133 if (!
ctx, version))
161 m_FSM.NetSyncCurrentStateID(
void hndDebugSpam(string s)
void hndDebugPrint(string s)
FSMTransition< HandStateBase, HandEventBase, HandActionBase, HandGuardBase > HandTransition
static void InventoryHFSMLog(string message=LOG_DEFAULT, string plugin=LOG_DEFAULT, string author=LOG_DEFAULT, string label=LOG_DEFAULT, string entity=LOG_DEFAULT)
Abstracted event, not to be used, only inherited.
Hand finite state machine.
represent hand state base
inventory for plain man/human
HumanInventory... with FSM (synchronous, no anims)
override bool ProcessHandEvent(HandEventBase e)
hand's fsm handling of events @NOTE: warning: ProcessHandEvent can be called only within DayZPlayer::...
bool CanProcessHandEvents()
void CreateStableStates()
void NetSyncCurrentStateID(int id)
Engine callback - network synchronization of FSM's state. not intended to direct use.
override bool OnStoreLoad(ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
ref HandStateBase m_Equipped
ref HandStateBase m_Empty
hand slot state machine
void HumanInventoryWithFSM()
override void OnStoreSave(ParamsWriteContext ctx)
bool ProcessHandAbortEvent(HandEventBase e)
static bool IsInventoryHFSMLogEnable()
Serialization general interface. Serializer API works with: