DayZ 1.24
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
proto native void OverrideAlertLevel(bool state, bool alerted, int level, float inLevel)
proto native void OverrideJump(bool state, int jumpType, float jumpHeight=0)
proto native float GetHeading()
proto native float GetTurnSpeed()
void ~DayZCreatureAIInputController()
never destroyed by script
proto native float GetAlertInLevel()
proto native bool IsJump()
proto native int GetBehaviourSlot()
proto native bool IsAlerted()
proto native void OverrideLookAt(bool state, vector direction)
proto native float GetMovementSpeed()
void DayZCreatureAIInputController()
never created by script
proto native void OverrideBehaviourSlot(bool state, int slot)
proto native bool IsLookAtEnabled()
proto native void OverrideMovementSpeed(bool state, float movementSpeed)
proto native vector GetLookAtDirectionWS()
proto native void OverrideHeading(bool state, float heading)
proto native int GetAlertLevel()
proto native void OverrideTurnSpeed(bool state, float turnSpeed)
proto native int GetJumpType()
proto native float GetJumpHeight()