DayZ 1.24
No Matches
Math library


class  Math


void Math::Math ()
void Math::~Math ()
static proto int Math::GetNumberOfSetBits (int i)
 returns the number of bits set in a bitmask i
static proto int Math::GetNthBitSet (int value, int n)
 returns the the index of n-th bit set in a bit mask counting from the right, for instance, in a mask ..0110 1000 , the 0th set bit(right-most bit set to 1) is at 3th position(starting at 0), 1st bit is at 5th position, 2nd bit is at 6th position etc..
static proto int Math::RandomInt (int min, int max)
 Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [exclusive].
static int Math::RandomIntInclusive (int min, int max)
 Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
static bool Math::RandomBool ()
 Returns a random bool .
static proto float Math::RandomFloat (float min, float max)
 Returns a random float number between and min[inclusive] and max[exclusive].
static float Math::RandomFloatInclusive (float min, float max)
 Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
static float Math::RandomFloat01 ()
 Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
static proto int Math::Randomize (int seed)
 Sets the seed for the random number generator.
static proto float Math::NormalizeAngle (float ang)
 Normalizes the angle (0...360)
static proto float Math::DiffAngle (float angle1, float angle2)
 Return relative difference between angles.
static proto float Math::Pow (float v, float power)
 Return power of v ^ power.
static proto float Math::ModFloat (float x, float y)
 Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y rounded towards zero.
static proto float Math::RemainderFloat (float x, float y)
 Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y rounded to nearest.
static proto float Math::AbsFloat (float f)
 Returns absolute value.
static proto int Math::AbsInt (int i)
 Returns absolute value.
static proto float Math::SignFloat (float f)
 Returns sign of given value.
static proto int Math::SignInt (int i)
 Returns sign of given value.
static proto float Math::SqrFloat (float f)
 Returns squared value.
static proto int Math::SqrInt (int i)
 Returns squared value.
static proto float Math::Sqrt (float val)
 Returns square root.
static proto float Math::Log2 (float x)
 Returns the binary (base-2) logarithm of x.
static proto float Math::Sin (float angle)
 Returns sinus of angle in radians.
static proto float Math::Cos (float angle)
 Returns cosinus of angle in radians.
static proto float Math::Tan (float angle)
 Returns tangent of angle in radians.
static proto float Math::Asin (float s)
 Returns angle in radians from sinus.
static proto float Math::Acos (float c)
 Returns angle in radians from cosinus.
static proto float Math::Atan (float x)
 Returns angle in radians from tangent.
static proto float Math::Atan2 (float y, float x)
 Returns angle in radians from tangent.
static proto float Math::Round (float f)
 Returns mathematical round of value.
static proto float Math::Floor (float f)
 Returns floor of value.
static proto float Math::Ceil (float f)
 Returns ceil of value.
static proto float Math::WrapFloat (float f, float min, float max)
 Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max[.
static proto float Math::WrapFloatInclusive (float f, float min, float max)
 Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max].
static proto float Math::WrapFloat0X (float f, float max)
 Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max[.
static proto float Math::WrapFloat0XInclusive (float f, float max)
 Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max].
static proto int Math::WrapInt (int i, int min, int max)
 Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max[.
static proto int Math::WrapInt0X (int i, int max)
 Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max[.
static proto float Math::Clamp (float value, float min, float max)
 Clamps 'value' to 'min' if it is lower than 'min', or to 'max' if it is higher than 'max'.
static proto float Math::Min (float x, float y)
 Returns smaller of two given values.
static proto float Math::Max (float x, float y)
 Returns bigger of two given values.
static proto bool Math::IsInRange (float v, float min, float max)
 Returns if value is between min and max (inclusive)
static proto bool Math::IsInRangeInt (int v, int min, int max)
 Returns if value is between min and max (inclusive)
static proto float Math::Lerp (float a, float b, float time)
 Linearly interpolates between 'a' and 'b' given 'time'.
static proto float Math::InverseLerp (float a, float b, float value)
 Calculates the linear value that produces the interpolant value within the range [a, b], it's an inverse of Lerp.
static proto float Math::AreaOfRightTriangle (float s, float a)
 Returns area of a right triangle.
static proto float Math::HypotenuseOfRightTriangle (float s, float a)
 Returns hypotenus of a right triangle.
static proto bool Math::IsPointInCircle (vector c, float r, vector p)
 Returns if point is inside circle.
static proto bool Math::IsPointInRectangle (vector mi, vector ma, vector p)
 Returns if point is inside rectangle.
static proto float Math::SmoothCD (float val, float target, inout float velocity[], float smoothTime, float maxVelocity, float dt)
 Does the CD smoothing function - easy in | easy out / S shaped smoothing.
static float Math::Poisson (float mean, int occurences)
 occurences values above '12' will cause Factorial to overflow int.
static int Math::Factorial (int val)
 values above '12' will cause int overflow


static const float Math::EULER = 2.7182818284590452353
static const float Math::PI = 3.14159265358979
static const float Math::PI2 = 6.28318530717958
static const float Math::PI_HALF = 1.570796326794
static const float Math::RAD2DEG = 57.2957795130823208768
static const float Math::DEG2RAD = 0.01745329251994329577

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ AbsFloat()

static proto float Math::AbsFloat ( float f)

Returns absolute value.

ffloat Value
float - Absolute value
Print( Math.AbsFloat(-12.5) );
>> 12.5
Definition EnMath.c:7
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
static proto float AbsFloat(float f)
Returns absolute value.

Referenced by ActionPushCar::ActionCondition(), ActionFillBrakes::ActionCondition(), ActionEnterLadder::ActionCondition(), SoftSkillsManager::AddSpecialty(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ApplyHorizontalNoise(), WorldData::CalcBaseEnvironmentTemperature(), CalculateEyeAcco(), CCTWaterSurface::Can(), DebugMonitorValues::CheckBlood(), Managed::CheckBlood(), DebugMonitorValues::CheckHealth(), Managed::CheckHealth(), BaseBuildingBase::CheckMemoryPointVerticalDistance(), Cooling(), DayZIntroScenePC::DayZIntroScenePC(), StaminaHandler::DepleteStamina(), EvaluateComponentEx(), EvaluateHit_Player(), EntityLightSource::FadeBrightnessTo(), EntityLightSource::FadeRadiusTo(), DayZInfected::FightLogic(), FilterObstructedObjectsByGrouping(), DayZInfected::GetAttackPitch(), GetCollisionBoxSize(), Environment::GetEnvironmentTemperature(), GetMeleeTargetEx(), ActionTargetsCursor::GetOnScreenPosition(), SoftSkillsManager::GetPreciseRoughLevels(), GetRadius(), Transport::GetSpeedometerAbsolute(), DayZInfected::HandleMove(), DayZPlayer::HandleView(), AttachmentsOutOfReach::IsAttachmentReachable(), Hologram::IsBaseFlat(), Hologram::IsCollidingAngle(), BaseBuildingBase::IsFacingPlayer(), ManBase::IsFacingTarget(), IsPlayerOrientedTowardPos(), PointLightBase::OnFrameLightSource(), InventoryActionHandler::OnUpdate(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ProcessAimFilters(), Weapon_Base::SetCylinderRotationAnimationPhase(), EntityLightSource::SetDancingShadowsAmplitude(), EntityLightSource::SetDancingShadowsMovementSpeed(), EntityLightSource::SetFlickerAmplitude(), Hologram::SmoothProjectionMovement(), EnProfilerTests::TestClassTimeData(), EnProfilerTests::TestFuncTimeData(), AnimationTimer::Tick(), AnimatorTimer::Tick(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Update(), WeaponManager::Update(), UIScriptedMenu::Update(), UpdateLRAngleUnlocked(), UpdateUDAngle(), and UpdateUDAngleUnlocked().

◆ AbsInt()

◆ Acos()

◆ AreaOfRightTriangle()

static proto float Math::AreaOfRightTriangle ( float s,
float a )

Returns area of a right triangle.

sfloat Length of adjacent leg
afloat Angle of corner bordering adjacent which is not the right corner (in radians)
float - Area

◆ Asin()

static proto float Math::Asin ( float s)

Returns angle in radians from sinus.

sfloat Sinus
float - Angle in radians
Print( Math.Asin(0.707107) ); // (sinus 45)
>> 0.785398
static proto float Asin(float s)
Returns angle in radians from sinus.

Referenced by Easing::EaseInElastic(), Easing::EaseInOutElastic(), Easing::EaseOutElastic(), and Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck().

◆ Atan()

static proto float Math::Atan ( float x)

Returns angle in radians from tangent.

xfloat Tangent
float - Angle in radians

◆ Atan2()

static proto float Math::Atan2 ( float y,
float x )

Returns angle in radians from tangent.

yfloat Tangent
xfloat Tangent
float - Angle in radians
Print ( Math.Atan2(1, 1) );
>> 0.785398
static proto float Atan2(float y, float x)
Returns angle in radians from tangent.

Referenced by DayZIntroScene::DayZIntroScene(), GetMousePointerAngle(), DayZInfected::HandleOrientation(), MeleeTargetSettings(), and PluginBase::OnUpdate().

◆ Ceil()

◆ Clamp()

static proto float Math::Clamp ( float value,
float min,
float max )

Clamps 'value' to 'min' if it is lower than 'min', or to 'max' if it is higher than 'max'.

valuefloat Value
minfloat Minimum value
maxfloat Maximum value
float - Clamped value
Print( Math.Clamp(-0.1, 0, 1) );
Print( Math.Clamp(2, 0, 1) );
Print( Math.Clamp(0.5, 0, 1) );
>> 0
>> 1
>> 0.5
static proto float Clamp(float value, float min, float max)
Clamps 'value' to 'min' if it is lower than 'min', or to 'max' if it is higher than 'max'.

Referenced by Chat::Add(), ComponentEnergyManager::AddEnergy(), SoftSkillsManager::AddExponentialPrecise(), SoftSkillsManager::AddExponentialRough(), IEntity::AddHealthLevel(), SoftSkillsManager::AddLinearPrecise(), SoftSkillsManager::AddLinearRough(), BaseBuildingBase::AddRefresherTime01(), AddTemperatureToItem(), AddTemperatureToItemByFire(), AddWetnessToFireplace(), AddWetnessToItem(), AdjustCameraParameters(), Hologram::AlignProjectionOnTerrain(), BaseBuildingBase::AnimateFlagEx(), RecoilBase::ApplyCamOffset(), RecoilBase::ApplyHandsOffset(), RecoilBase::ApplyMouseOffset(), HitDirectionEffectBase::CalculateArrowPosition(), GameplayEffectWidgets_base::CalculateBreathEffect(), PluginBase::CalculateHealth(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::CalculateSwayMultiplier(), Managed::CheckBlood(), Barrel_ColorBase::ColourClothes(), CookOnDirectSlot(), DamageCrew(), DecreaseCookedItemQuantity(), UIScriptedMenu::DeleteKeyframe(), StaminaHandler::DepleteStamina(), WrittenNoteData::DepleteWritingImplement(), InjurySoundHandlerBase::DetermineInjuryZone(), Hud::DisplayNotifier(), Hud::DisplayTendencyNormal(), RecipeBase::Do(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireCameraHybrid(), UniversalTemperatureSourceLambdaBaseImpl::DryItemsInVicinity(), EOnPostSimulate(), ItemBase::Fertilize(), PPEffects::FlashbangEffect(), ManBase::FreezeCheck(), ConstructionActionData::GetActualAttachmentToDetach(), GetAirResistanceForSmokeParticles(), ManBase::GetHealthRegenSpeed(), ManBase::GetImmunity(), CAContinuousQuantityEdible::GetProgress(), Hologram::GetProjectionEntityPosition(), SoundHandlerBase::GetStaminaState(), GetTemperatureColor(), UIScriptedMenu::GetTotalTime(), GetZone(), PlayerAgentPool::GrowAgents(), HandleFallDamage(), GameplayEffectWidgets_base::HandleWidgetRoot(), Heating(), PPEffects::HitEffect(), HitDirectionEffectBase::Init(), Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::LoadEntries(), DayZCreature::ModCommandHandlerBefore(), RightArea::MoveUpDownIcons(), BaseBuildingBase::OnCEUpdate(), OnEndServer(), ActionRefuelTorch::OnExecuteServer(), Grenade_Base::OnExplosionEffects(), ActionRepairCarChassis::OnFinishProgressServer(), OnFinishProgressServer(), CarScript::OnSound(), BleedingSourcesManagerBase::OnTick(), OnTick(), ModifierBase::OnTick(), HeatComfortMdfr::OnTick(), ShockDamageMdfr::OnTick(), TimerBase::OnUpdate(), DayZPlayerCamera3rdPersonErc::OnUpdate(), GameplayEffectWidgets_base::OnVoiceEvent(), ItemBase::OnWork(), FlashbangEffect::PlaySound(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ProcessAimFilters(), RainProcurementHandler::ProcessBatch(), BleedingSourcesManagerBase::ProcessHit(), Environment::ProcessItemsHeat(), ProcessNoiseComponents(), MissionBase::RandomArtillery(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::RandomizePageIndex(), PPERequesterBase::RelativizeValue(), SanitizeString(), PluginBase::SelectedObjectSetDamage(), Managed::SendInitValues(), InventoryItem::SetCleanness(), UniversalTemperatureSourceLambdaFireplace::SetCurrentTemperature(), PPEffects::SetDeathDarkening(), PPERequester_GameplayBase::SetFlashbangIntensity(), InventoryItem::SetQuantity(), InventoryItem::SetQuantityNormalized(), BaseBuildingBase::SetRefreshTimer01(), StaminaHandler::SetStamina(), PluginBase::SetStamina(), InventoryItem::SetTemperature(), InventoryItem::SetWet(), ShockDealtEffect::ShockDealtEffect(), Hud::ShowPlayerTag(), ManBase::SimplifyShock(), SnapOnObject(), Liquid::Transfer(), TruncateVec(), DamageDealtEffect::Update(), FlashbangEffect::Update(), ShockDealtEffect::Update(), NotificationUI::Update(), HitDirectionEffectBase::Update(), PPEMatClassParameterCommandData::Update(), RecoilBase::Update(), UpdateCookingState(), CorpseData::UpdateCorpseState(), LeftArea::UpdateSelectionIcons(), BleedingIndicatorDropData::UpdateTransform(), and ValueToBar().

◆ Cos()

◆ DiffAngle()

static proto float Math::DiffAngle ( float angle1,
float angle2 )

Return relative difference between angles.

float Difference between angles (angle1 - angle2)
Print( Math.DiffAngle(-45, 45) );
Print( Math.DiffAngle(90, 80) );
>> -90
>> 10
static proto float DiffAngle(float angle1, float angle2)
Return relative difference between angles.

◆ Factorial()

static int Math::Factorial ( int val)

values above '12' will cause int overflow

Definition at line 687 of file EnMath.c.

688 {
689 if (val > 12)
690 {
691 ErrorEx("Values above '12' cause int overflow! Returning '1'");
692 return 1;
693 }
695 int res = 1;
696 while (val > 1)
697 res *= val--;
698 return res;
699 }
enum ShapeType ErrorEx

References ErrorEx.

Referenced by Poisson().

◆ Floor()

◆ GetNthBitSet()

static proto int Math::GetNthBitSet ( int value,
int n )

returns the the index of n-th bit set in a bit mask counting from the right, for instance, in a mask ..0110 1000 , the 0th set bit(right-most bit set to 1) is at 3th position(starting at 0), 1st bit is at 5th position, 2nd bit is at 6th position etc..

Referenced by AreaExposureMdfr::BleedingSourceCreateCheck(), PluginBase::InjectAgentsWithPlayer(), and PluginBase::InjectAgentsWithPlayerCount().

◆ GetNumberOfSetBits()

◆ HypotenuseOfRightTriangle()

static proto float Math::HypotenuseOfRightTriangle ( float s,
float a )

Returns hypotenus of a right triangle.

sfloat Length of adjacent leg
afloat Angle of corner bordering adjacent which is not the right corner (in radians)
float - hypotenus

◆ InverseLerp()

static proto float Math::InverseLerp ( float a,
float b,
float value )

Calculates the linear value that produces the interpolant value within the range [a, b], it's an inverse of Lerp.

afloat Start
bfloat End
valuefloat value
float - the time given the position between 'a' and 'b' given 'value', there is no clamp on 'value', to stay between [0..1] use 'value' between 'a' and 'b'
Print( Math.InverseLerp(3, 7, 5) );
>> 0.5
static proto float InverseLerp(float a, float b, float value)
Calculates the linear value that produces the interpolant value within the range [a,...

Referenced by RecoilBase::ApplyCamOffset(), BleedChanceData::CalculateBleedChance(), GameplayEffectWidgets_base::CalculateBreathEffect(), Managed::CheckBlood(), ConvertMins12hToAlarmHand01(), DamageCrew(), BroomBase::DebugSetHealthAndEnergy(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireCameraHybrid(), CGame::ExplosionEffects(), ManBase::FreezeCheck(), HeatComfortAnimHandler::GetEventTime(), Mask_Base::GetFilterQuantity01(), ManBase::GetHealthRegenSpeed(), PlayerStatBase::GetNormalized(), InventoryItem::GetQuantityNormalized(), ManBase::GetStatLevelBorders(), GetZone(), HandleFallDamage(), MaskMdfr::HandleSounds(), Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck(), OnEndServer(), ManBase::OnReceivedHit(), CGame::OnRPC(), BleedingSourcesManagerBase::OnTick(), ModifierBase::OnTick(), PoisoningMdfr::OnTick(), HeatComfortMdfr::OnTick(), ShockDamageMdfr::OnTick(), ScriptConsoleGeneralTab::RefreshDateWidgets(), PPERequesterBase::RelativizeValue(), KitchenTimer::SecondsTo01(), Managed::SendInitValues(), KuruShake::Update(), DamageDealtEffect::Update(), Update(), FlashbangEffect::Update(), ShockDealtEffect::Update(), HitDirectionEffectBase::Update(), RecoilBase::Update(), ScriptConsoleWeatherTab::UpdateSliderValues(), and BleedingIndicatorDropData::UpdateTransform().

◆ IsInRange()

static proto bool Math::IsInRange ( float v,
float min,
float max )

Returns if value is between min and max (inclusive)

vfloat Value
minfloat Minimum value
maxfloat Maximum value
bool - if value is within range [min,max]
Print( Math.IsInRange(6.9, 3.6, 9.3) );
>> true
static proto bool IsInRange(float v, float min, float max)
Returns if value is between min and max (inclusive)

◆ IsInRangeInt()

static proto bool Math::IsInRangeInt ( int v,
int min,
int max )

Returns if value is between min and max (inclusive)

vint Value
minint Minimum value
maxint Maximum value
bool - if value is within range [min,max]
Print( Math.IsInRangeInt(6, 3, 9) );
>> true
static proto bool IsInRangeInt(int v, int min, int max)
Returns if value is between min and max (inclusive)

◆ IsPointInCircle()

static proto bool Math::IsPointInCircle ( vector c,
float r,
vector p )

Returns if point is inside circle.

cvector Center of circle ([0] and [2] will be used, as a circle is 2D)
rfloat Radius of circle
pvector Point ([0] and [2] will be used, as a circle is 2D)
bool - True when point is in circle

◆ IsPointInRectangle()

static proto bool Math::IsPointInRectangle ( vector mi,
vector ma,
vector p )

Returns if point is inside rectangle.

mivector Minimums of rectangle ([0] and [2] will be used, as a rectangle is 2D)
mavector Maximums of rectangle ([0] and [2] will be used, as a rectangle is 2D)
pvector Point ([0] and [2] will be used, as a rectangle is 2D)
bool - True when point is in rectangle

◆ Lerp()

static proto float Math::Lerp ( float a,
float b,
float time )

Linearly interpolates between 'a' and 'b' given 'time'.

afloat Start
bfloat End
timefloat Time [value needs to be between 0..1 for correct results, no auto clamp applied]
float - The interpolated result between the two float values.
Print( Math.Lerp(3, 7, 0.5) );
>> 5
static proto float Lerp(float a, float b, float time)
Linearly interpolates between 'a' and 'b' given 'time'.

Referenced by BleedingIndicatorDropData::AdjustColorSaturation(), PlayerSpawnHandler::ApplyAttributes(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ApplyBreathingPattern(), RecoilBase::ApplyCamOffset(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ApplyHorizontalNoise(), WorldData::CalcBaseEnvironmentTemperature(), BleedChanceData::CalculateBleedChance(), GameplayEffectWidgets_base::CalculateBreathEffect(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::CalculateSwayMultiplier(), ConvertAlarmHand01ToMins(), ConvertAlarmHand01ToMins12h(), DamageCrew(), StaminaHandler::DepleteStamina(), DetermineSpecificFinisherType(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireCameraHybrid(), EOnPostSimulate(), CGame::ExplosionEffects(), PPERequester_GameplayBase::FadeColourMult(), PPEffects::FlashbangEffect(), ManBase::FreezeCheck(), HeatComfortAnimHandler::GetEventTime(), ManBase::GetHealthRegenSpeed(), GetMeleeTargetEx(), MaskMdfr::HandleSounds(), PPEffects::HitEffect(), KuruShake::KuruShake(), ShockHandler::LerpVignette(), PPEMatClassParameterColor::ModifyResultValues(), PlayerSoundEventBase::OnPlay(), PPERequester_GameplayBase::OnStart(), ModifierBase::OnTick(), PoisoningMdfr::OnTick(), HeatComfortMdfr::OnTick(), ShockDamageMdfr::OnTick(), ManBase::OnUnconsciousUpdate(), TimerBase::OnUpdate(), PPERequester_GameplayBase::OnUpdate(), GameplayEffectWidgets_base::OnVoiceEvent(), ComponentEnergyManager::SetEnergy0To1(), InventoryItem::SetQuantityNormalized(), ManBase::SimplifyShock(), Hologram::SmoothProjectionMovement(), ManBase::SpawnDrowningBubbles(), KitchenTimer::Time01ToSeconds(), DamageDealtEffect::Update(), ShockDealtEffect::Update(), HitDirectionEffectBase::Update(), PPEMatClassParameterCommandData::Update(), BleedingIndicatorDropData::UpdateAlpha(), ScriptConsoleGeneralTab::UpdateTime(), BleedingIndicatorDropData::UpdateTransform(), and ValueToBar().

◆ Log2()

static proto float Math::Log2 ( float x)

Returns the binary (base-2) logarithm of x.

xfloat Value whose logarithm is calculated.
float The binary logarithm of x: log2x.
If x is negative, it causes a domain error:
If x is zero, it may cause a pole error (depending on the library implementation).
Print( Math.Log2(1.0) );
>> 0.0
static proto float Log2(float x)
Returns the binary (base-2) logarithm of x.

Referenced by DigestAgents(), and PluginRecipesManagerBase::SortIngredientsInRecipe().

◆ Math()

void Math::Math ( )

Definition at line 8 of file EnMath.c.


◆ Max()

static proto float Math::Max ( float x,
float y )

Returns bigger of two given values.

xfloat Value
yfloat Value
float - max value
Print( Math.Max(5.3, 2.8) );
>> 5.3
static proto float Max(float x, float y)
Returns bigger of two given values.

Referenced by BleedingIndicatorDropData::BleedingIndicatorDropData(), Environment::CalcTemperatureFromTemperatureSource(), PluginBase::CalcTemperatureFromTemperatureSource(), BleedChanceData::CalculateBleedChance(), ReplaceItemWithNewLambda::CopyOldPropertiesToNew(), StaminaHandler::DepleteStamina(), UniversalTemperatureSourceLambdaBaseImpl::DryItemsInVicinity(), Weapon::GetEffectiveAttachmentLength(), CfgGameplayHandler::GetMovementRotationSpeedJog(), CfgGameplayHandler::GetMovementRotationSpeedSprint(), CfgGameplayHandler::GetMovementTimeToSprint(), CfgGameplayHandler::GetMovementTimeToStrafeJog(), CfgGameplayHandler::GetMovementTimeToStrafeSprint(), Environment::GetPlayerHeat(), Environment::GetTemperatureHeightCorrection(), Environment::GetWetDelta(), HasMaterials(), ManBase::Init(), ItemOptics::InitCameraOverrideProperties(), InventoryItem::ItemBase(), PPEMatClassParameterColor::ModifyResultValues(), ScriptConsoleGeneralTab::OnDoubleClick(), CholeraMdfr::OnTick(), Environment::ProcessItemsDryness(), Ammunition_Base::SetFromProjectile(), Hologram::SetOnGround(), StaticConstructionMethods::SpawnConstructionMaterialPiles(), TakeMaterialsServer(), PluginBase::TransmitAgentsEx(), StaminaHandler::Update(), PPEMatClassParameterCommandData::Update(), Update(), BroomBase::UpdateParticle(), Container::UpdateRowVisibility(), and FlammableBase::Upgrade().

◆ Min()

◆ ModFloat()

static proto float Math::ModFloat ( float x,
float y )

Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y rounded towards zero.

xfloat Value of the quotient numerator
yfloat Value of the quotient denominator
float - The remainder of dividing the arguments
Print( Math.ModFloat(5.3, 2) );
Print( Math.ModFloat(18.5, 4.2) );
>> 1.3
>> 1.7
static proto float ModFloat(float x, float y)
Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y rounded towards zero.

Referenced by HitDirectionEffectBase::CalculateArrowPosition(), and FModulus().

◆ NormalizeAngle()

static proto float Math::NormalizeAngle ( float ang)

Normalizes the angle (0...360)

angfloat Angle for normalizing
float - Normalized angle
>> 30
>> 270
static proto float NormalizeAngle(float ang)
Normalizes the angle (0...360)

Referenced by HitDirectionEffectBase::CalculateArrowPosition(), and DayZInfected::HandleOrientation().

◆ Poisson()

static float Math::Poisson ( float mean,
int occurences )

occurences values above '12' will cause Factorial to overflow int.

Definition at line 681 of file EnMath.c.

682 {
684 }
static const float EULER
Definition EnMath.c:11
static proto float Pow(float v, float power)
Return power of v ^ power.
static int Factorial(int val)
values above '12' will cause int overflow
Definition EnMath.c:687

References EULER, Factorial(), and Pow().

Referenced by GameplayEffectsData::BuildProbabilityData().

◆ Pow()

◆ RandomBool()

static bool Math::RandomBool ( )

Returns a random bool .

bool - Random bool either 0 or 1
>> true
>> true
>> false
static bool RandomBool()
Returns a random bool .
Definition EnMath.c:73

Definition at line 73 of file EnMath.c.

74 {
75 return RandomIntInclusive(0, 1);
76 }
static int RandomIntInclusive(int min, int max)
Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
Definition EnMath.c:54

References RandomIntInclusive().

◆ RandomFloat()

◆ RandomFloat01()

static float Math::RandomFloat01 ( )

Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].

float - Random number in range 0.0 .. 1.0
Print( Math.RandomFloat01() ); // 0.0 .. 1.0
>> 0.3
>> 1.0
static float RandomFloat01()
Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
Definition EnMath.c:126

Definition at line 126 of file EnMath.c.

127 {
128 return RandomFloatInclusive(0, 1);
129 }
static float RandomFloatInclusive(float min, float max)
Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
Definition EnMath.c:106

References RandomFloatInclusive().

Referenced by MessageReceiverBase::AutoinfectCheck(), AreaExposureMdfr::BleedingSourceCreateCheck(), ItemBase::CheckRainTick(), ChooseAttack(), CreateParticle(), PluginBase::DetermineChanceToTransmit(), GetRandomPos(), PluginBase::GiveWormsToPlayer(), ItemBase::InfestationTimerTick(), AreaExposureMdfr::OnTick(), PoisoningMdfr::OnTick(), BrainDiseaseMdfr::OnTick(), CommonColdMdfr::OnTick(), InfluenzaMdfr::OnTick(), Edible_Base::ProcessDecay(), ManBase::ProcessFeetDamageServer(), ManBase::ProcessHandDamage(), BleedingSourcesManagerBase::ProcessHit(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::RandomizePageIndex(), BleedingSourcesManagerBase::RemoveBleedingSource(), ManBase::SpreadAgentsEx(), and Managed::Update().

◆ RandomFloatInclusive()

static float Math::RandomFloatInclusive ( float min,
float max )

Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].

minfloat Range starts [inclusive]
maxfloat Range ends [inclusive]
float - Random number in range
Print( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0, 1) ); // 0.0 .. 1.0
Print( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(1, 2) ); // 1.0 .. 2.0
>> 0.3
>> 2.0

Definition at line 106 of file EnMath.c.

107 {
108 int max_range = Math.Pow(2, 30); //max range
110 float rand_float = (float)random_int / (float)max_range;
111 float range = max - min;
113 return min + (rand_float * range); //rand float
114 }
static proto int RandomInt(int min, int max)
Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [exclusive].

References Pow(), and RandomInt().

Referenced by PlayerSpawnHandler::ApplyAttributes(), AttachBleedingToZonesByHeight(), ItemBase::CatchSetQuant(), RecipeBase::Do(), GameplayEffectsData::GenerateSequenceRandomPosition(), FireworksLauncher::GetEventDelay(), HeatComfortAnimHandler::GetEventTime(), FireworksLauncherClientEvent::GetExplosionDelay(), FireworksLauncherClientEvent::GetExplosionDistance(), GetExplosionDistance(), Math3D::GetRandomDir(), FireworksLauncherClientEvent::GetShotDispersionAngle(), SpookyEventBase::GetSoundPos(), ItemBase::GetTemperatureValue(), HandleFishingResultFailure(), HandleFishingResultSuccess(), HitDirectionEffectBase::Init(), Init(), BleedingIndicatorDropData::InitImageScale(), AreaExposureMdfr::OnActivate(), ContaminationStage1Mdfr::OnActivate(), ContaminationStage2Mdfr::OnActivate(), WoundInfectStage1Mdfr::OnActivate(), WoundInfectStage2Mdfr::OnActivate(), ActionRepairCarChassis::OnFinishProgressServer(), OnFinishProgressServer(), FireworksLauncherClientEvent::OnFired(), AreaExposureMdfr::OnTick(), FeverMdfr::OnTick(), ContaminationStage2Mdfr::OnTick(), SalmonellaMdfr::OnTick(), WoundInfectStage1Mdfr::OnTick(), WoundInfectStage2Mdfr::OnTick(), SymptomBase::OnUpdateClient(), PlateCarrierVest::OnWasAttached(), ProcessSound(), InjurySoundHandlerBase::ProcessSound(), vector::RandomDir(), vector::RandomDir2D(), RandomFloat01(), Randomize(), Particle::RandWiggleFloat(), BleedingIndicatorDropData::ScatterPosition(), InventoryItem::SetCEBasedQuantity(), ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::SpawnItems(), BleedingIndicatorDropData::StartDrop(), and WorldData::WeatherOnBeforeChange().

◆ RandomInt()

static proto int Math::RandomInt ( int min,
int max )

Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [exclusive].

minint Range starts [inclusive]
maxint Range ends [exclusive]
int - Random number in range
Print( Math.RandomInt(0, 1) ); // only 0
Print( Math.RandomInt(0, 2) ); // 0 or 1
>> 0
>> 1

Referenced by ApplyJumpOutDmg(), AttachBleedingToZonesByHeight(), Catching(), Managed::CreateNewCharacterRandom(), DayZIntroSceneXbox::CreateRandomCharacter(), CreditsLoader::CreateTestJson(), SymptomManager::CreateUniqueID(), InventoryItem::DamageItemAttachments(), InventoryItem::DamageItemInCargo(), DayZIntroScene::DayZIntroScene(), InventoryItem::DoAmmoExplosion(), InventoryItem::EEHitBy(), Apple::EEOnCECreate(), Bottle_Base::EEOnCECreate(), GreenBellPepper::EEOnCECreate(), Pear::EEOnCECreate(), Plum::EEOnCECreate(), Potato::EEOnCECreate(), Tomato::EEOnCECreate(), Zucchini::EEOnCECreate(), MushroomBase::EEOnCECreate(), DayZInfected::EOnInit(), FireworksLauncher::FireworksLauncher(), FishPull(), BloodTypes::GenerateBloodType(), RemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour::GeneratePersistentID(), GameplayEffectsData::GenerateSequenceRandomPosition(), AreaDamageBase::GetRandomHitZone(), array< Class T >::GetRandomIndex(), GetRandomLoadingBackground(), SoundLookupTable::GetSoundBuilder(), ItemBase::GrowthTimerTick(), HandleFishingResultSuccess(), HandleSoundEffectsPipeCreaking(), Init(), ItemBase::Init(), WeaponParticlesBase::OnActivate(), MapHandler::OnDoubleClick(), ActionUnrestrainSelf::OnFinishProgressServer(), OnSteppedOn(), CholeraMdfr::OnTick(), CommonColdMdfr::OnTick(), InfluenzaMdfr::OnTick(), SalmonellaMdfr::OnTick(), ItemBase::PlantBase(), PlayActionSound(), PlayPipeCreakingSoundOnLocation(), BleedingSourcesManagerBase::ProcessHit(), RandomFloatInclusive(), RandomIntInclusive(), UIScriptedMenu::RandomizeCharacter(), HFSMBase< WeaponStateBase, WeaponEventBase, WeaponActionBase, WeaponGuardBase >::RandomizeFSMStateEx(), BetaSound::SaySound(), DayZAIHitComponentHelpers::SelectMostProbableHitComponent(), SendEmoteRequestSync(), OptionSelector::SetRandomValue(), ShuffleLock(), ItemBase::SoundCollision(), BarbedWireTrigger::SoundCollision(), ItemBase::SoundCut(), ItemBase::SoundElectricShock(), BarbedWireTrigger::SoundElectricShock(), ItemBase::SoundSpark(), TrapSpawnBase::SpawnCatch(), TrapSpawnBase::Trap_RabbitSnare(), and WorldData::WeatherOnBeforeChange().

◆ RandomIntInclusive()

static int Math::RandomIntInclusive ( int min,
int max )

◆ Randomize()

static proto int Math::Randomize ( int seed)

Sets the seed for the random number generator.

seedint New seed for the random number generator, -1 will use time
int - Returns new seed
>> 5
static proto int Randomize(int seed)
Sets the seed for the random number generator.

Referenced by AttachBleedingToZonesByHeight(), CGame::CGame(), ChooseAttack(), AreaDamageBase::GetRandomHitZone(), GetRandomLoadingBackground(), KuruShake::KuruShake(), CGame::OnAfterCreate(), FireworksLauncher::OnVariablesSynchronized(), Randomize(), RandomizedDeviation(), and ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::RandomizePageIndex().

◆ RemainderFloat()

static proto float Math::RemainderFloat ( float x,
float y )

Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y rounded to nearest.

xfloat Value of the quotient numerator
yfloat Value of the quotient denominator
float - The remainder of dividing the arguments
Print( Math.RemainderFloat(18.5, 4.2) );
>> -0.7
>> 1.7
static proto float RemainderFloat(float x, float y)
Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y rounded to nearest.

◆ Round()

static proto float Math::Round ( float f)

Returns mathematical round of value.

ffloat Value
float - closest whole number to 'f'
Print( Math.Round(5.3) );
Print( Math.Round(5.8) );
>> 5
>> 6
static proto float Round(float f)
Returns mathematical round of value.

Referenced by ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::AddItem(), BaseBuildingBase::AddRefresherTime01(), BaseBuildingBase::AnimateFlagEx(), PlayerSpawnHandler::ApplyAttributes(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ApplyShakes(), ItemBase::CatchSetQuant(), InventoryItem::CombineItems(), CreateOrgan(), InventoryItem::DeSerializeNumericalVars(), DetermineSpecificFinisherType(), RecipeBase::Do(), PoweredOptic_Base::DoMeasurement(), Inventory_Base::EmptySeedPack(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::GetDistanceString(), ComponentEnergyManager::GetEnergy0To100(), VicinitySlotsContainer::GetItemQuantityText(), FlammableBase::GetRagQuantity(), ItemBase::GetTemperatureValue(), EntityLightSource::HandleBlinking(), HandleFishingResultSuccess(), DayZInfected::HandleOrientation(), UIScriptedMenu::NextPrevPage(), BaseBuildingBase::OnCEUpdate(), Battery9V::OnEnergyAdded(), VehicleBattery::OnEnergyAdded(), Battery9V::OnEnergyConsumed(), Chemlight_ColorBase::OnEnergyConsumed(), VehicleBattery::OnEnergyConsumed(), ModifierBase::OnTick(), OnUpdate(), OrderedAltitudeNumbersPosition(), UIScriptedMenu::ProcessDistanceAndUnits(), ProcessNoiseComponents(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::RefreshItemVariables(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::RefreshQuickbarItemVariables(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::RemoveItem(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ResetItem(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetItem(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetItemColor(), ActionTargetsCursor::SetItemQuantity(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetItemQuantity(), Icon::SetQuantity(), SlotsIcon::SetQuantity(), InventoryItem::SetQuantityNormalized(), BaseBuildingBase::SetRefreshTimer01(), UIScriptedMenu::Update(), UIScriptedMenu::UpdateItemInfoQuantity(), UIScriptedMenu::UpdateItemInfoWeight(), ServerBrowserTab::UpdatePageButtons(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::UpdateQuantityItems(), UIScriptedMenu::UpdateQuickbarItemCard(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::UpdateTemperatureItems(), HudDebugWinBase::UpdateValues(), and ValueToBar().

◆ SignFloat()

static proto float Math::SignFloat ( float f)

Returns sign of given value.

ffloat Value
float - Sign of given value
Print( Math.SignFloat(-12.0) );
Print( Math.SignFloat(12.0) );
>> -1.0
>> 0
>> 1.0
static proto float SignFloat(float f)
Returns sign of given value.

◆ SignInt()

static proto int Math::SignInt ( int i)

Returns sign of given value.

iint Value
int - Sign of given value
>> -1
>> 0
>> 1

◆ Sin()

◆ SmoothCD()

static proto float Math::SmoothCD ( float val,
float target,
inout float velocity[],
float smoothTime,
float maxVelocity,
float dt )

Does the CD smoothing function - easy in | easy out / S shaped smoothing.

valactual value
targetvalue we are reaching for -> Target
velocityfloat[1] - array of ONE member - some kind of memory and actual accel/decel rate, need to be zeroed when filter is about to be reset
smoothTimesmoothing parameter, 0.1 .. 0.4 are resonable values, 0.1 is sharp, 0.4 is very smooth
maxVelocitymaximal value change when multiplied by dt
dtdelta time
float smoothed/filtered value
val = EnfMath.SmoothCD(val, varTarget, valVelocity, 0.3, 1000, dt);

Referenced by DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ApplyHorizontalNoise(), HitDirectionEffectBase::CalculateArrowPosition(), DayZPlayerCameraBase::HoldBreathFOVEffect(), HoldBreathFOVEffect(), DayZPlayerCameraBase::OnUpdate(), OnUpdate(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::ProcessStealthFilters(), StdFovUpdate(), NotificationUI::Update(), UpdateLRAngle(), UpdateLRAngleLookAt(), UpdateLRAngleUnlocked(), UpdateUDAngle(), and UpdateUDAngleUnlocked().

◆ SqrFloat()

◆ SqrInt()

static proto int Math::SqrInt ( int i)

Returns squared value.

iint Value
int - Squared value
Print( Math.SqrInt(12) );
>> 144
static proto int SqrInt(int i)
Returns squared value.

Referenced by EffectArea::PlaceParticles().

◆ Sqrt()

static proto float Math::Sqrt ( float val)

Returns square root.

valfloat Value
float - Square of value
Print( Math.Sqrt(25));
>> 5
static proto float Sqrt(float val)
Returns square root.

Referenced by SoftSkillsManager::AddExponentialPrecise(), SoftSkillsManager::AddExponentialRough(), DayZIntroScenePC::DayZIntroScenePC(), Easing::EaseInCirc(), Easing::EaseInOutCirc(), Easing::EaseOutCirc(), CGame::OnRPC(), and UIScriptedMenu::Update().

◆ Tan()

static proto float Math::Tan ( float angle)

Returns tangent of angle in radians.

anglefloat Angle in radians
float - Tangens of angle
Print( Math.Tan(0.785398) ); // (45)
>> 1
static proto float Tan(float angle)
Returns tangent of angle in radians.

Referenced by GetMeleeTarget(), GetMeleeTargetEx(), and PointLightBase::OnFrameLightSource().

◆ WrapFloat()

static proto float Math::WrapFloat ( float f,
float min,
float max )

Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max[.

ffloat Value
minfloat Minimum
maxfloat Maximum
float - number in specified interval [min, max[
Print( Math.WrapFloat(9.0, 1.0, 9.0) );
>> 1.0
static proto float WrapFloat(float f, float min, float max)
Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max[.

◆ WrapFloat0X()

static proto float Math::WrapFloat0X ( float f,
float max )

Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max[.

ffloat Value
maxfloat Maximum
float - number in specified interval [0, max[
Print( Math.WrapFloat0X(9.0, 9.0) );
>> 0.0
static proto float WrapFloat0X(float f, float max)
Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max[.

◆ WrapFloat0XInclusive()

static proto float Math::WrapFloat0XInclusive ( float f,
float max )

Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max].

ffloat Value
maxfloat Maximum
float - number in specified interval [0, max]
Print( Math.WrapFloat0X(9.0, 9.0) );
>> 9.0

◆ WrapFloatInclusive()

static proto float Math::WrapFloatInclusive ( float f,
float min,
float max )

Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max].

ffloat Value
minfloat Minimum
maxfloat Maximum
float - number in specified interval [min, max]
Print( Math.WrapFloatInclusive(9.0, 1.0, 9.0) );
>> 9.0
static proto float WrapFloatInclusive(float f, float min, float max)
Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max].

◆ WrapInt()

static proto int Math::WrapInt ( int i,
int min,
int max )

Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max[.

iint Value
minfloat Minimum
maxint Maximum
int - number in specified interval [min, max[
Print( Math.WrapInt(9, 1, 9) );
>> 1
static proto int WrapInt(int i, int min, int max)
Returns wrap number to specified interval [min, max[.

Referenced by WeaponStateBase::FindNextFreeMuzzle().

◆ WrapInt0X()

static proto int Math::WrapInt0X ( int i,
int max )

Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max[.

iint Value
maxint Maximum
int - number in specified interval [0, max[
Print( Math.WrapInt0X(9, 9) );
>> 0
static proto int WrapInt0X(int i, int max)
Returns wrap number to specified interval [0, max[.

◆ ~Math()

void Math::~Math ( )

Definition at line 9 of file EnMath.c.


Variable Documentation



const float Math::EULER = 2.7182818284590452353

Definition at line 11 of file EnMath.c.

Referenced by Poisson().

◆ PI

◆ PI2


const float Math::PI_HALF = 1.570796326794