects=NULL) | CGame | protected |
IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy(notnull BoxCollidingParams params, array< Object > excludeObjects, array< ref BoxCollidingResult > collidedObjects=NULL) | CGame | protected |
IsClient() | CGame | protected |
IsConnecting() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsDebug() | CGame | protected |
IsDebugMonitor() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsDedicatedServer() | CGame | protected |
IsDigitalCopy() | CGame | inlineprotectedstatic |
IsFoodDecayEnabled() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsInPartyChat() | CGame | private |
IsInventoryOpen() | CGame | inlineprivate |
IsInventoryOpen() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsKindOf(string cfg_class_name, string cfg_parent_name) | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsLeftCtrlDown() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsLoading() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsMicCapturing() | CGame | private |
IsMissionMainMenu() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsMultiplayer() | CGame | protected |
IsNewCharacter() | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsObjectAccesible(EntityAI item, Man player) | CGame | private |
IsPhysicsExtrapolationEnabled() | CGame | private |
IsServer() | CGame | protected |
IsStressTest() | CGame | inlineprivate |
IsSurfaceDigable(string surface) | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsSurfaceFertile(string surface) | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsVisited(string ip, int port) | CGame | inlineprotected |
IsWorldWetTempUpdateEnabled() | CGame | inlineprotected |
JoinLaunch() | CGame | inlineprotected |
ListAvailableCharacters() | CGame | inlineprotected |
ListAvailableCharacters() | CGame | inlineprotected |
LoadingHide(bool force=false) | CGame | inlineprotected |
LoadingShow() | CGame | inlineprotected |
LoadProgressUpdate(int progressState, float progress, string title) | CGame | inlineprotected |
LoadVersion() | CGame | private |
LoginTimeCountdown() | CGame | inlineprotected |
LogoutRequestCancel() | CGame | protected |
LogoutRequestTime() | CGame | protected |
m_AimLoggingEnabled | CGame | private |
m_AmmoShakeParams | CGame | privatestatic |
m_AnalyticsManagerClient | CGame | private |
m_AnalyticsManagerServer | CGame | private |
m_ArtySound | CGame | private |
m_Backlit | CGame | private |
m_BillboardSetHandler | CGame | protected |
m_callQueue | CGame | private |
m_CharacterData | CGame | private |
m_CharClassNames | CGame | private |
m_ConnectAddress | CGame | protected |
m_ConnectedInputDeviceList | CGame | private |
m_ConnectFromJoin | CGame | private |
m_connectionLost | CGame | private |
m_ConnectivityStatsStates | CGame | private |
m_ConnectPassword | CGame | protected |
m_ConnectPort | CGame | protected |
m_CrashSound | CGame | private |
m_CursorDesiredVisibilityScript | CGame | private |
m_DatabaseID | CGame | protected |
m_DayZProfileOptions | CGame | private |
m_DebugMonitorEnabled | CGame | private |
m_DeltaTime | CGame | private |
m_dragQueue | CGame | private |
m_early_access_dialog_accepted | CGame | private |
m_EVValue | CGame | private |
m_FirstConnect | CGame | protected |
m_FoodDecayModifier | CGame | private |
m_GamepadDisconnectMenu | CGame | protected |
m_GameState | CGame | protected |
m_IntroMenu | CGame | protected |
m_IsConnecting | CGame | private |
m_IsCtrlHolding | CGame | private |
m_IsFoodDecayEnabled | CGame | private |
m_IsLeftAltHolding | CGame | private |
m_IsNewCharacter | CGame | private |
m_IsRightAltHolding | CGame | private |
m_IsStressTest | CGame | private |
m_IsWinHolding | CGame | private |
m_IsWorldWetTempUpdateEnabled | CGame | private |
m_keyboard_handler | CGame | private |
m_loading | CGame | protected |
m_LoadState | CGame | protected |
m_LoginQueue | CGame | private |
m_LoginTime | CGame | private |
m_LoginTimeScreen | CGame | private |
m_mission_module | CGame | private |
m_MissionFolderPath | CGame | private |
m_MissionPath | CGame | private |
m_MissionState | CGame | private |
m_NoiseParams | CGame | privatestatic |
m_Notifications | CGame | protected |
m_OriginalCharactersCount | CGame | private |
m_ParamCache | CGame | private |
m_PlayerName | CGame | private |
m_postUpdateQueue | CGame | private |
m_PrevBlur | CGame | protected |
m_PreviousEVValue | CGame | private |
m_PreviousGamepad | CGame | private |
m_ReportModded | CGame | privatestatic |
m_ShouldShowControllerDisconnect | CGame | private |
m_timerQueue | CGame | private |
m_updateQueue | CGame | private |
m_UserFOV | CGame | private |
m_Visited | CGame | protected |
m_volume_music | CGame | private |
m_volume_radio | CGame | private |
m_volume_sound | CGame | private |
m_volume_speechEX | CGame | private |
m_volume_VOIP | CGame | private |
MainMenuLaunch() | CGame | inlineprotected |
MAX_VISITED | CGame | protected |
MIN_ARTY_SOUND_RANGE | CGame | private |
MISSION_STATE_FINNISH | CGame | protected |
MISSION_STATE_GAME | CGame | protected |
MISSION_STATE_MAINMENU | CGame | protected |
MissionLaunch() | CGame | inlineprotected |
MuteAllPlayers(string listenerId, bool mute) | CGame | private |
MutePlayer(string muteUID, string playerUID, bool mute) | CGame | private |
NightVissionLightParams(float lightIntensityMul, float noiseIntensity) | CGame | protected |
ObjectDelete(Object obj) | CGame | private |
ObjectDeleteOnClient(Object obj) | CGame | private |
ObjectGetDisplayName(Object obj, out string name) | CGame | private |
ObjectGetSelectionPosition(Object obj, string name) | CGame | private |
ObjectGetSelectionPositionLS(Object obj, string name) | CGame | private |
ObjectGetSelectionPositionMS(Object obj, string name) | CGame | private |
ObjectGetSelectionPositionWS(Object obj, string name) | CGame | private |
ObjectGetType(Object obj, out string type) | CGame | private |
ObjectIsKindOf(Object object, string cfg_parent_name) | CGame | inlineprotected |
ObjectModelToWorld(Object obj, vector modelPos) | CGame | private |
ObjectRelease(Object obj) | CGame | private |
ObjectWorldToModel(Object obj, vector worldPos) | CGame | private |
OnActivateMessage() | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnActivateMessage() | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnAfterCreate() | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnAfterCreate() | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnConnectivityStatChange(EConnectivityStatType type, EConnectivityStatLevel newLevel, EConnectivityStatLevel oldLevel) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnDeactivateMessage() | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnDeactivateMessage() | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnDeviceReset() | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnDeviceReset() | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnGameplayDataHandlerLoad() | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnInitialize() | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnInitialize() | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnKeyPress(int key) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnKeyPress(int key) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnKeyRelease(int key) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnKeyRelease(int key) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnLicenseChanged() | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnLoginTimeEvent(int loginTime) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnMouseButtonPress(int button) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnMouseButtonPress(int button) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnMouseButtonRelease(int button) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnMouseButtonRelease(int button) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnMPConnectionLostEvent(int duration) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnPostUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnPostUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnPreloadEvent(vector pos) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnProcessLifetimeChanged(int plmtype) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnProjectileStopped(ProjectileStoppedInfo info) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnProjectileStoppedInObject(ObjectCollisionInfo info) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnProjectileStoppedInTerrain(TerrainCollisionInfo info) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnRespawnEvent(int time) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, Object target, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, Object target, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OnUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice) | CGame | inlineprotected |
OnUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice) | CGame | inlineprivate |
OpenURL(string url) | CGame | protected |
OverrideDOF(bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset) | CGame | protected |
OverrideInventoryLights(vector diffuse, vector ambient, vector ground, vector dir) | CGame | protected |
PartyLaunch() | CGame | inlineprotected |
PlayMission(string path) | CGame | private |
PreloadObject(string type, float distance) | CGame | private |
ProfilerStart(string name) | CGame | private |
ProfilerStop(string name) | CGame | private |
RefreshCurrentServerInfo() | CGame | inlineprotected |
RefreshMouseCursorVisibility() | CGame | inlineprotected |
RegisterNetworkStaticObject(Object object) | CGame | private |
RegisterProfilesOptions() | CGame | inlineprivate |
ReloadMission() | CGame | inlineprivate |
RemoteObjectCreate(Object obj) | CGame | private |
RemoteObjectDelete(Object obj) | CGame | private |
RemoteObjectTreeCreate(Object obj) | CGame | private |
RemoteObjectTreeDelete(Object obj) | CGame | private |
RemoveFromReconnectCache(string uid) | CGame | private |
RemoveVoiceNotification(VONStopSpeakingEventParams vonStopParams) | CGame | inlineprotected |
ReportModded() | CGame | inlineprivatestatic |
RequestExit(int code) | CGame | private |
RequestRestart(int code) | CGame | private |
ResetPPMask() | CGame | protected |
ResetProfileOptions() | CGame | inlineprivate |
RespawnPlayer() | CGame | protected |
RestartMission() | CGame | protected |
RPC(Object target, int rpcType, notnull array< ref Param > params, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=null) | CGame | private |
RPCSelf(Object target, int rpcType, notnull array< ref Param > params) | CGame | private |
RPCSelfSingleParam(Object target, int rpcType, Param param) | CGame | inlineprivate |
RPCSingleParam(Object target, int rpc_type, Param param, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=null) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SaveProfile() | CGame | private |
SaveVersion() | CGame | private |
ScriptTest() | CGame | private |
SelectGamepad() | CGame | inlineprotected |
SelectPlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, Object player) | CGame | private |
SelectSpectator(PlayerIdentity identity, string spectatorObjType, vector position) | CGame | private |
SelectUser(int gamepad=-1) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SendLogoutTime(Object player, int time) | CGame | private |
ServerConfigGetInt(string name) | CGame | protected |
SetConnecting(bool value) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetConnectivityStatState(EConnectivityStatType type, EConnectivityStatLevel level) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetDatabaseID(string id) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetDebugMonitorEnabled(int value) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetDiagDrawMode(int diag_draw_mode) | CGame | private |
SetDiagModeEnable(int diag_mode, bool enabled) | CGame | private |
SetEVUser(float value) | CGame | protected |
SetEVValue(float value) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetGameState(DayZGameState state) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetHudBrightness(float value) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetKeyboardHandle(UIScriptedMenu handler) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetLoadState(DayZLoadState state) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetLoginTimerFinished() | CGame | protected |
SetMainMenuWorld(string world) | CGame | protected |
SetMission(Mission mission) | CGame | private |
SetMissionPath(string path) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetMissionState(int state) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetMouseCursorDesiredVisibility(bool visible) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetNewCharacter(bool state) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetPlayerGameName(string name) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetPlayerName(string name) | CGame | private |
SetPreviousGamepad(int gamepad) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetProfileOption(EDayZProfilesOptions option, bool value) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetProfileOptionBool(EDayZProfilesOptions option, bool value) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetProfileOptionFloat(EDayZProfilesOptions option, float value) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetProfileOptionInt(EDayZProfilesOptions option, int value) | CGame | inlineprivate |
SetProfileString(string name, string value) | CGame | private |
SetProfileStringList(string name, TStringArray values) | CGame | private |
SetUserFOV(float pFov) | CGame | inlineprotected |
SetVoiceEffect(Object player, int effect, bool enable) | CGame | private |
SetVoiceLevel(int level) | CGame | private |
ShouldShowControllerDisconnect() | CGame | inlineprotected |
StartRandomCutscene(string world) | CGame | private |
STATS_COUNT | CGame | private |
StorageVersion(int iVersion) | CGame | private |
StoreLoginData(ParamsWriteContext ctx) | CGame | private |
StoreLoginDataPrepare() | CGame | inlineprotected |
SurfaceGetNoiseMultiplier(Object directHit, vector pos, int componentIndex) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceGetNormal(float x, float z) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceGetSeaLevel() | CGame | protected |
SurfaceGetType(float x, float z, out string type) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceGetType3D(float x, float y, float z, out string type) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceIsPond(float x, float z) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceIsSea(float x, float z) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceRoadY(float x, float z, RoadSurfaceDetection rsd=RoadSurfaceDetection.LEGACY) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceRoadY3D(float x, float y, float z, RoadSurfaceDetection rsd) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceUnderObject(notnull Object object, out string type, out int liquidType) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceUnderObjectByBone(notnull Object object, int boneType, out string type, out int liquidType) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceUnderObjectEx(notnull Object object, out string type, out string impact, out int liquidType) | CGame | protected |
SurfaceY(float x, float z) | CGame | protected |
TryConnect() | CGame | inlineprotected |
UpdateInputDeviceDisconnectWarning() | CGame | inlineprotected |
UpdateLoginQueue(float timeslice) | CGame | inlineprotected |
UpdatePathgraphRegion(vector regionMin, vector regionMax) | CGame | protected |
UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject(Object object) | CGame | inlineprotected |
UpdateSpectatorPosition(vector position) | CGame | private |
UpdateVoiceLevel(int level) | CGame | inlineprotected |
VerifyWorldOwnership(string sWorldName) | CGame | private |
~CGame() | CGame | inlineprivate |
~DayZGame() | CGame | inlineprivate |