89 override bool IsIdle() {
return true; }
182 if (DayZGame.m_IsPreviewSpawn)
189 ErrorEx(
"Muzzle array validation has failed. Please set up the correct muzzle states by overriding InitMuzzleArray.",
class WeaponGuardIsDestroyed extends WeaponGuardBase m_weapon
void fsmDebugSpam(string s)
class SSPFireout extends WeaponStableState OnEntry
int GetMuzzleStateCount()
bool IsChamberValid(int idx)
enum MuzzleState m_animState
void ValidateMuzzleArray()
Safety check and error message in case not set up correctly.
ref array< MuzzleState > m_muzzleHasBullet
bool IsSingleState()
Special one for when the weapon only has one singular state (like Magnum)
void WeaponStableState(Weapon_Base w=NULL, WeaponStateBase parent=NULL, int anim_state=-1)
bool IsChamberFiredOut(int idx)
bool IsWeaponOpen()
Whether the gun is open.
MuzzleState GetMuzzleState(int idx)
Get chamber state of the muzzle at index.
bool IsChamberFull(int idx)
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
proto static native void StaticSetInitState(Human pHuman, int pFrameIdx)
just static version of SetInitState
static bool IsWeaponLogEnable()
signalize mechanism manipulation
represents weapon's stable state (i.e. the basic states that the weapon will spend the most time in)
override bool IsDischarged()
override void OnExit(WeaponEventBase e)
override void InitMuzzleArray()
override bool HasBullet()
override int GetCurrentStateID()
override bool IsRepairEnabled()
override bool HasMagazine()
represent weapon state base
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.