DayZ 1.24
Inherits ActionBaseCB.
Inherited by ActionActivateTrapCB [private]
, ActionArmExplosiveCB [private]
, ActionAttachExplosivesTriggerCB [private]
, ActionBandageSelfCB [private]
, ActionBandageTargetCB [private]
, ActionBreakLongWoodenStickCB [private]
, ActionBuildOvenCB [private]
, ActionBuildPartCB [private]
, ActionBuildStoneCircleCB [private]
, ActionBurnSewSelfCB [private]
, ActionBurnSewTargetCB [private]
, ActionBuryAshesCB [private]
, ActionBuryBodyCB [private]
, ActionCPRCB [private]
, ActionCheckPulseTargetCB [private]
, ActionCollectBloodSelfCB [private]
, ActionCollectBloodTargetCB [private]
, ActionCollectSampleSelfCB [private]
, ActionCollectSampleTargetCB [private]
, ActionConsumeCB [private]
, ActionCookOnStickCB [private]
, ActionCoverHeadSelfCB [private]
, ActionCoverHeadTargetCB [private]
, ActionCraftArmbandCB [private]
, ActionCraftBoltsCB [private]
, ActionCraftBoltsFeatherCB [private]
, ActionCraftBoneKnifeCB [private]
, ActionCraftBoneKnifeEnvCB [private]
, ActionCraftCB [private]
, ActionCraftImprovisedEyePatchCB [private]
, ActionCraftImprovisedFaceCoverCB [private]
, ActionCraftImprovisedFeetCoverCB [private]
, ActionCraftImprovisedHandsCoverCB [private]
, ActionCraftImprovisedHeadCoverCB [private]
, ActionCraftImprovisedLegsCoverCB [private]
, ActionCraftImprovisedTorsoCoverCB [private]
, ActionCraftRopeBeltCB [private]
, ActionCraftStoneKnifeEnvCB [private]
, ActionCreateGreenhouseGardenPlotCB [private]
, ActionDeCraftDrysackBagCB [private]
, ActionDeCraftRopeBeltCB [private]
, ActionDeCraftWitchHoodCoifCB [private]
, ActionDefibrilateSelfCB [private]
, ActionDefibrilateTargetCB [private]
, ActionDestroyCombinationLockCB [private]
, ActionDestroyPartCB [private]
, ActionDialCombinationLockCB [private]
, ActionDialCombinationLockOnTargetCB [private]
, ActionDigInStashCB [private]
, ActionDigOutStashCB [private]
, ActionDigWormsCB [private]
, ActionDisarmExplosiveCB [private]
, ActionDisarmMineCB [private]
, ActionDisinfectPlantCB [private]
, ActionDisinfectSelfCB [private]
, ActionDisinfectTargetCB [private]
, ActionDismantleGardenPlotCB [private]
, ActionDismantleOvenCB [private]
, ActionDismantlePartCB [private]
, ActionDismantleStoneCircleCB [private]
, ActionDrainLiquidCB [private]
, ActionDrinkCB [private]
, ActionDrinkPondContinuousCB [private]
, ActionDrinkWellContinuousCB [private]
, ActionEatBigCB [private]
, ActionEatCanCB [private]
, ActionEatFruitCB [private]
, ActionEatMeatCB [private]
, ActionEatSmallCanCB [private]
, ActionEmptyBottleBaseCB [private]
, ActionExtinguishFireplaceByExtinguisherCB [private]
, ActionExtinguishFireplaceByLiquidCB [private]
, ActionFeedVitaminBottleCB [private]
, ActionFertilizeSlotCB [private]
, ActionFillBottleBaseCB [private]
, ActionFillBrakesCB [private]
, ActionFillCoolantCB [private]
, ActionFillFuelCB [private]
, ActionFillGeneratorTankCB [private]
, ActionFillObjectCB [private]
, ActionFillOilCB [private]
, ActionFoldBaseBuildingObjectCB [private]
, ActionForceConsumeCB [private]
, ActionForceDrinkCB [private]
, ActionForceFeedCB [private]
, ActionForceFeedMeatCB [private]
, ActionForceFeedSmallCB [private]
, ActionGiveBloodTargetCB [private]
, ActionGiveSalineSelfCB [private]
, ActionGiveSalineTargetCB [private]
, ActionIgniteFireplaceByAirCB [private]
, ActionLightItemOnFireCB [private]
, ActionLoadMagazineCB [private]
, ActionLoadMagazineQuickCB [private]
, ActionLockDoorsCB [private]
, ActionManipulateFlagCB [private]
, ActionMeasureTemperatureSelfCB [private]
, ActionMeasureTemperatureTargetCB [private]
, ActionMineBushCB [private]
, ActionMineRockCB [private]
, ActionMountBarbedWireCB [private]
, ActionPackGiftCB [private]
, ActionPackTentCB [private]
, ActionPlaceOnGroundCB [private]
, ActionPourLiquidCB [private]
, ActionRaiseAndViewCB [private]
, ActionRaiseMegaphoneCB [private]
, ActionReadPaperCB [private]
, ActionRepackTentCB [private]
, ActionRepairCarChassisCB [private]
, ActionRepairCarEngineCB [private]
, ActionRepairCarPartCB [private]
, ActionRepairItemWithBlowtorchCB [private]
, ActionRepairPartCB [private]
, ActionRepairTentCB [private]
, ActionRepairTentPartCB [private]
, ActionRestrainSelfCB [private]
, ActionRestrainTargetCB [private]
, ActionSawPlanksCB [private]
, ActionSetAlarmClockCB [private]
, ActionSetKitchenTimerCB [private]
, ActionSewSelfCB [private]
, ActionSewTargetCB [private]
, ActionShaveCB [private]
, ActionShaveTargetCB [private]
, ActionSkinningCB [private]
, ActionSortAmmoPileCB [private]
, ActionSplintSelfCB [private]
, ActionSplintTargetCB [private]
, ActionStartCarCB [private]
, ActionStripCarrierVestCB [private]
, ActionTestBloodSelfCB [private]
, ActionTestBloodTargetCB [private]
, ActionTransferLiquidCB [private]
, ActionTuneFrequencyCB [private]
, ActionTuneRadioStationCB [private]
, ActionTurnValveCB [private]
, ActionUncoverHeadSelfCB [private]
, ActionUncoverHeadTargetCB [private]
, ActionUnlockDoorsCB [private]
, ActionUnmountBarbedWireCB [private]
, ActionUnpackBoxCB [private]
, ActionUnpackGiftCB [private]
, ActionUnrestrainSelfCB [private]
, ActionUnrestrainTargetCB [private]
, ActionUnrestrainTargetHandsCB [private]
, ActionUpgradeTorchFromGasPumpCB [private]
, ActionUseRangefinderCB [private]
, ActionWashHandsItemContinuousCB [private]
, ActionWashHandsWaterCB [private]
, ActionWashHandsWellCB [private]
, ActionWaterGardenSlotCB [private]
, ActionWaterPlantCB [private]
, ActionWorldCraftCB [private]
, ActionWringClothesCB [private]
, and ActionWritePaperCB [private]
Private Member Functions | |
bool | CancelCondition () |
override void | OnAnimationEvent (int pEventID) |
override void | InitActionComponent () |
override void | EndActionComponent () |
void | UserEndsAction () |
![]() | |
void | ActionBaseCB () |
int | GetPossileStanceMask () |
override void | OnFinish (bool pCanceled) |
void | SetCommand (int command_uid) |
void | CreateActionComponent () |
void | InitActionComponent () |
void | ProgressActionComponent () |
void | EndActionComponent () |
void | Interrupt () |
void | SetActionData (ActionData action_data) |
override bool | IsUserActionCallback () |
float | GetActionComponentProgress () |
int | GetActionState () |
ActionTarget | GetTarget () |
Private Attributes | |
bool | m_inLoop = false |
bool | m_callLoopEnd = false |
![]() | |
ActionData | m_ActionData |
SoundOnVehicle | m_SoundObject |
bool | m_Canceled |
bool | m_Interrupted |
Definition at line 1 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 6 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
References DefaultCancelCondition(), GetState(), ActionData::m_Action, ActionBaseCB::m_ActionData, m_callLoopEnd, m_inLoop, ActionBaseCB::m_Interrupted, ActionData::m_State, STATE_LOOP_LOOP, STATE_LOOP_LOOP2, UA_INITIALIZE, and UA_PROCESSING.
Definition at line 85 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
References ActionData::m_Action, ActionBaseCB::m_ActionData, ActionBaseCB::m_Canceled, ActionData::m_State, ActionBaseCB::SetCommand(), UA_CANCEL, and UA_FINISHED.
Referenced by UserEndsAction().
Definition at line 68 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
References ActionBaseCB::CreateActionComponent(), EnableCancelCondition(), ActionData::m_Action, ActionData::m_ActionComponent, ActionBaseCB::m_ActionData, ActionBaseCB::m_Canceled, m_inLoop, ActionBaseCB::m_Interrupted, ActionData::m_Player, ActionBaseCB::m_SoundObject, ActionData::m_State, RegisterAnimationEvent(), UA_ANIM_EVENT, UA_IN_END, UA_IN_START, and UA_INITIALIZE.
Definition at line 33 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
References Debug::ActionLog(), LogManager::IsActionLogEnable(), ActionData::m_Action, ActionBaseCB::m_ActionData, m_inLoop, ActionBaseCB::m_Interrupted, ActionData::m_Player, UA_ANIM_EVENT, UA_IN_END, and UA_IN_START.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 110 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
References EndActionComponent(), ActionData::m_ActionComponent, ActionBaseCB::m_ActionData, and ActionData::m_State.
Definition at line 4 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
Referenced by CancelCondition().
Definition at line 3 of file ActionContinuousBase.c.
Referenced by CancelCondition(), InitActionComponent(), and OnAnimationEvent().