11 m_Type =
23 Z.SetHealth(
"", 0);
46 m_SpawnShovel =
new BotSpawnEntityInHands(m_Bot,
eBleedingSourceType m_Type
ref ActionTarget m_Target
class ActionTargets ActionTarget
void botDebugPrint(string s)
FSMTransition< BotStateBase, BotEventBase, BotActionBase, BotGuardBase > BotTransition
override void OnExit(HandEventBase e)
HandStateEquipped OnEntry
enum ProcessDirectDamageFlags m_Owner
class WeaponFireWithEject extends WeaponFire m_dtAccumulator
represents event that triggers transition from state to state
Bot Finite State Machine (Hierarchical)
represent weapon state base
Base class for eatch Infected type.
defined in C++
proto native CGame GetGame()
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.