115 Error(
"Restraining target failed, nothing in hands");
122 Print(
"Restraining player with item in hands, first drop & then restrain");
129 Print(
"Restraining player with empty hands");
142 GetGame().GetAnalyticsClient().OnActionRestrain();
177 Error(
"ChainedDropAndRestrainLambda: missing source player!");
180 Error(
"ChainedDropAndRestrainLambda: missing source item in hands!");
ref CCIBase m_ConditionItem
ref CCTBase m_ConditionTarget
bool CanReceiveAction(ActionTarget target)
void RestrainTargetPlayerLambda(EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player)
ChainedDropAndRestrainLambda m_TargetPlayer
ref CABase m_ActionComponent
override void CreateActionComponent()
override bool ActionConditionContinue(ActionData action_data)
override void OnStartServer(ActionData action_data)
override void OnFinishProgressServer(ActionData action_data)
void ActionRestrainTarget()
override int GetStanceMask(PlayerBase player)
override void CreateConditionComponents()
override void OnEndServer(ActionData action_data)
override bool ActionCondition(PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item)
override void OnFinishProgressClient(ActionData action_data)
void ChainedDropAndRestrainLambda(EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player, bool destroy=false, PlayerBase src_player=null)
ExplosivesBase m_PairedExplosive
override void OnSuccess(EntityAI new_item)
PlayerBase m_SourcePlayer
override void CopyOldPropertiesToNew(notnull EntityAI old_item, EntityAI new_item)
override void OnSuccess(EntityAI new_item)
defined in C++
defined in C++
proto native CGame GetGame()
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.