8 Print(
"SyncEvents -> RegisterEvents");
49 data.m_ServerPlayerList.CreatePlayerList();
static void SyncEvent_PreprocessPlayerList(SyncPlayerList player_list)
static void SyncEvent_OnRecievedPlayerList(SyncPlayerList player_list)
static ref ScriptInvoker SyncEvent_OnPlayerIgnitedFireplace
static ref ScriptInvoker SyncEvent_OnEntityKilled
The class that will be instanced (moddable)
Serialization general interface. Serializer API works with:
static void SendSyncEvent(ERPCs rpc_event_id, ESyncEvent sync_event_type, SyncData data=null, bool guaranteed=true, PlayerIdentity player_target=null)
static void SendPlayerList()
static void SendPlayerIgnatedFireplace(Man player, EFireIgniteType ignite_type)
static void SendEntityKilled(EntityAI victim, EntityAI killer, EntityAI source, bool is_headshot)
static void Event_OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, Object target, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
static void OnSyncEvent(ESyncEvent event_type, SyncData data, Object target)
static void RegisterEvents()
static void SendSyncEventEx(ERPCs rpc_event_id, ESyncEvent sync_event_type, SyncData data=null, bool guaranteed=true, Man recipient=null)
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.