13// We fallback to check in data and notify user file was not found in mission
14PrintToRPT("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: No contaminated area file found in MISSION folder, your path is " + m_Path + " Attempting DATA folder"); // If the path is invalid, we warn the user
22PrintToRPT("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: No contaminated area file found in DATA folder, your path is " + m_Path); // If the path is invalid, we warn the user
23return; // Nothing could be read, just end here
24 }
25 }
27// We load the data from file, in case of failure we notify user
91Error("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: Cast failed, are you sure your class ( 'Type:' ) inherits from EffectArea and that there are no Typos?");
92 }
93 }
95Error("[WARNING] :: [EffectAreaLoader CreateZones] :: Data could not be read, please check data and syntax"); // Most JSON related errors should be handled, but we have an extra check in case data could not be read