DayZ 1.24
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// This will be used to parse and load contaminated area related data
4 private static string m_Path = "$mission:cfgeffectarea.json";
6 static void CreateZones()
7 {
10 // We confirm the contaminated area configuration file exists in mission folder
11 if (!FileExist(m_Path))
12 {
13 // We fallback to check in data and notify user file was not found in mission
14 PrintToRPT("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: No contaminated area file found in MISSION folder, your path is " + m_Path + " Attempting DATA folder"); // If the path is invalid, we warn the user
16 m_Path = "";
17 GetGame().GetWorldName(m_Path);
18 m_Path = string.Format("dz/worlds/%1/ce/cfgeffectarea.json", m_Path);
20 if (!FileExist(m_Path))
21 {
22 PrintToRPT("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: No contaminated area file found in DATA folder, your path is " + m_Path); // If the path is invalid, we warn the user
23 return; // Nothing could be read, just end here
24 }
25 }
27 // We load the data from file, in case of failure we notify user
30 {
31 // Now that we have extracted the data we go through every declared area
32 //Debug.Log("Contaminated area JSON contains : " + effectAreaData.Areas.Count());
34 for (int i = 0; i < effectAreaData.Areas.Count(); i++)
35 {
38 // We feed in all relevant data
39 params.m_ParamName = effectAreaData.Areas.Get(i).AreaName;
40 string areaType = effectAreaData.Areas.Get(i).Type;
41 params.m_ParamTriggerType = effectAreaData.Areas.Get(i).TriggerType;
42 JsonDataAreaData data = effectAreaData.Areas.Get(i).Data;
44 // World level area data ( Trigger info, world particles, etc... )
45 vector pos = Vector(data.Pos[0], data.Pos[1], data.Pos[2]);
46 params.m_ParamRadius = data.Radius;
47 params.m_ParamPosHeight = data.PosHeight;
48 params.m_ParamNegHeight = data.NegHeight;
49 params.m_ParamInnerRings = data.InnerRingCount;
50 params.m_ParamInnerSpace = data.InnerPartDist;
51 params.m_ParamOuterToggle = data.OuterRingToggle;
52 params.m_ParamOuterSpace = data.OuterPartDist;
53 params.m_ParamOuterOffset = data.OuterOffset;
54 params.m_ParamVertLayers = data.VerticalLayers;
55 params.m_ParamVerticalOffset = data.VerticalOffset;
56 string particleName = data.ParticleName;
58 // Local level area data ( Player particles and PPE )
59 JsonDataPlayerData playerData = effectAreaData.Areas.Get(i).PlayerData;
60 string aroundPartName = playerData.AroundPartName;
61 string tinyPartName = playerData.TinyPartName;
62 string ppeRequesterType = playerData.PPERequesterType;
64 // Conversion of particle name to ID for synchronization and loading
65 if (particleName != "")
68 if (aroundPartName != "")
69 params.m_ParamAroundPartId = ParticleList.GetParticleID(aroundPartName);
71 if (tinyPartName != "")
72 params.m_ParamTinyPartId = ParticleList.GetParticleID(tinyPartName);
74 params.m_ParamPpeRequesterType = ppeRequesterType;
76 EffectArea newZone; // Zones MUST inherit from EffectArea
78 // We snap item position to ground before creating if specified Y is 0
79 if (pos[1] == 0)
80 {
81 pos[1] = GetGame().SurfaceRoadY(pos[0], pos[2]);
82 Class.CastTo(newZone, GetGame().CreateObjectEx(areaType, pos, ECE_PLACE_ON_SURFACE));
83 }
84 else
85 Class.CastTo(newZone, GetGame().CreateObjectEx(areaType, pos, ECE_NONE));
87 // We created a new zone, we feed in the data to finalize setup
88 if (newZone)
89 newZone.SetupZoneData(params);
90 else
91 Error("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: Cast failed, are you sure your class ( 'Type:' ) inherits from EffectArea and that there are no Typos?");
92 }
93 }
94 else
95 Error("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: Data could not be read, please check data and syntax"); // Most JSON related errors should be handled, but we have an extra check in case data could not be read
96 }
const int ECE_NONE
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
Definition EnScript.c:11
static JsonDataContaminatedAreas GetData()
static int GetParticleID(string particle_file)
Returns particle's ID based on the path (without .ptc suffix)
proto native CGame GetGame()
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.
Definition EnDebug.c:90
proto void PrintToRPT(void var)
Prints content of variable to RPT file (performance warning - each write means fflush!...
enum ShapeType ErrorEx
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
proto bool FileExist(string name)
Check existence of file.
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.