123 for (
int i = 0;
i <
geomLod.GetPropertyCount(); ++
125 if (
i) ==
ref CCIBase m_ConditionItem
ref CCTBase m_ConditionTarget
override bool CanBeUsedSwimming()
override void CreateConditionComponents()
override void Start(ActionData action_data)
override bool IsInstant()
const string MEM_LOD_NAME
override bool ActionCondition(PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item)
const string GEOM_LOD_NAME
override bool UseAcknowledgment()
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
proto static native bool DebugDrawLadder(Building pBuilding, int pLadderIndex)
debug draws any ladder
proto static native int DebugGetLadderIndex(string pComponentName)
static const string NAME_MEMORY
static const string NAME_GEOMETRY
static proto native float DistanceSq(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the square distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
proto vector VectorToAngles()
Converts vector to spherical coordinates with radius = 1.
defined in C++
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
static proto float AbsFloat(float f)
Returns absolute value.