DayZ 1.24
No Matches
array< Class T > Class Reference

Private Member Functions

proto native int Count ()
proto native void Clear ()
proto void Set (int n, T value)
proto int Find (T value)
proto T Get (int n)
proto int Insert (T value)
proto int InsertAt (T value, int index)
void InsertAll (notnull array< T > from)
 Inserts all elements from array.
proto native void Remove (int index)
proto native void RemoveOrdered (int index)
proto native void Resize (int newSize)
proto native void Reserve (int newSize)
proto native void Swap (notnull array< T > other)
proto native void Sort (bool reverse=false)
proto int Copy (notnull array< T > from)
proto int Init (T init[])
void RemoveItem (T value)
void RemoveItemUnOrdered (T value)
bool IsValidIndex (int index)
void Debug ()
 Print all elements in array.
int GetRandomIndex ()
 Returns a random index of array. If Count is 0, return index is -1 .
T GetRandomElement ()
 Returns a random element of array.
void SwapItems (int item1_index, int item2_index)
void InsertArray (array< T > other)
void Invert ()
int MoveIndex (int curr_index, int move_number)
 Returns a index in array moved by specific number.
void ShuffleArray ()
int DifferentAtPosition (array< T > pOtherArray)
 Returns an index where 2 arrays start to differ from each other.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 349 of file EnScript.c.

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