69 g_Game.OverrideDOF(
false, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Created once, on manager init. Script-side representation of C++ material class, separate handling.
void RegisterParameterScalarFloat(int idx, string parameter_name, float default_value, float min, float max)
WARNING - min/max values are usually taken from Workbench defaults, may not be actual min/max values ...
void RegisterParameterScalarBool(int idx, string parameter_name, bool default_value)
PPEMatClassParameterCommandData GetParameterCommandData(int parameter_idx)
Some PP effects are handled as hard-coded exceptions, outside of material system. Default == PPEExcep...
ref array< int > m_UpdatedParameters
DOF postprocess, does not directly use materials.
override int GetPostProcessEffectID()
static const int PARAM_FOCUS_LEN
static const int PARAM_FOCUS_LEN_NEAR
static const int PARAM_FOCUS_DIST
static const int PARAM_BLUR
override void ApplyValueChanges()
static const int PARAM_ENABLE
override void SetFinalParameterValue(int parameter_idx)
Overriden to handle the specific exception.
override void RegisterMaterialParameters()
Param GetCurrentValues()
Careful, only actual values, WITHOUT string.
Base Param Class with no parameters. Used as general purpose parameter overloaded with Param1 to Para...