DayZ 1.24
No Matches
DbgUI Class Reference

Private Member Functions

void DbgUI ()
void ~DbgUI ()

Static Private Member Functions

static proto native void DoUnitTest ()
 Creates all possible DbgUI widgets. Just for the testing purposes.
static proto native void Text (string label)
static proto native void ColoredText (int color, string label)
static proto void Check (string label, out bool checked)
static proto void Combo (string label, out int selection, TStringArray elems)
static proto void List (string label, out int selection, TStringArray elems)
static proto void SliderFloat (string label, out float value, float min, float max, int pxWidth=150)
static proto native void Spacer (int height)
static proto native void Panel (string label, int width, int height, int color=0xaa555555)
static proto native bool Button (string txt, int minWidth=0)
static proto void InputText (string txt, out string value, int pxWidth=150)
static proto void InputInt (string txt, out int value, int pxWidth=150)
static proto void InputFloat (string txt, out float value, int pxWidth=150)
static proto native void PlotLive (string label, int sizeX, int sizeY, float val, int timeStep=100, int historySize=30, int color=0xFFFFFFFF)
static proto native void SameLine ()
static proto native void SameSpot ()
static proto native void PushID_Int (int int_id)
static proto native void PushID_Str (string str_id)
static proto native void PopID ()
static proto void BeginCleanupScope ()
static proto native void EndCleanupScope ()
static proto native void Begin (string windowTitle, float x=0, float y=0)
static proto native void End ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 59 of file DbgUI.c.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: