void OnCreatePhysics()
callback called when entity is moved to world and creating its physics representation
proto native float GetAnimationPhase(string animation)
Return animation phase of animation on object.
void OnInvisibleSet(bool invisible)
proto native Object GetBoneObject(int boneIndex)
Returns proxy object that corresponds given bone inside skeleton.
proto native int GetSimulationTimeStamp()
Returns simulation timestamp.
proto native void SetAnimationPhase(string animation, float phase)
Process animation on object. Animation is defined in config file. Wanted animation phase is set to ph...
void OnAnimationPhaseStarted(string animSource, float phase)
callback called from C++ when AnimationPhase has started
void SetAnimationPhaseNow(string animation, float phase)
Same as SetAnimationPhase, only ignores any animation and sets the phase immediately.
proto native void ResetAnimationPhase(string animation, float phase)
proto native int GetBoneIndex(string proxySelectionName)
Returns skeleton's bone index of named proxy selection.
proto native bool GetIsSimulationDisabled()
Returns whether simulation is disabled.
proto void MoveInTime(vector targetTransform[4], float deltaT)
On server, entity's transformation is directly changed to targetTransform, on client entity's transfo...
proto native void DisableSimulation(bool disable)
proto native void SetInvisible(bool invisible)
Turns on/off invisibility.
bool OnNetworkTransformUpdate(out vector pos, out vector ypr)
Client event on transformation update from network.