DayZ 1.24
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | EconomyLogCategories |
Categories for CEApi.EconomyLog. More... | |
class | EconomyOutputStrings |
Special strings for CEApi.EconomyOutput. More... | |
class | CEItemProfile |
Functions | |
class EconomyLogCategories | EconomyMapStrings () |
Special strings for CEApi.EconomyMap. | |
void | EconomyLogCategories () |
void | ~EconomyLogCategories () |
void | ~EconomyMapStrings () |
static string | Category (string category) |
Generates string that will make CEApi.EconomyMap use all items with this category. | |
static string | Tag (string tag) |
Generates string that will make CEApi.EconomyMap use all items with this tag. | |
void | EconomyOutputStrings () |
void | ~EconomyOutputStrings () |
void | ~CEApi () |
proto native void | ExportSpawnData () |
Regenerates "storage/spawnpoints.bin" if necessary. | |
proto native void | ExportProxyData (vector vCenter=vector.Zero, float fRadius=0) |
Generates "storage/export/mapgrouppos.xml". | |
proto native void | ExportClusterData () |
Generates "storage/export/mapgroupcluster.xml". | |
proto native void | ExportProxyProto () |
Generates "storage/export/mapgroupproto.xml". | |
proto native void | MarkCloseProxy (float fRadius, bool bAllSelections) |
Invalidates loot spawn points which are closer than the radius supplied. | |
proto native void | RemoveCloseProxy () |
Removes all invalid points. | |
proto native void | ListCloseProxy (float fRadius) |
Outputs a list of all loot points closer than specified radius. | |
proto native bool | SpawnAnalyze (string sClassName) |
Will emulate the spawning of the item which is being looked at and generate images (.tga) in storage/lmap and output logs. | |
proto native void | TimeShift (float fShift) |
Subtracts the supplied value from the current lifetime of all items in the world. | |
proto native void | OverrideLifeTime (float fLifeTime) |
Fills in the Debug Lifetime, which will be used for any new DE spawned. | |
proto native Entity | SpawnGroup (string sGroupName, vector vPos, float fAngle=-1) |
Force spawn specific prototype group + loot at position. | |
proto native void | SpawnDE (string sEvName, vector vPos, float fAngle=-1) |
Force spawn specific dynamic event. | |
proto native void | SpawnDEEx (string sEvName, vector vPos, float fAngle, int uFlags) |
Force spawn specific dynamic event. | |
proto native void | SpawnLoot (string sEvName, vector vPos, float fAngle, int iCount=1, float fRange=1) |
Spawn an item through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnDynamic (vector vPos, bool bShowCylinders=true, float fDefaultDistance=0) |
Spawn all entities with dynamic category through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnVehicles (vector vPos, bool bShowCylinders=false, float fDefaultDistance=20) |
Spawn all entities with vehicles category through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnBuilding (vector vPos, bool bShowCylinders=false, float fDefaultDistance=20) |
Spawn all entities with building category through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnEntity (string sClassName, vector vPos, float fRange, int iCount) |
Spawn an entity through CE. | |
proto native Object | SpawnSingleEntity (string sClassName, vector vPos) |
Spawn an entity through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnRotation (string sClassName, vector vPos, float fRange, int iCount, int iFlags) |
Spawn an entity through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnPerfTest (string sClassName, int iCount) |
Spawn an entity through CE, x amount of times in a grid. | |
proto native void | CleanMap () |
Queue up the depleting of lifetime of everything in the world. | |
proto native void | EconomyLog (string sLogType) |
Outputs debug file to storage/log/*.csv. | |
proto native void | EconomyMap (string sMapType) |
Outputs debug file to storage/lmap/*.tga showing the current places this is spawned. | |
proto native void | EconomyOutput (string sOutputType, float fRange) |
Outputs debug logs into server log or rpt. | |
proto native void | RadiusLifetimeIncrease (vector vCenter, float fRadius, float fValue) |
Process lifetime increase within radius by value (sec) | |
proto native void | RadiusLifetimeDecrease (vector vCenter, float fRadius, float fValue) |
Process lifetime decrease within radius by value (sec) | |
proto native void | RadiusLifetimeReset (vector vCenter, float fRadius) |
Process lifetime reset to default value from DB within radius. | |
Globals API | |
Get values from globals.xml | |
proto native int | GetCEGlobalInt (string varName) |
Get int from globals.xml. | |
proto native float | GetCEGlobalFloat (string varName) |
Get float from globals.xml. | |
proto native string | GetCEGlobalString (string varName) |
Get string from globals.xml. | |
Avoidance API | |
Optimized internal methods that the CE uses to avoid spawning DE within certain distances | |
proto native bool | AvoidPlayer (vector vPos, float fDistance) |
Check if there is a player within a radius. | |
proto native bool | AvoidVehicle (vector vPos, float fDistance, string sDEName="") |
Check if there is a vehicle within a radius. | |
proto native int | CountPlayersWithinRange (vector vPos, float fRange) |
Check if there is a vehicle within a radius. | |
CE Debug menu Script API | |
DIAG ONLY: These options are available from the in-game debug menu on Diag exe (Game > Central Economy), documentation can be found on wiki | |
proto native void | LootSetSpawnVolumeVisualisation (ESpawnVolumeVis mode) |
"Spawn Volume Vis" | |
proto native void | LootToggleSpawnSetup (bool mode) |
"Setup Vis" | |
proto native void | LootToggleVolumeEditing (bool mode) |
"Edit Volume" | |
proto native void | LootRetraceGroupPoints () |
"Re-Trace Group Points" | |
proto native void | LootExportGroup () |
"Export Group >>" | |
proto native void | LootExportAllGroups () |
"Export All Groups >>>>" / GetCEApi.ExportProxyProto(); | |
proto native void | LootExportMap () |
"<<< Export Map" / GetCEApi.ExportProxyData(vector.Zero, 0); | |
proto native void | LootExportClusters () |
"<<< Export Clusters" / GetCEApi().ExportClusterData() | |
proto native void | LootDepleteLifetime () |
"Deplete Lifetime" | |
proto native void | LootSetDamageToOne () |
"Set Damage = 1.0" | |
proto native void | LootDepleteAndDamage () |
"Damage + Deplete" | |
proto native void | InfectedToggleVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Infected Vis" | |
proto native void | InfectedToggleZoneInfo (bool mode) |
"Infected Zone Info" | |
proto native void | InfectedSpawn () |
"Infected Spawn" | |
proto native void | InfectedResetCleanup () |
"Reset Cleanup" | |
proto native void | AnimalToggleVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Animal Vis" | |
proto native void | AnimalSpawn () |
"Animal Spawn" | |
proto native void | AnimalAmbientSpawn () |
"Ambient Spawn" | |
proto native void | ToggleVehicleAndWreckVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Vehicle&Wreck Vis" | |
proto native void | ToggleLootVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Loot Vis" | |
proto native void | ToggleClusterVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Cluster Vis" | |
proto native void | ToggleDynamicEventStatus (bool mode) |
"Dynamic Events Status" | |
proto native void | ToggleDynamicEventVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Dynamic Events Vis" | |
proto native void | DynamicEventSpawn () |
"Dynamic Events Spawn" | |
proto native void | DynamicEventExport () |
"Export Dyn Event >>" | |
proto native void | ToggleOverallStats (bool mode) |
"Overall Stats" | |
Variables | |
const int | ECE_NONE = 0 |
const int | ECE_SETUP = 2 |
const int | ECE_TRACE = 4 |
const int | ECE_CENTER = 8 |
const int | ECE_UPDATEPATHGRAPH = 32 |
const int | ECE_ROTATIONFLAGS = 512 |
const int | ECE_CREATEPHYSICS = 1024 |
const int | ECE_INITAI = 2048 |
const int | ECE_AIRBORNE = 4096 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS = 8192 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP_CARGO = 16384 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP = 24576 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP_CONTAINER = 2097152 |
const int | ECE_LOCAL = 1073741824 |
const int | ECE_NOSURFACEALIGN = 262144 |
const int | ECE_KEEPHEIGHT = 524288 |
const int | ECE_NOLIFETIME = 4194304 |
const int | ECE_NOPERSISTENCY_WORLD = 8388608 |
const int | ECE_NOPERSISTENCY_CHAR = 16777216 |
const int | ECE_DYNAMIC_PERSISTENCY = 33554432 |
const int | ECE_IN_INVENTORY = 787456 |
const int | ECE_PLACE_ON_SURFACE = 1060 |
const int | ECE_OBJECT_SWAP = 787488 |
const int | ECE_FULL = 25126 |
const int | RF_NONE = 0 |
const int | RF_FRONT = 1 |
const int | RF_TOP = 2 |
const int | RF_LEFT = 4 |
const int | RF_RIGHT = 8 |
const int | RF_BACK = 16 |
const int | RF_BOTTOM = 32 |
const int | RF_ALL = 63 |
const int | RF_IGNORE = 64 |
const int | RF_TOPBOTTOM = 34 |
const int | RF_LEFTRIGHT = 12 |
const int | RF_FRONTBACK = 17 |
const int | RF_RANDOMROT = 64 |
const int | RF_ORIGINAL = 128 |
const int | RF_DECORRECTION = 256 |
const int | RF_DEFAULT = 512 |
const string | Economy = "economy" |
const string | EconomyRespawn = "economy_respawn" |
const string | RespawnQueue = "respawn_queue" |
const string | Container = "container" |
const string | Matrix = "matrix" |
const string | UniqueLoot = "uniqueloot" |
const string | Bind = "bind" |
const string | SetupFail = "setupfail" |
const string | Storage = "storage" |
const string | Classes = "class" |
const string | Category = "category" |
const string | Tag = "tag" |
const string | SCategory = "s_category" |
const string | STag = "s_tag" |
const string | SAreaflags = "s_areaflags" |
const string | SCrafted = "s_crafted" |
const string | MapGroup = "map_group" |
const string | MapComplete = "map_complete" |
const string | InfectedZone = "infected_zone" |
const string | ALL_ALL = "all:all" |
Everything. | |
const string | ALL_LOOT = "all:loot" |
All loot. | |
const string | ALL_VEHICLE = "all:vehicle" |
All vehicles. | |
const string | ALL_INFECTED = "all:infected" |
All infected. | |
const string | ALL_ANIMAL = "all:animal" |
All animals. | |
const string | ALL_PLAYER = "all:player" |
All players. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY = "all:proxy" |
All proxies. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY_STATIC = "all:proxystatic" |
All static loot spawns. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY_DYNAMIC = "all:proxydynamic" |
All dynamic loot spawns. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY_ABANDONED = "all:proxyabandoned" |
All abandoned loot spawns. | |
class EconomyOutputStrings | OFF = 0 |
class EconomyOutputStrings | ADAPTIVE = 0 |
class EconomyOutputStrings | VOLUME = 0 |
class EconomyOutputStrings | OCCUPIED = 0 |
const string | LINKS = "links" |
Lists stats regarding which loot spawn) that are linked together and how many there are. | |
const string | SUSPICIOUS = "suspicious" |
Lists loot spawns that have more loot than their maximum + 4. | |
const string | DE_CLOSE_POINT = "declosepoint" |
Lists DE spawns that have positions that are within supplied range (< fRange, not equal) | |
const string | ABANDONED = "abandoned" |
Lists loot spawns that have been marked as abandoned. | |
const string | EMPTY = "empty" |
Lists loot spawns that are not abandoned but have no loot. | |
const string | CLOSE = "close" |
Lists loot spawns that are not abandoned and within the supplied range (< fRange, not equal) | |
const string | WORLD = "world" |
Lists the number of objects inside of categories. | |
const string | STATUS = "status" |
Lists overall CE stats. | |
const string | LOOT_SIZE = "lootsize" |
Lists the maxlootsize of all CE items. | |
These don't do anything anymore but are left for backwards compatibility | |
class CEItemProfile | CEApi () = 0 |
API to interact with Central Economy. | |
proto native void | PlatformStatTest () |
proto native void | LootToggleProxyEditing (bool mode) |
proto native void | OnUpdate () |
proto native CEApi | GetCEApi () |
Get the CE API. | |
Check if there is a player within a radius.
vPos | vector The center point |
fDistance | float The radius around the center point |
Returns false when there is a player inside supplied area, true when it successfully avoided players Referenced by ItemBase::SpawnCatch().
Check if there is a vehicle within a radius.
vPos | vector The center point |
fDistance | float The radius around the center point |
sDEName | string A specific DE to avoid, if left empty, will avoid all vehicles |
Returns false when there is a vehicle inside supplied area, true when it successfully avoided vehicles Generates string that will make CEApi.EconomyMap use all items with this category.
category | string The desired loot category |
The string to pass into CEApi.EconomyMap Definition at line 112 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Queue up the depleting of lifetime of everything in the world.
Outputs debug file to storage/log/*.csv.
sLogType | string The type of log (EconomyLogCategories) |
private |
Outputs debug file to storage/lmap/*.tga showing the current places this is spawned.
sMapType | string The type of lmap, can be just a class name or a special string |
class EconomyLogCategories EconomyMapStrings | ( | ) |
Special strings for CEApi.EconomyMap.
Outputs debug logs into server log or rpt.
sOutputType | string One of the strings specified in EconomyOutputStrings |
fRange | float Range parameter used for some of the options const string CLOSE Lists loot spawns that are not abandoned and within the supplied range (< fRange, not equal) Definition CentralEconomy.c:192 |
private |
Generates "storage/export/mapgroupcluster.xml".
Generates "storage/export/mapgrouppos.xml".
vCenter | vector Center of area to generate from |
fRadius | float Radius in meters of area to generate from |
Generates "storage/export/mapgroupproto.xml".
Regenerates "storage/spawnpoints.bin" if necessary.
Get the CE API.
Referenced by BaseBuildingBase::AfterStoreLoad(), CGame::GlobalsInit(), HandlePlayerBody(), BaseBuildingBase::InitRefresherData(), Entity::MaxLifetimeRefreshCalc(), BaseBuildingBase::OnCEUpdate(), DayZPlayerCommandDeathCallback::OnSimulationEnd(), BaseBuildingBase::SetRefresherActive(), ItemBase::SpawnCatch(), and BaseBuildingBase::TerritoryFlag().
Get float from globals.xml.
varName | string The name of the entry |
The value or float.MIN if not found/not a float Get int from globals.xml.
varName | string The name of the entry |
The value or int.MIN if not found/not an int Get string from globals.xml.
varName | string The name of the entry |
The value or empty string if not found/not a string Outputs a list of all loot points closer than specified radius.
fRadius | float The minimum desired distance in meters between loot spawn points GetCEApi().ListCloseProxy(0.3);
"Export All Groups >>>>" / GetCEApi.ExportProxyProto();
"<<< Export Clusters" / GetCEApi().ExportClusterData()
"<<< Export Map" / GetCEApi.ExportProxyData(vector.Zero, 0);
private |
"Spawn Volume Vis"
Invalidates loot spawn points which are closer than the radius supplied.
fRadius | float The minimum desired distance in meters between loot spawn points |
bAllSelections | bool When false, will only check the points within a container against each other, when true will against all points // Example: I want there to be a minimum distance of 0.3m between any loot spawn point
GetCEApi().MarkCloseProxy(0.3, true);
Fills in the Debug Lifetime, which will be used for any new DE spawned.
fLifeTime | float The lifetime for any DE spawned after this call |
Process lifetime decrease within radius by value (sec)
vCenter | vector The center point |
fRadius | float The radius around the center point |
fValue | float The value to decrease the lifetime by |
Process lifetime increase within radius by value (sec)
vCenter | vector The center point |
fRadius | float The radius around the center point |
fValue | float The value to increase the lifetime by |
Removes all invalid points.
Will emulate the spawning of the item which is being looked at and generate images (.tga) in storage/lmap and output logs.
sClassName | string The class name of the desired item to analyze |
Whether the operation was successful, it might fail in certain scenarios if the CE doesn't update in time
private |
Spawn all entities with building category through CE.
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entities at |
bShowCylinders | bool Whether to draw the CE BBox with debug shapes |
fDefaultDistance | float The default distance to use when the entity does not have a CE BBox |
Force spawn specific dynamic event.
sEvName | string The DE to spawn |
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entity at |
fAngle | float Angle to spawn the Entity with in degrees [0, 360] |
Whether the spawn was successful Force spawn specific dynamic event.
sEvName | string The DE to spawn |
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entity at |
fAngle | float Angle to spawn the Entity with in degrees [0, 360] |
uFlags | int ECE flags to apply while spawning the DE |
Whether the spawn was successful
private |
Spawn all entities with dynamic category through CE.
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entities at |
bShowCylinders | bool Whether to draw the CE BBox with debug shapes |
fDefaultDistance | float The default distance to use when the entity does not have a CE BBox |
Spawn an entity through CE.
sClassName | string The entity to spawn |
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entity at |
fRange | float Circle radius |
iCount | int The amount of items |
Referenced by DayZPlayer::CommandHandlerDebug(), HandleStoreCartridge(), SelectStoreCartridge(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityInInventory(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityInPlayerInventory(), Entity::SpawnEntityOnGround(), and Entity::SpawnEntityOnGroundPos().
Force spawn specific prototype group + loot at position.
sGroupName | string The group name to spawn |
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entity at |
fAngle | float Angle to spawn the Entity with in degrees [0, 360] |
private |
Spawn an item through CE.
sEvName | string The DE to spawn |
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entity at |
fAngle | float Angle to spawn the Entity with in degrees [0, 360] |
iCount | int The amount of items |
fRange | float Circle radius |
Spawn an entity through CE, x amount of times in a grid.
sClassName | string The entity to spawn |
iCount | int The amount of items GetCEApi().SpawnPerfTest("Deagle", 30);
private |
Spawn an entity through CE.
sClassName | string The entity to spawn |
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entity at |
fRange | float Circle radius |
iCount | int The amount of items |
iFlags | int The rotation flags to apply |
private |
Spawn all entities with vehicles category through CE.
vPos | vector The position to spawn the Entities at |
bShowCylinders | bool Does nothing for Vehicles, left for backwards compat |
fDefaultDistance | float The default distance to use when the entity does not have a CE BBox |
Generates string that will make CEApi.EconomyMap use all items with this tag.
category | string The desired loot tag |
The string to pass into CEApi.EconomyMap Definition at line 127 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Subtracts the supplied value from the current lifetime of all items in the world.
fShift | float The value in seconds which will be subtracted from the current lifetimes // Shortens the lifetimes of all items in the world by 3 seconds
Definition at line 228 of file CentralEconomy.c.
private |
private |
private |
Lists loot spawns that have been marked as abandoned.
Definition at line 250 of file CentralEconomy.c.
private |
Definition at line 134 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All animals.
Definition at line 142 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All infected.
Definition at line 140 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All loot.
Definition at line 136 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All players.
Definition at line 144 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All proxies.
Definition at line 146 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All abandoned loot spawns.
Definition at line 152 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All dynamic loot spawns.
Definition at line 150 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All static loot spawns.
Definition at line 148 of file CentralEconomy.c.
All vehicles.
Definition at line 138 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 9 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 13 of file CentralEconomy.c.
private |
API to interact with Central Economy.
Definition at line 152 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 12 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Lists loot spawns that are not abandoned and within the supplied range (< fRange, not equal)
Definition at line 261 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 6 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Lists DE spawns that have positions that are within supplied range (< fRange, not equal)
Definition at line 245 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 18 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 11 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 16 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by CreateDamageTriggerEx(), CreateItemBasePiles(), LateInit(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::SetPreviewObject(), and ObjectSpawnerHandler::SpawnObject().
Definition at line 32 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ArrowManagerPlayer::Load(), CGame::OnProjectileStopped(), CGame::OnProjectileStoppedInObject(), CGame::OnProjectileStoppedInTerrain(), and ObjectSpawnerHandler::SpawnObject().
Definition at line 22 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 20 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ManBase::SpawnAI(), and PluginBase::SpawnNewInfectedEntity().
Definition at line 21 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 23 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 40 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 36 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by DayZPlayer::CommandHandlerDebug(), ManBase::CreateCopyOfItemInInventory(), HandleStoreCartridge(), SelectStoreCartridge(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityInInventory(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityInPlayerInventory(), InventoryItem::SplitIntoStackMax(), InventoryItem::SplitIntoStackMaxToInventoryLocationEx(), InventoryItem::SplitItemToInventoryLocation(), and ActionUncoverHeadBase::UncoverHead().
Definition at line 17 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ManBase::SpawnAI(), and PluginBase::SpawnNewInfectedEntity().
Definition at line 27 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ArrowManagerPlayer::Load(), ActionCreateGreenhouseGardenPlot::OnFinishProgressServer(), CGame::OnProjectileStoppedInObject(), and CGame::OnProjectileStoppedInTerrain().
Definition at line 24 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by CreateDamageTriggerEx(), Particle::CreateInWorld(), ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::CreateNewEntity(), ReplaceAndDestroyLambdaEx::CreateNewEntity(), Particle::CreateParticleEffect(), ParticleSource::CreateParticleEx(), Hologram::Hologram(), ArrowManagerPlayer::Load(), ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::PlayFlareVFX(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::SetPreviewObject(), and UndergroundTriggerCarrierBase::SpawnTrigger().
Definition at line 29 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ObjectSpawnerHandler::SpawnObject().
Definition at line 7 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by EffectArea::CreateTrigger(), EffectAreaLoader::CreateZones(), TrapSpawnBase::SpawnCatch(), UndergroundAreaLoader::SpawnTriggerCarrier(), and ThrowEntityFromInventory().
Definition at line 31 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 30 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 26 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 38 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::CreateNewEntity(), Entity::DeathUpdate(), Hologram::PlaceEntity(), and DestructionEffectBase::ReplaceEntityServer().
Definition at line 37 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by FireplaceBase::AfterStoreLoad(), ItemBase::CreateConstructionKit(), CreateItemBasePiles(), CreateMagazinePiles(), CreateMagazinePilesFromBullet(), Managed::CreateNewCharacter(), ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::CreateNewEntity(), ReplaceAndDestroyLambdaEx::CreateNewEntity(), CreateOrgan(), CAContinuousMineWood::CreatePrimaryItems(), ItemBase::CreateRope(), CAContinuousMineWood::CreateSecondaryItems(), Weapon::CreateWeaponWithAmmo(), EffectAreaLoader::CreateZones(), KitBase::DisassembleKit(), DropNonUsableMaterialsServer(), FlammableBase::EEItemDetached(), HeadGear_Base::EEItemLocationChanged(), Mask_Base::EEItemLocationChanged(), Inventory_Base::EmptySeedPack(), HandleFishingResultSuccess(), ItemBase::Harvest(), Hologram::Hologram(), FireplaceBase::IgniteEntityAsFireplace(), FishingRod_Base_New::OnDebugSpawn(), ActionPickupChicken::OnExecuteServer(), ActionCreateIndoorFireplace::OnExecuteServer(), ActionCreateIndoorOven::OnExecuteServer(), ActionDigInStash::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionDigWorms::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionSawPlanks::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionStripCarrierVest::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionUnpackGift::OnFinishProgressServer(), FireplaceBase::OnIgnitedThis(), GardenBase::OnPlacementComplete(), KitBase::OnPlacementComplete(), OnPlacementComplete(), TentBase::OnPlacementComplete(), GardenBase::OnStoreLoad(), ItemBase::OnStoreLoad(), UnboxLambda::OnSuccess(), OnSuccess(), ItemBase::RemovePlant(), ItemBase::RemovePlantEx(), Managed::SetAttachment(), ActionSortAmmoPile::SortAmmo(), ManBase::SpawnAI(), TrapSpawnBase::SpawnCatch(), Entity::SpawnEntityOnGround(), Entity::SpawnEntityOnGroundPos(), ManBase::SpawnEntityOnGroundPos(), ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::SpawnItems(), TentBase::SpawnKit(), PluginBase::SpawnNewInfectedEntity(), InventoryItem::SplitIntoStackMax(), and FlammableBase::TryTransformIntoStick().
Definition at line 15 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 9 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::PlayFlareVFX(), and ObjectSpawnerHandler::SpawnObject().
Definition at line 10 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by Hologram::Hologram(), and ScriptConsoleItemsTab::SetPreviewObject().
Definition at line 13 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by CreateItemBasePiles(), and ObjectSpawnerHandler::SpawnObject().
Definition at line 3 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 4 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Lists loot spawns that are not abandoned but have no loot.
Definition at line 255 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 21 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Lists stats regarding which loot spawn) that are linked together and how many there are.
Definition at line 235 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Lists the maxlootsize of all CE items.
Definition at line 276 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 20 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 19 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 7 of file CentralEconomy.c.
private |
private |
Definition at line 5 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 54 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 51 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 52 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 64 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 65 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by DayZPlayer::CommandHandlerDebug(), ManBase::CreateCopyOfItemInInventory(), DropNonUsableMaterialsServer(), HeadGear_Base::EEItemLocationChanged(), Mask_Base::EEItemLocationChanged(), HandleStoreCartridge(), ActionUnpackGift::OnFinishProgressServer(), SelectStoreCartridge(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityInInventory(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityInPlayerInventory(), Entity::SpawnEntityOnGround(), Entity::SpawnEntityOnGroundPos(), InventoryItem::SplitIntoStackMax(), InventoryItem::SplitIntoStackMaxToInventoryLocationEx(), InventoryItem::SplitItemToInventoryLocation(), ThrowEntityFromInventory(), and ActionUncoverHeadBase::UncoverHead().
Definition at line 47 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 60 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 56 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ObjectSpawnerHandler::SpawnObject().
Definition at line 49 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 59 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 45 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::CreateNewEntity().
Definition at line 63 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Referenced by Entity::DeathUpdate(), ActionPickupChicken::OnExecuteServer(), and DestructionEffectBase::ReplaceEntityServer().
Definition at line 62 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 50 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 48 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 58 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 17 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 15 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 18 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 10 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 16 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Lists overall CE stats.
Definition at line 271 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 11 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Lists loot spawns that have more loot than their maximum + 4.
Definition at line 240 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 14 of file CentralEconomy.c.
Definition at line 8 of file CentralEconomy.c.
private |
Lists the number of objects inside of categories.
Definition at line 266 of file CentralEconomy.c.