226 string cfg_path =
"cfgVehicles" +
" " +
target.GetType() +
" " +
278 string cfg_path =
"cfgVehicles" +
" " +
target.GetType() +
" " +
static ActionVariantManager GetVariantManager(typename actionName)
ScriptInvoker GetOnUpdateInvoker()
void SetActionVariantCount(int count)
ref array< EntityAI > m_Attachments
void ResetActionIndexes()
ref array< ConstructionPart > m_BuildParts
EntityAI GetActualAttachmentToDetach()
void SetCombinationLock(CombinationLock combination_lock)
void ConstructionActionData()
ConstructionPart GetCurrentBuildPart()
CombinationLock m_CombinationLock
string GetDialNumberText()
CombinationLock GetCombinationLock()
int GetAttachmentsToDetachCount()
string GetMainPartNameNoTool()
string m_MainPartNameNoTool
ActionVariantManager m_ActionNoToolVariantManager
ConstructionPart GetBuildPartNoToolAtIndex(int idx)
int GetConstructionPartsCount()
void CombineItems(ItemBase target, ItemBase item)
void RefreshPartsToBuild(string main_part_name, ItemBase tool, bool use_tool=true)
void SetTarget(Object target)
void OnUpdateActionsNoTool(Object item, Object target, int component_index)
int GetAttachmentSlotFromSelection(PlayerBase player, EntityAI target, ItemBase item_to_attach, string selection)
ActionVariantManager m_ActionVariantManager
void SetSlotId(int slot_id)
ConstructionPart GetBuildPartAtIndex(int idx)
void SetNextAttachmentIndex()
PlayerBase GetActionInitiator()
ConstructionPart GetTargetPart()
void GetAttachmentsFromSelection(EntityAI target, string selection, out array< EntityAI > attachments)
void SetActionInitiator(PlayerBase action_initiator)
PlayerBase m_ActionInitiator
void RefreshAttachmentsToDetach(EntityAI target, string main_part_name)
ref ConstructionPart m_TargetPart
void OnUpdateActions(Object item, Object target, int component_index)
ref array< ConstructionPart > m_BuildPartsNoTool
void SetTargetPart(ConstructionPart target_part)
provides access to slot configuration
static proto native int GetSlotIdFromString(string slot_name)
converts string to slot_id
proto native void Clear()
remove all calls from list
proto bool Insert(func fn, int flags=EScriptInvokerInsertFlags.IMMEDIATE)
insert method to list
proto native CGame GetGame()
static proto float Clamp(float value, float min, float max)
Clamps 'value' to 'min' if it is lower than 'min', or to 'max' if it is higher than 'max'.