DayZ 1.24
Entity which has the particle instance as an ObjectComponent. More...
Protected Member Functions | |
void | ParticleInit () |
Empty - Only needed for Particle. | |
proto native void | SetParticleAutoDestroyFlags (ParticleAutoDestroyFlags flags) |
Enables the particle to automatically clean up itself when ending or stopping. | |
void | DisableAutoDestroy () |
Disables the particle automatically cleaning up itself when ending or stopping. | |
proto native int | GetParticleAutoDestroyFlags () |
Gets the currently set ParticleAutoDestroyFlags flags set on this ParticleSource. | |
Events | |
ParticleBase events For ParticleSource, these are handed on C++ side For more information, read ParticleEvents | |
void | OnParticleParented (IEntity parent) |
Event when the particle receives a parent. | |
void | OnParticleUnParented (IEntity parent) |
Event when the particle is orphaned. | |
void | OnParticleStop () |
Event when the particle stops. | |
Misc backwards compatibility helpers | |
Helpers for misc backwards compatibility functionality | |
override void | AddAsChild (Object parent, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_rotation_to_world=false) |
Attaches this particle onto some object. If null value is provided then the particle will be detached from the current parent. | |
Parameter API | |
Helpful methods for getting or setting parameters | |
override void | SetParticleParam (int parameter_id, float value) |
Set the value of a parameter of all emitors in the particle. | |
override void | SetParameter (int emitter, int parameter, float value) |
Set the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle. | |
override void | GetParameter (int emitter, int parameter, out float value) |
Get the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle. | |
override float | GetParameterEx (int emitter, int parameter) |
Get the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle. | |
override void | ScaleParticleParamFromOriginal (int parameter_id, float coef) |
Scales the given parameter on all emitors relatively to their ORIGINAL value. | |
override void | ScaleParticleParam (int parameter_id, float coef) |
Scales the given parameter on all emitors relatively to their CURRENT value. | |
override void | IncrementParticleParamFromOriginal (int parameter_id, float value) |
Increments the value of the given parameter relatively from the ORIGINAL value. | |
override void | IncrementParticleParam (int parameter_id, float value) |
Increments the value of the given parameter relatively from the CURRENT value. | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
Create a particle (static) | |
Helper static methods to create/attach/play a ParticleSource on one line | |
static ParticleSource | CreateParticle (int id, vector pos, bool playOnCreation=false, Object parent=null, vector ori=vector.Zero, bool forceWorldRotation=false, Class owner=null) |
Create function. | |
static ParticleSource | CreateParticleEx (int id, vector pos, int flags=ParticlePropertiesFlags.NONE, Object parent=null, vector ori=vector.Zero, Class owner=null) |
Master create function. | |
static override Particle | CreateOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false) |
Creates a particle emitter and attaches it on the given object. | |
static override Particle | Create (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0") |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility. | |
static override Particle | CreateInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false) |
Creates a particle emitter on the given position. | |
static override ParticleSource | Create (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0") |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below. | |
Static play on creation | |
You can use the following Play(...) functions to create and activate a particle in 1 line of your script. | |
static override Particle | PlayOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false) |
Creates a particle emitter, attaches it on the given object and activates it. | |
static override Particle | Play (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0") |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below. | |
static override Particle | PlayInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos) |
Creates a particle emitter on the given position and activates it. | |
static override Particle | Play (int particle_id, vector global_pos) |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below. | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | ParticleSource () |
ctor | |
void | ~ParticleSource () |
dtor | |
Playback | |
Methods regarding playing/stopping of particle | |
proto bool | PlayParticleNative (int flags) |
Method to tell the particle to start playing. | |
override bool | PlayParticleEx (int particle_id=-1, int flags=0) |
Method to tell the particle to start playing. | |
proto bool | StopParticleNative (int flags) |
Method to tell the particle to stop playing. | |
override bool | StopParticle (int flags=0) |
Method to tell the particle to stop playing. | |
proto native bool | ResetParticleNative () |
Method to tell the particle to reset. | |
override bool | ResetParticle () |
Method to tell the particle to reset. | |
proto native bool | RestartParticleNative () |
Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play) | |
override bool | RestartParticle () |
Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play) | |
proto bool | IsParticlePlayingNative () |
Ask if the particle is still playing. | |
override bool | IsParticlePlaying () |
Ask if the particle is still playing. | |
SetParticle | |
Methods that set the particle to be used | |
proto native bool | SetParticleNative (string path) |
Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource. | |
bool | SetParticle (string path) |
Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource. | |
bool | SetParticleByID (int id) |
Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource. | |
override void | SetSource (int particle_id) |
Sets particle id. | |
GetParticle | |
Methods that get the particle assigned | |
proto bool | GetParticleNative (out string path, EGetParticleMode mode) |
Gets the path to the currently assigned particle. | |
bool | GetParticle (out string path, EGetParticleMode mode) |
Gets the path to the currently assigned particle. | |
override int | GetParticleID () |
Gets the ParticleList ID of the currently assigned particle. | |
int | GetParticleIDLegacy () |
Gets the ParticleList ID of the currently assigned particle. | |
Apply properties | |
Methods to apply properties to the particle | |
proto native bool | ApplyPropertiesNative (ParticleProperties properties) |
Applies the properties given to the ParticleSource. | |
bool | ApplyProperties (ParticleProperties properties) |
Applies the properties given to the ParticleSource. | |
Properties and state | |
Obtain information or set properties regarding the state of the Particle | |
override Object | GetDirectParticleEffect () |
Returns direct particle effect entity. | |
override Object | GetParticleParent () |
Returns the parent of this Particle if there is one. | |
proto bool | HasActiveParticleNative () |
Returns if there is any particle active. | |
override bool | HasActiveParticle () |
Returns if there is any particle active. | |
proto int | GetParticleCountNative () |
Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors. | |
override int | GetParticleCount () |
Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors. | |
proto bool | IsRepeatNative () |
Returns whether there is a repeating particle. | |
override bool | IsRepeat () |
Returns whether there is a repeating particle. | |
proto float | GetMaxLifetimeNative () |
Returns the approx. max lifetime. | |
override float | GetMaxLifetime () |
Returns the approx. max lifetime. | |
proto native Class | GetOwner () |
Get the owner of this ParticleSource. | |
proto native void | SetOwner (Class owner) |
Set the owner of this ParticleSource. | |
proto native void | Orphan () |
null the owner of this ParticleSource | |
Owning ParticleManager | |
Methods regarding the owner | |
proto native ParticleManager | GetParticleManager () |
Get the ParticleManager the ParticleSource belongs to if any. | |
proto native int | GetIndex () |
Get the index of this ParticleSource in the owning ParticleManager. | |
![]() | |
override void | PlayParticle (int particle_id=-1) |
Method to tell the particle to start playing. | |
override bool | PlayParticleEx (int particle_id=-1, int flags=0) |
Method to tell the particle to start playing. | |
void | Play (int particle_id=-1) |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below. | |
override bool | StopParticle (int flags=0) |
Method to tell the particle to stop playing. | |
void | Stop () |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.14 and below. | |
void | SetSource (int particle_id) |
Sets particle id. | |
int | GetParticleID () |
Gets particle id. | |
Object | GetDirectParticleEffect () |
Returns direct particle effect entity which is usually handled by this class 'Particle' if there is one. | |
Object | GetParticleParent () |
Returns the parent of this Particle if there is one. | |
bool | HasActiveParticle () |
Returns if there is any particle active. | |
int | GetParticleCount () |
Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors. | |
bool | IsRepeat () |
Returns whether there is a repeating particle. | |
float | GetMaxLifetime () |
Returns the approx. max lifetime. | |
void | ParticleInit () |
Purely here so that it can be emptied in ParticleSource. | |
vector | RandWiggleVector () |
Helper to get a randomized wiggle vector. | |
float | RandWiggleFloat () |
Helper to get a randomized wiggle float value. | |
void | UpdateState () |
Creates/Destroys ParticleEffect child according to current state. | |
Static counter API | |
Gives counter information for the class | |
proto int | GetCountID () |
Gets the ID for the ParticleSource. | |
proto static native int | GetStaticCount () |
Gets the amount of ParticleSource that have been created since the start of the program. | |
proto static native int | GetStaticActiveCount () |
Gets the amount of ParticleSource that are currently existing. | |
Wiggle API | |
Settings to make the Particle wiggle | |
void | RandomizeOrientation () |
Randomizes a new orientation and applies it. | |
override void | SetWiggle (float random_angle, float random_interval) |
Makes the particle change direction by random_angle every random_interval seconds. | |
override void | StopWiggle () |
Stops randomized wiggle. | |
Misc Particle specific helpers | |
Functionality specific for Particle, so we empty them here | |
void | UpdateState () |
Empty. | |
void | DestroyParticleEffect () |
Empty. | |
void | CreateParticleEffect () |
Empty. | |
void | OnCheckAutoDelete () |
Empty. | |
void | OnToDelete () |
Empty. | |
void | EOnFrame (IEntity other, float timeSlice) |
Empty. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static Particle | CreateOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false) |
Creates a particle emitter and attaches it on the given object. | |
static Particle | Create (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0") |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility. | |
static Particle | CreateInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false) |
Creates a particle emitter on the given position. | |
static Particle | Create (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0") |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below. | |
static Particle | PlayOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false) |
Creates a particle emitter, attaches it on the given object and activates it. | |
static Particle | Play (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0") |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below. | |
static Particle | PlayInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos) |
Creates a particle emitter on the given position and activates it. | |
static Particle | Play (int particle_id, vector global_pos) |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below. | |
![]() | |
int | m_ParticleID |
ID from ParticleList if assigned. | |
float | m_Lifetime |
Approx. remaining lifetime of particle. | |
bool | m_IsRepeat |
Whether this particle repeats. | |
Object | m_ParentObject |
Parent Object the Particle is child of. | |
Object | m_ParticleEffect |
The child object which contains the actual particle. | |
int | m_PreviousFrame |
Entity which has the particle instance as an ObjectComponent.
Definition at line 123 of file ParticleSource.c.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 126 of file ParticleSource.c.
References Particle::m_ParticleEffect.
inlineprivate |
inlineprotected |
Attaches this particle onto some object. If null value is provided then the particle will be detached from the current parent.
parent | Object Parent onto which this particle will be attached |
local_pos | vector Attachment position local to the parent (optional) |
local_ori | vector Orientation local to the parent (Pitch, Yawn, Roll in degrees) (Optional) |
force_rotation_to_world | bool Force rotation to be in WS (Optional) |
Definition at line 769 of file ParticleSource.c.
References ApplyProperties().
inlineprivate |
Applies the properties given to the ParticleSource.
properties | ParticleProperties The properties to apply |
Whether the properties were successfully applied Definition at line 538 of file ParticleSource.c.
References ApplyPropertiesNative().
Referenced by AddAsChild(), RandomizeOrientation(), and StopWiggle().
Applies the properties given to the ParticleSource.
properties | ParticleProperties The properties to apply |
Whether the properties were successfully applied Referenced by ApplyProperties().
inlinestaticprotected |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility.
Definition at line 245 of file ParticleSource.c.
References CreateOnObject(), and particle_id.
inlinestaticprotected |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
Definition at line 266 of file ParticleSource.c.
References CreateInWorld(), and particle_id.
inlinestaticprotected |
Creates a particle emitter on the given position.
particle_id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList |
global_pos | Vector Position where the particel will be created |
global_ori | vector Orientation (Pitch, Yawn, Roll in degrees) (Optional) |
force_world_rotation | bool Has absolutely no effect here as there is no parent |
Created particle instance Definition at line 258 of file ParticleSource.c.
References CreateParticle(), and particle_id.
Referenced by Create().
inlinestaticprotected |
Creates a particle emitter and attaches it on the given object.
particle_id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList |
parent_obj | Object Instance on which this particle will be attached |
local_pos | vector Attachment position local to the parent (Optional) |
local_ori | vector Orientation local to the parent (Pitch, Yaw, Roll in degrees) (Optional) |
force_world_rotation | bool Forces particle's orientation to rotate relative to the world and not with the object (Optional) |
Created particle instance Definition at line 232 of file ParticleSource.c.
References CreateParticle(), and particle_id.
Referenced by Create().
inlinestaticprotected |
Create function.
id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList |
pos | vector Position of ParticleSource in LS (WS when no parent) |
playOnCreation | bool Whether to play immediately after creation (Optional) |
parent | Object Parent Object which will child the ParticleSource (Optional) |
ori | vector Orientation of ParticleSource in LS (WS when no parent) (Pitch, Yaw, Roll in degrees) (Optional) |
forceWorldRotation | bool Forces orientation to rotate relative to the world and not with the parent (Optional) |
owner | Class The owning instance for this particle (Optional) |
Created particle instance when successful Definition at line 178 of file ParticleSource.c.
References CreateParticleEx().
Referenced by PMTPlayback::TestOnePlayingStandAlone(), PMTPlayback::TestOnePlayingStandAloneAutoDestroy(), PMTPlayback::TestStopping(), and PMTPlayback::TestWiggleStress().
inlineprivate |
inlinestaticprotected |
Master create function.
id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList |
pos | vector Position of ParticleSource in LS (WS when no parent) |
flags | int See ParticlePropertiesFlags (Optional) |
parent | Object Parent Object which will child the ParticleSource (Optional) |
ori | vector Orientation of ParticleSource in LS (WS when no parent) (Pitch, Yaw, Roll in degrees) (Optional) |
owner | Class The owning instance for this particle (Optional) |
Created particle instance when successful Definition at line 201 of file ParticleSource.c.
References ECE_LOCAL, ErrorEx, GetGame(), and ParticleList::GetParticleFullPath().
Referenced by CreateParticle().
inlineprivate |
inlineprotected |
Disables the particle automatically cleaning up itself when ending or stopping.
Definition at line 151 of file ParticleSource.c.
References SetParticleAutoDestroyFlags().
Gets the ID for the ParticleSource.
ID for the ParticleSource Get the index of this ParticleSource in the owning ParticleManager.
The index in the pool in the owning ParticleManager, -1 if no owner Returns the approx. max lifetime.
The largest lifetime sum among the emitors Definition at line 627 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetMaxLifetimeNative().
Returns the approx. max lifetime.
The largest lifetime sum among the emitors Referenced by GetMaxLifetime().
Get the owner of this ParticleSource.
The owner or null Referenced by RandomizeOrientation(), and StopWiggle().
inlineprotected |
Get the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle.
emitter | int The emitor to get the value from |
parameter | int The parameter to get the value from (enum EmitorParam) |
value | float The value |
Definition at line 815 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleParm().
Get the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle.
emitter | int The emitor to get the value from |
parameter | int The parameter to get the value from (enum EmitorParam) |
The value Definition at line 826 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleParm().
inlineprivate |
Gets the path to the currently assigned particle.
path | string Path of particle effect |
mode | EGetParticleMode What path to return |
Whether the path is filled in or not Definition at line 484 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleNative(), and path.
Referenced by GetParticleID(), and GetParticleIDLegacy().
Gets the currently set ParticleAutoDestroyFlags flags set on this ParticleSource.
Currently set ParticleAutoDestroyFlags flags set on this ParticleSource Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors.
Total count of active particles Definition at line 597 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleCountNative().
Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors.
Total count of active particles Referenced by GetParticleCount().
Gets the ParticleList ID of the currently assigned particle.
ID of particle registered in ParticleList Definition at line 493 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticle(), ParticleList::GetParticleIDByName(), and path.
inlineprivate |
Gets the ParticleList ID of the currently assigned particle.
ID of particle registered in ParticleList Definition at line 508 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticle(), ParticleList::GetParticleID(), and path.
private |
Get the ParticleManager the ParticleSource belongs to if any.
The ParticleManager which created the ParticleSource or null
private |
Gets the path to the currently assigned particle.
path | string Path of particle effect |
mode | EGetParticleMode What path to return |
Whether the path is filled in or not Referenced by GetParticle().
Returns the parent of this Particle if there is one.
The parent or null if there is none Definition at line 565 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParent().
Referenced by RandomizeOrientation(), and StopWiggle().
Gets the amount of ParticleSource that are currently existing.
Amount of ParticleSource that are currently existing Referenced by PMTF::PrintActiveStats(), and TestCleanup().
Gets the amount of ParticleSource that have been created since the start of the program.
Amount of ParticleSource that have been created since the start of the program Returns if there is any particle active.
Whether there is any particle active Definition at line 580 of file ParticleSource.c.
References HasActiveParticleNative().
Returns if there is any particle active.
Whether there is any particle active Referenced by HasActiveParticle().
inlineprotected |
Increments the value of the given parameter relatively from the CURRENT value.
parameter_id | int The parameter to adjust (enum EmitorParam) |
value | float The value to sum |
Definition at line 888 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleEmitorCount(), GetParticleParm(), and SetParticleParm().
inlineprotected |
Increments the value of the given parameter relatively from the ORIGINAL value.
parameter_id | int The parameter to adjust (enum EmitorParam) |
value | float The value to sum |
Definition at line 871 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleEmitorCount(), GetParticleParmOriginal(), and SetParticleParm().
Ask if the particle is still playing.
Whether the particle is playing Definition at line 411 of file ParticleSource.c.
References IsParticlePlayingNative().
Ask if the particle is still playing.
Whether the particle is playing Referenced by IsParticlePlaying().
Returns whether there is a repeating particle.
whether there is a repeating particle Definition at line 612 of file ParticleSource.c.
References IsRepeatNative().
Returns whether there is a repeating particle.
whether there is a repeating particle Referenced by IsRepeat().
inlineprivate |
Event when the particle receives a parent.
Definition at line 709 of file ParticleSource.c.
References Particle::m_ParentObject.
inlineprotected |
Event when the particle stops.
Definition at line 742 of file ParticleSource.c.
References Particle::IsWiggling(), Particle::m_RandomizeOri, and StopWiggle().
Event when the particle is orphaned.
Definition at line 719 of file ParticleSource.c.
References Particle::IsWiggling(), Particle::m_DefaultOri, Particle::m_DefaultPos, Particle::m_DefaultWorldOri, Particle::m_DefaultWorldPos, Particle::m_MaxOriInterval, Particle::m_MaxOriWiggle, Particle::m_ParentObject, Particle::m_WiggleProcessing, SetWiggle(), and StopWiggle().
inlineprivate |
null the owner of this ParticleSource
inlineprotected |
inlinestaticprotected |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
Definition at line 296 of file ParticleSource.c.
References particle_id, and PlayOnObject().
inlinestaticprotected |
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
Definition at line 315 of file ParticleSource.c.
References particle_id, and PlayInWorld().
inlinestaticprotected |
Creates a particle emitter on the given position and activates it.
particle_id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList |
global_pos | Vector Position where the particel will be created |
Created particle instance Definition at line 307 of file ParticleSource.c.
References CreateParticle(), and particle_id.
Referenced by Play().
inlinestaticprotected |
Creates a particle emitter, attaches it on the given object and activates it.
particle_id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList |
parent_obj | Object Instance on which this particle will be attached |
local_pos | vector Attachment position local to the parent (Optional) |
local_ori | vector Orientation local to the parent (Pitch, Yaw, Roll in degrees) (Optional) |
force_world_rotation | bool Forces particle's orientation to rotate relative to the world and not with the object (Optional) |
Created particle instance Definition at line 288 of file ParticleSource.c.
References CreateParticle(), and particle_id.
Referenced by Play().
Method to tell the particle to start playing.
particle_id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList to start playing |
Whether the particle successfully started Definition at line 340 of file ParticleSource.c.
References particle_id, PlayParticleNative(), and SetParticleByID().
Method to tell the particle to start playing.
Whether the particle successfully started Referenced by PlayParticleEx().
inlineprivate |
Randomizes a new orientation and applies it.
Definition at line 966 of file ParticleSource.c.
References ApplyProperties(), GetOwner(), GetParticleParent(), Particle::m_DefaultOri, Particle::m_DefaultPos, Particle::m_ForceOrientationRelativeToWorld, Particle::m_MaxOriInterval, Particle::m_RandomizeOri, Particle::m_WiggleProcessing, Math::RandomFloat(), and Particle::RandWiggleVector().
Method to tell the particle to reset.
Whether the particle successfully reset Definition at line 381 of file ParticleSource.c.
References ResetParticleNative().
Method to tell the particle to reset.
Whether the particle successfully reset Referenced by ResetParticle().
Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play)
Whether the particle successfully restarted Definition at line 396 of file ParticleSource.c.
References RestartParticleNative().
Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play)
Whether the particle successfully restarted Referenced by RestartParticle().
Scales the given parameter on all emitors relatively to their CURRENT value.
parameter_id | int The parameter to adjust (enum EmitorParam) |
coef | float The multiplier to apply |
Definition at line 854 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleEmitorCount(), GetParticleParm(), and SetParticleParm().
inlineprotected |
Scales the given parameter on all emitors relatively to their ORIGINAL value.
parameter_id | int The parameter to adjust (enum EmitorParam) |
coef | float The multiplier to apply |
Definition at line 838 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetParticleEmitorCount(), GetParticleParmOriginal(), and SetParticleParm().
Set the owner of this ParticleSource.
p Class The owner or null
Referenced by FireworksLauncherClientEvent::OnFired(), FireworksLauncher::OnFuseIgnitedClient(), and DestructionEffectBase::OnHealthLevelChanged().
inlineprotected |
Set the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle.
emitter | int The emitter to apply the new value to, -1 for all emitter |
parameter | int The parameter to apply the new value to (enum EmitorParam) |
value | float The value to apply |
Definition at line 804 of file ParticleSource.c.
References SetParticleParm().
Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource.
path | string Path of particle effect |
Whether the creating and assigning of particle was successful Definition at line 437 of file ParticleSource.c.
References path, and SetParticleNative().
Referenced by SetParticleByID().
protected |
Enables the particle to automatically clean up itself when ending or stopping.
flags | ParticleAutoDestroyFlags Flags enabling when the particle should be auto destroyed |
Referenced by DisableAutoDestroy().
Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource.
id | int ID of particle registered in ParticleList |
Whether the creating and assigning of particle was successful Definition at line 447 of file ParticleSource.c.
References ParticleList::GetParticleFullPath(), and SetParticle().
Referenced by PlayParticleEx(), and SetSource().
Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource.
path | string Path of particle effect |
Whether the creating and assigning of particle was successful Referenced by SetParticle().
Set the value of a parameter of all emitors in the particle.
parameter | int The parameter to apply the new value to (enum EmitorParam) |
value | float The value to apply |
Definition at line 793 of file ParticleSource.c.
References SetParticleParm().
Sets particle id.
particle_id | int Particle ID registered in ParticleList to start playing |
Definition at line 457 of file ParticleSource.c.
References particle_id, and SetParticleByID().
inlineprotected |
Makes the particle change direction by random_angle every random_interval seconds.
random_angle | float Will be the range [-random_angle, random_angle[ to wiggle between |
random_interval | float Will be the time range [0, random_interval] to wiggle next time |
Definition at line 913 of file ParticleSource.c.
References GetLocalPosition(), Particle::IsWiggling(), Particle::m_DefaultOri, Particle::m_DefaultPos, Particle::m_DefaultWorldOri, Particle::m_DefaultWorldPos, Particle::m_ForceOrientationRelativeToWorld, Particle::m_MaxOriInterval, Particle::m_MaxOriWiggle, and Update().
Referenced by OnParticleUnParented().
Method to tell the particle to stop playing.
flags | int Flags to pass to the stopping (StopParticleFlags) |
Whether the particle successfully stopped Definition at line 366 of file ParticleSource.c.
References StopParticleNative().
Referenced by FireworksLauncher::OnFiringStartClient(), and FireworksLauncherClientEvent::~FireworksLauncherClientEvent().
Method to tell the particle to stop playing.
flags | int Flags to pass to the stopping (StopParticleFlags) |
Whether the particle successfully stopped Referenced by StopParticle().
Stops randomized wiggle.
Definition at line 944 of file ParticleSource.c.
References ApplyProperties(), GetOwner(), GetParticleParent(), Particle::IsWiggling(), Particle::m_DefaultOri, Particle::m_DefaultPos, and Particle::m_ForceOrientationRelativeToWorld.
Referenced by OnParticleStop(), and OnParticleUnParented().
inlineprivate |