DayZ 1.24
No Matches
ActionTargetsCursor Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ActionTargetsCursor:
Collaboration diagram for ActionTargetsCursor:

Protected Member Functions

void ActionTargetsCursor ()
void ~ActionTargetsCursor ()
void SetHealthVisibility (bool state)
void SetQuantityVisibility (bool state)
void SetInteractXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetContinuousInteractXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetSingleXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetContinuousXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetXboxIcon (string name, string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetControllerIcon (string pWidgetName, string pInputName)
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
void OnInputPresetChanged ()
void OnInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType)
void PrepareCursorContent ()
void BuildFixedCursor ()
void BuildFloatingCursor (bool forceRebuild)
override bool OnUpdate (Widget w)
void HideWidget ()
void Update ()
void ShowXboxHidePCIcons (string widget, bool show_xbox_icon)
vector TransformToScreenPos (vector pWorldPos)
 transform world pos to screen pos (related to parent widget size)
void GetOnScreenPosition (out float x, out float y)
bool IsComponentInSelection (array< Selection > selection, string compName)
void GetPlayer ()
void GetActionManager ()
void GetActions ()
 get actions from Action Manager
void GetTarget ()
string GetActionDesc (ActionBase action)
string GetItemDesc (ActionBase action)
int GetItemHealth ()
void GetItemQuantity (out int q_type, out float q_cur, out int q_min, out int q_max)
void GetItemCargoCount (out int cargoCount)
 returns number of items in cargo for targeted entity
void SetItemDesc (string descText, int cargoCount, string itemWidget, string descWidget)
void SetItemHealth (int health, string itemWidget, string healthWidget, bool enabled)
void SetItemQuantity (int type, float current, int min, int max, string itemWidget, string quantityPBWidget, string quantityTextWidget, bool enabled)
void SetActionWidget (ActionBase action, string descText, string actionWidget, string descWidget)
void SetMultipleInteractAction (string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)
 shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction (string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)
void SetMultipleItemAction (string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)
void SetMultipleContinuousItemAction (string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)
void SetInteractActionIcon (string actionWidget, string actionIconFrameWidget, string actionIconWidget, string actionIconTextWidget)
void CheckRefresherFlagVisibility (Object object)
int AttachmentsWithInventoryOrCargoCount (notnull GameInventory inventory)
IngameHud GetHud ()

Protected Attributes

PlayerBase m_Player
ActionTarget m_Target
ref ATCCachedObject m_CachedObject
Object m_DisplayInteractTarget
ActionBase m_Interact
ActionBase m_ContinuousInteract
ActionBase m_Single
ActionBase m_Continuous
ActionManagerClient m_AM
IngameHud m_Hud
UAIDWrapper m_UseActionWrapper
int m_InteractActionsNum
int m_ContinuousInteractActionsNum
int m_ItemActionsNum
int m_ContinuousItemActionsNum
bool m_HealthEnabled
bool m_QuantityEnabled
bool m_FixedOnPosition
bool m_Hidden
Widget m_Root
Widget m_Container
Widget m_ItemLeft
float m_MaxWidthChild
 widget width
float m_RootWidth
float m_RootHeight

Private Member Functions

void UpdateControllerInputIcons ()
 Loads icons from the latest keybinds.
void UpdatePCIconsVisibility ()
 Contains logic for icon set switching (Gamepad/M&K)
- Private Member Functions inherited from ScriptedWidgetEventHandler
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
bool ResizeParentToChild ()
bool ResizeParentToChild (out bool changed_size, int limit=-1, bool immedUpdate=true)
void UiHintPanel (Widget parent_widget)
void ~UiHintPanel ()
void Init (DayZGame game)
void LoadContentList ()
void BuildLayout (Widget parent_widget)
void PopulateLayout ()
void SetHintHeadline ()
void SetHintDescription ()
void SetHintImage ()
void SetHintPaging ()
void ShowRandomPage ()
void RandomizePageIndex ()
void ShowNextPage ()
void ShowPreviousPage ()
void StartSlideshow ()
void SlideshowThread ()
void StopSlideShow ()
void RestartSlideShow ()
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void InventoryGrid ()
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
bool CanAddItemInHandToInventory ()
override bool OnUpdate (Widget w)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnDrop (Widget w, int x, int y, Widget reciever)
int GetCol (Widget w)
int GetColFromBg (Widget w)
int GetGridSize ()
void SetGridSize (int size)
bool IsValidPos (int index)
void ResetItemWidget (Widget item_w, int width, int height)
void ResetItem (InventoryItem item)
bool HasItem (InventoryItem item)
void RemoveItem (InventoryItem item)
void CTEvent (int index, int actor, Widget root, bool walk, CameraToolsMenu parent)
void ~CTEvent ()
void Play ()
void Stop ()
bool IsTime (float start_time, float end_time)
void SetEventTime (float time)
void SetEventType (int type)
float GetEventTime ()
int GetEventType ()
int GetEventActor ()
bool GetEventWalk ()
void Select ()
void Unselect ()
void CTKeyframe (int index, vector pos, vector orient, float int_value, float fov, float dof, int pin, float time_before, Widget root, CameraToolsMenu parent)
void ~CTKeyframe ()
float GetInterpTime ()
void SetPin (int pin)
int GetPin ()
void SetFOV (float fov)
float GetFOV ()
void SetDOF (float dof)
float GetDOF ()
void SetPosition (vector pos)
void SetOrientation (vector orient)
vector GetPosition ()
vector GetOrientation ()
void SetTimeBefore (float time)
void SetInterpTime (float time)
void Select ()
void Unselect ()
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool IsFocusable (Widget w)
void ~CTObjectFollower ()
void CreateFollowedObject (string type)
void DestroyFollowedObject ()
void Update (float timeslice)
EntityAI GetObj ()
void SetPosition (vector position)
void SetRotation (vector dir)
vector GetPosition ()
vector GetRotation ()
void UpdatePos ()
 Function updating the position of the tracker widget.
void Show ()
void Hide ()
void Fade (bool fade)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
void ContinuousActionProgress ()
void ~ContinuousActionProgress ()
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
void Update ()
void PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget (Widget parent, string name, string uid, bool show_permissions, PlayerListScriptedWidget tab)
void ~PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget ()
Widget GetButtonWidget ()
void LoadPermissions (BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray results)
string GetUID ()
bool IsMuted ()
bool IsGloballyMuted ()
void SetMute (bool mute)
void ToggleMute ()
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void Focus ()
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
bool IsLocalPlayer ()
void Select (bool notify=true)
void Deselect ()
void PlayerListScriptedWidget (Widget parent, string header_text="")
void ~PlayerListScriptedWidget ()
void FocusFirst ()
void Reload (SyncPlayerList player_list)
bool IsEmpty ()
void OnLoadServersAsync (ref GetServersResult result_list, EBiosError error, string response)
void Reload (BiosFriendInfoArray player_list)
void Reload (BiosPrivacyUidResultArray player_list)
void ReloadLocal (map< string, bool > player_list)
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget FindEntryByWidget (Widget button)
string FindPlayerByWidget (Widget button)
void AddPlayer (string name, string UID, bool show_permissions)
void RemovePlayer (string UID)
bool IsMuted (string UID)
bool IsGloballyMuted (string UID)
void SetMute (string UID, bool mute)
void ToggleMute (string UID)
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget GetSelectedPlayer ()
void SelectPlayer (PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget entry)
void ScrollToEntry (PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget entry)
void UpdateInterval ()
void SetLayoutName ()
void SetImmedUpdate ()
void OnSelectAction (ItemBase item, int actionId)
void OnSelectActionEx (EntityAI item, int actionId)
void ShowActionMenu (InventoryItem item)
void LayoutHolder (LayoutHolder parent)
void ~LayoutHolder ()
LayoutHolder GetRoot ()
void SetParentWidget ()
LayoutHolder GetParent ()
void SetActive (bool active)
void SetLastActive ()
void SetFirstActive ()
bool IsActive ()
Widget GetMainWidget ()
Widget GetRootWidget ()
bool IsDisplayable ()
bool IsVisible ()
void OnShow ()
void OnHide ()
void Refresh ()
void InspectItem (EntityAI item)
void UpdateSelectionIcons ()
void PrepareOwnedTooltip (EntityAI item, int x=0, int y=0)
void PrepareOwnedSlotsTooltip (Widget w, string name, string desc, int x=0, int y=0)
void HideOwnedTooltip ()
void HideOwnedSlotsTooltip ()
void ItemActionsWidget ()
void ~ItemActionsWidget ()
void SetInteractXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetContinuousInteractXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetSingleXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetContinuousXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetXboxIcon (string name, string imageset_name, string image_name)
void SetControllerIcon (string pWidgetName, string pInputName)
void ShowXboxHidePCIcons (string widget, bool show_xbox_icon)
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
void OnInputPresetChanged ()
void OnInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType)
void BuildCursor ()
void Update ()
void GetPlayer ()
void GetActionManager ()
void GetActions ()
void GetEntityInHands ()
string GetActionDesc (ActionBase action)
string GetItemDesc (EntityAI entity)
int GetItemHealth ()
void GetItemQuantity (out int q_type, out float q_cur, out int q_min, out int q_max)
string GetRadioFrequency ()
void SetItemDesc (EntityAI entity, string descText, string itemWidget, string descWidget)
void SetItemHealth (int health, string itemWidget, string healthWidget, bool enabled)
void SetItemQuantity (int type, float current, int min, int max, string itemWidget, string quantityPBWidget, string quantityTextWidget, bool enabled)
void SetWeaponQuantity (int chamber, int mag, string itemWidget, string quantityPBWidget, string quantityTextWidget, bool enabled)
void SetWeaponModeAndZeroing (string itemWidget, string upWidget, string downWidget, bool enabled)
string WeaponModeTextTemp ()
void SetRadioFrequency (string freq, string itemWidget, string upWidget, string downWidget, bool enabled)
void SetActionWidget (ActionBase action, string descText, string actionWidget, string descWidget)
void SetMultipleInteractAction (string multiActionsWidget)
 shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction (string multiActionsWidget)
 shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void SetMultipleItemAction (string multiActionsWidget)
void SetMultipleContinuousItemAction (string multiActionsWidget)
 shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void SetInteractActionIcon (string actionWidget, string actionIconFrameWidget, string actionIconWidget, string actionIconTextWidget)
void CheckRefresherFlagVisibility ()
void CheckForActionWidgetOverrides ()
IngameHud GetHud ()
void TutorialKeybinds (Widget parent, TutorialsMenu menu)
bool SetElementTitle (UAInput pInput, int iDeviceFlags, out string output)
 assemble all active bindings at widget element
bool SetElementModifier (UAInput pInput, out string output)
 Determine the active limiter of the bindings (currently unreliable, multiple limiters can be active on key combos!)
void ~TutorialKeybinds ()
string GetLayoutName ()
void CreditsElement (int index, Widget parent)
void DropdownPrefab (Widget root, string text="")
void RefreshContent ()
int AddElement (string text, Widget content=null)
void RemoveElement (int index)
void Close ()
void SetText (string text)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
void KeybindingElement (int key_index, Widget parent, KeybindingsGroup group)
string GetLayoutName ()
bool IsChanged ()
bool IsAlternateChanged ()
array< intGetChangedBinds ()
array< intGetChangedAlternateBinds ()
void SetElementTitle (ButtonWidget btnWidget, UAInput pInput, int iDeviceFlags)
void Reload ()
void Reload (array< int > custom_binds, bool is_alternate)
void StartEnteringKeybind ()
void CancelEnteringKeybind ()
void StartEnteringAlternateKeybind ()
void CancelEnteringAlternateKeybind ()
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void KeybindingElementNew (int key_index, Widget parent, KeybindingsContainer group)
string GetLayoutName ()
bool IsChanged ()
bool IsAlternateChanged ()
array< intGetChangedBinds ()
array< intGetChangedAlternateBinds ()
void SetElementTitle (ButtonWidget btnWidget, UAInput pInput, int iDeviceFlags)
void Reload ()
void Reload (array< int > custom_binds, bool is_alternate)
void StartEnteringKeybind ()
void CancelEnteringKeybind ()
void StartEnteringAlternateKeybind ()
void CancelEnteringAlternateKeybind ()
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void KeybindingsGroup (int index, Input input, Widget parent, KeybindingsMenu menu)
string GetLayoutName ()
void InitPresets (int index, Widget parent, Input input)
void OnSelectKBPreset (int index)
void OnSelectConsolePreset (int index)
void ReloadProfiles ()
void AddSubgroup (Widget parent, Input input)
void AddAction (int index, Widget parent, Input input)
void ReloadAction (int index)
bool IsEnteringKeyBind ()
void ClearKeybind (int key_index)
void ClearAlternativeKeybind (int key_index)
void StartEnteringKeybind (int key_index)
void CancelEnteringKeybind ()
void StartEnteringAlternateKeybind (int key_index)
void CancelEnteringAlternateKeybind ()
bool IsChanged ()
void Apply ()
void Reset ()
void ResetEx (bool forced=false)
void Update (float timeslice)
override bool OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
void BannerHandlerBase (Widget parent)
void SetBannerColor (int argb)
void SetBannerText (string text)
override bool OnUpdate (Widget w)
void MainMenuNewsfeed (Widget root)
void ShowNewsfeed ()
void HideNewsfeed ()
void OpenDLC ()
void OpenDiscord ()
void OpenFeedback ()
void OpenForums ()
void OpenTwitter ()
void OpenYoutube ()
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool IsFocusable (Widget w)
void ColorRed (Widget w, int x, int y)
void ColorWhite (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void MainMenuDlcHandlerBase (ModInfo info, Widget parent, JsonDataDLCInfo DlcInfo)
void ~MainMenuDlcHandlerBase ()
void Init ()
void CreateRootWidget (Widget parent)
void ShowInfoPanel (bool show)
bool IsInfoPanelVisible ()
void OnPanelVisibilityChanged ()
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
bool LoadVideoFile ()
 returns 'true' when video is loaded
void StartVideo ()
void StopVideo ()
void PauseVideo ()
void UnloadVideo ()
void ColorFocussed (Widget w, int x, int y)
void ColorUnfocussed (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void UpdateOwnedStatus ()
void OnDLCChange ()
void SetPlatformSpecifics ()
void UpdateAllPromotionInfo ()
void UpdateDlcData ()
void UpdateIconVisibility ()
void OnInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType)
ModInfo GetModInfo ()
string GetDistanceString (float total_distance, bool meters_only=false)
string GetValueString (float total_value, bool show_decimals=false)
string GetTimeString (float total_time)
void ModsMenuDetailed (array< ref ModInfo > data, Widget parent, ModsMenuTooltip tooltip, UIScriptedMenu menu_parent)
void ~ModsMenuDetailed ()
void Open ()
void Close ()
bool IsOpen ()
ModInfo GetHighlighted ()
void HighlightFirst ()
void Highlight (ModInfo mod_ref)
void ScrollToMod (ModInfo mod_ref)
void Select (ModInfo mod_ref, bool show)
void PrepareTooltip (ModInfo mod_ref)
void ShowTooltip ()
void HideTooltip ()
void LoadEntries (array< ref ModInfo > data)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
void ModsMenuDetailedEntry (ModInfo data, Widget parent, ModsMenuDetailed parent_menu)
void ~ModsMenuDetailedEntry ()
Widget GetWidget ()
void Select ()
void Deselect ()
void LoadData ()
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void ModsMenuSimple (array< ref ModInfo > data, Widget parent, ModsMenuDetailed detail_menu)
void ~ModsMenuSimple ()
void LoadEntries (array< ref ModInfo > data)
void Select (ModInfo mod)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
void ModsMenuSimpleEntry (ModInfo data, int index, Widget parent, ModsMenuSimple parent_menu)
void ~ModsMenuSimpleEntry ()
void LoadData ()
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
void ModsMenuTooltip (Widget parent)
void ~ModsMenuTooltip ()
void ShowTooltip (ModInfo mod_ref)
void HideTooltip ()
void OptionsMenuControls (Widget parent, Widget details_root, GameOptions options, OptionsMenu menu)
string GetLayoutName ()
void EnterKeybindingMenu ()
void Focus ()
 Focuses the first viable item.
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool IsFocusable (Widget w)
bool TextMapUpdateWidget (int key)
bool IsChanged ()
void Apply ()
void Revert ()
void SetToDefaults ()
void UpdateMouseInvertView (int index)
void UpdateMouseVSensitivity (float value)
void UpdateMouseHSensitivity (float value)
void UpdateMouseAimModVSensitivity (float value)
void UpdateMouseAimModHSensitivity (float value)
void ReloadOptions ()
void SetOptions (GameOptions options)
void ToggleDependentOptions (int mode, bool state)
void InitDependentOptionsVisibility ()
void FillTextMap ()
void ColorRed (Widget w)
void ColorWhite (Widget w, Widget enterW)
void OptionsMenuGame (Widget parent, Widget details_root, GameOptions options, OptionsMenu menu)
void ~OptionsMenuGame ()
string GetLayoutName ()
void Focus ()
bool IsChanged ()
void Apply ()
void Revert ()
void SetToDefaults ()
void ReloadOptions ()
void SetOptions (GameOptions options)
void ToggleDependentOptions (int mode, bool state)
void InitDependentOptionsVisibility ()
void UpdateLanguageOption (int new_index)
void UpdatePauseOption (int new_index)
void UpdateFOVOption (float new_value)
void UpdateHUDBrightnessOption (float newValue)
void UpdateHUDOption (int new_index)
void UpdateBleedingIndication (int new_index)
void UpdateConnectivityInfo (int newIndex)
void UpdateCrosshairOption (int new_index)
void UpdateQuickbarOption (int new_index)
void UpdateGameOption (int new_index)
void UpdateAdminOption (int new_index)
void UpdatePlayerOption (int new_index)
void UpdateServerInfoOption (int new_index)
IngameHud GetHud ()
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
void OnBleedingIndicationChanged (bool state)
bool TextMapUpdateWidget (int key)
void FillTextMap ()
void OptionsMenuVideo (Widget parent, Widget details_root, GameOptions options, OptionsMenu menu)
void ~OptionsMenuVideo ()
void InitSelectors ()
string GetLayoutName ()
void Focus ()
void ReloadOptions ()
bool IsChanged ()
void Apply ()
void Revert ()
void SetToDefaults ()
void SetOptions (GameOptions options)
void ToggleDependentOptions (int mode, bool state)
void InitDependentOptionsVisibility ()
void RefreshCustom ()
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void OnOptionChanged ()
void OnOverallQualityChanged (int value)
void OnDisplayModeChanged (int value)
void OnResolutionChanged (int value)
void OnBrightnessChanged (float value)
void OnVSyncChanged (float value)
void OnColorDepthChanged (int value)
void OnObjectDetailChanged (int value)
void OnTerrainDetailChanged (int value)
void OnTextureDetailChanged (int value)
void OnShadowDetailChanged (int value)
void OnTextureFilteringChanged (int value)
void OnTerrainSurfaceDetailChanged (int value)
void OnPPAAChanged (int value)
void OnHWAAChanged (int value)
void OnATOCChanged (int value)
void OnAOChanged (int value)
void OnPPQualityChanged (int value)
void OnSSRQualityChanged (int value)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool TextMapUpdateWidget (int key)
void FillTextMap ()
void ~OptionSelectorBase ()
Widget GetParent ()
bool IsFocusable (Widget w)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
void Focus ()
void Enable ()
void Disable ()
void ColorHighlight (Widget w)
void ColorNormal (Widget w)
void ColorDisabled (Widget w)
void ButtonSetColor (Widget w, int color)
void ColorHighlightConsole (Widget w)
void ColorNormalConsole (Widget w)
void ColorDisabledConsole (Widget w)
void ButtonSetColorConsole (Widget w, int color)
void ButtonSetAlphaAnimConsole (Widget w)
void ButtonSetTextColorConsole (Widget w, int color)
void ServerBrowserEntry (Widget parent, int index, ServerBrowserTab tab)
void ~ServerBrowserEntry ()
Widget GetRoot ()
void Show (bool show)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void Focus ()
void ServerListFocus (bool focus)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool IsOnline ()
bool IsFocusable (Widget w)
void FillInfo (GetServersResultRow server_info)
void UpdateEntry ()
void SetName (string name)
void SetPasswordLocked (bool locked)
void SetPopulation (int population, int slots)
void ServerBrowserFilterContainer (Widget root, ServerBrowserTab parent)
void OnFilterChanged ()
void LoadFilters ()
void SaveFilters ()
void ResetFilters ()
bool PingIsSet ()
bool FavoriteIsSet ()
bool PreviouslyIsSet ()
bool ProcessIntoIPAddress (out string potential_ip)
 Removes all characters from the given string whirh are NOT a number, '.' or ':'. Returns true if any change was done to the input text.
bool LimitTextBoxCharacterCount (out string text, int max_length)
 Limits the given text to 'max_length' character count. Returns true if any change was done to the input.
string GenerateValidIP (string potential_ip)
 Attempts to generate a valid IP address & port from the given string in format like this: "". If the process fails, then an empty string is returned.
bool GenerateValidFilter (out string potential_filter)
 Turns any given string into a more convenient filter (limits character count, forces lowercase, trims empty spaces).
void OnSortChanged (int value)
void Focus ()
override bool OnChange (Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
GetServersInput GetFilterOptionsPC ()
GetServersInput GetFilterOptionsConsoles ()
void OnInputPresetChanged ()
void OnInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType)
void Init ()
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
void AlignTabbers ()
int AddTab (string name)
void RemoveTab (int index)
Widget GetTab (int index)
int GetTabCount ()
bool CanSwitchTab ()
void SetCanSwitch (bool value)
void PerformSwitchTab (int index)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnChildAdd (Widget w, Widget child)
override bool OnChildRemove (Widget w, Widget child)
void EnableTabControl (int index, bool enable)
void SelectTabControl (int index)
void SelectTabPanel (int index)
void DeselectTabControl (int index)
void DeselectTabPanel (int index)
void DeselectAll ()
void NextTab ()
void PreviousTab ()
int GetSelectedIndex ()
void RefreshTab (bool performInitAlignment=false)
void UpdateControlsElements ()
void DisableTabs (bool disable)
 useful if we want to disable actual tabs for whatever reason
void VideoPlayer (Widget parent)
void ~VideoPlayer ()
void Show (bool show)
void OnPlaybackStart ()
void OnPlaybackStop ()
void OnBufferingStart ()
void OnBufferingEnd ()
void ToggleVideoSelection ()
void LoadVideo (string videoPath)
void PlayVideo ()
void PauseVideo ()
void StopVideo ()
void OnceVideo ()
void RepeatVideo ()
void KillVideo ()
void ObjectFollower ()
void ~ObjectFollower ()
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
void SetTarget (Object obj)
override bool OnUpdate (Widget w)
void Update ()
void GetOnScreenPosition (out float x, out float y)
void ProjectedCrosshair ()
void ~ProjectedCrosshair ()
void OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w)
void Update ()
void GetPlayer ()
void GetCrosshairPosition ()

Private Attributes

- Private Attributes inherited from ScriptedWidgetEventHandler
Widget m_Root
Widget m_Child
int m_SlideShowDelay = 25000
string m_RootPath = "Gui/layouts/new_ui/hints/in_game_hints.layout"
const string m_DataPath = "scripts/data/hints.json"
Widget m_RootFrame
Widget m_SpacerFrame
ButtonWidget m_UiLeftButton
ButtonWidget m_UiRightButton
RichTextWidget m_UiDescLabel
TextWidget m_UiHeadlineLabel
ImageWidget m_UiHintImage
TextWidget m_UiPageingLabel
ref array< ref HintPagem_ContentList
int m_PageIndex = int.MIN
DayZGame m_Game
bool m_Initialized
Widget m_ParentWidget
int m_PreviousRandomIndex = int.MIN
ref map< int, Widgetm_BackgroundWidgets
ref map< int, Widgetm_ItemWidgets
ref TItemsMap m_Items
InventoryGridController m_Controller
int m_GridSize
bool m_IsMouseLeftDown
bool m_CanAddItemInHandToInventory
Widget m_context_menu_root_widget
int m_Index
int m_ActorIndex
int m_EventType
float m_EventTime
CameraToolsMenu m_Menu
TextWidget m_IndexWidget
EditBoxWidget m_EventActorWidget
EditBoxWidget m_EventTimeWidget
EditBoxWidget m_EventTypeWidget
CheckBoxWidget m_EventWalkWidget
HumanCommandActionCallback m_Callback
float m_InterpTime
float m_TotalTimeBefore
vector m_Position
vector m_Orientation
EditBoxWidget m_InterpTimeWidget
EditBoxWidget m_FOVWidget
EditBoxWidget m_DOFWidget
EditBoxWidget m_PinWidget
TextWidget m_TotalTimeWidget
Widget m_FollowerRoot
Widget m_FollowerButton
EntityAI m_FollowedObject
float m_MaxFade
float m_MinFade
PlayerBase m_Player
ActionBase m_Action
int m_ActionState
ActionManagerBase m_AM
ref WidgetFadeTimer m_FadeTimer
bool m_Faded
float m_InitProgress
float m_Speed
Widget m_RadialWidget
ImageWidget m_LoaderImage
ref RadialProgressBar m_Radial
string m_Name
string m_UID
bool m_Mute
bool m_GlobalMute
TextWidget m_PlayerName
ImageWidget m_PlayerAvatar
ImageWidget m_MicrophoneIcon
ImageWidget m_MuteIcon
ButtonWidget m_PlayerButton
PlayerListScriptedWidget m_Tab
bool m_Selected
ScrollWidget m_ScrollContainer
Widget m_Content
ref map< string, ref PlayerListEntryScriptedWidgetm_Entries
int m_TotalEntries
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget m_SelectedEntry
Widget m_MainWidget
Widget m_RootWidget
LayoutHolder m_Parent
string m_LayoutName
bool m_IsActive
bool m_ImmedUpdate
bool m_TooltipOwner
EntityAI m_am_entity1
EntityAI m_am_entity2
EntityAI m_EntityInHands
ActionBase m_Interact
ActionBase m_ContinuousInteract
ActionBase m_Single
ActionBase m_Continuous
ActionManagerClient m_AM
IngameHud m_Hud
UAIDWrapper m_UseActionWrapper
int m_InteractActionsNum
int m_ContinuousInteractActionsNum
int m_ItemActionsNum
int m_ContinuousItemActionsNum
bool m_HealthEnabled
bool m_QuantityEnabled
bool m_Hidden
Widget m_ItemLeft
float m_MaxWidthChild
 widget width
float m_RootWidth
float m_RootHeight
Widget m_DetailsRoot
TutorialsMenu m_Menu
Widget m_Parent
ScrollWidget m_Scroller
Widget m_ContentContainer
ref array< Widgetm_Content = new array<Widget>
Widget m_Button
Widget m_Holder
TextWidget m_Text
ImageWidget m_ImageExpand
ImageWidget m_ImageCollapse
bool m_IsExpanded
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnSelectItem = new ScriptInvoker()
KeybindingsGroup m_Group
TextWidget m_ElementName
TextWidget m_ElementModifier
ButtonWidget m_PrimaryBindButton
ButtonWidget m_AlternativeBindButton
Widget m_PrimaryClear
Widget m_AlternativeClear
int m_ElementIndex
bool m_IsEdited
bool m_IsAlternateEdited
ref array< intm_CustomBind
ref array< intm_CustomAlternateBind
ref Timer m_EntryTimer = new Timer(CALL_CATEGORY_GUI)
KeybindingsContainer m_Container
KeybindingsMenu m_Menu
ref map< int, ref KeybindingElementm_KeyWidgets
int m_CurrentSettingKeyIndex = -1
int m_CurrentSettingAlternateKeyIndex = -1
ref DropdownPrefab m_KBDropdown
Widget m_BannerBody
Widget m_BannerWedge
TextWidget m_BannerText
Widget m_DLDLC
Widget m_Discord
Widget m_Feedback
Widget m_DayZForum
Widget m_Twitter
Widget m_Youtube
TextWidget m_MainText1
TextWidget m_MainText2
TextWidget m_MainText3
TextWidget m_SecText1
TextWidget m_SecText2
TextWidget m_SecText3
const string TEXT_OWNED = "#layout_dlc_owned"
const string TEXT_UNOWNED = "#layout_dlc_unowned"
int m_ColorBackgroundOriginal
Widget m_BannerFrame
Widget m_Background
Widget m_StoreButton
Widget m_GamepadStoreImage
ImageWidget m_DlcPromotionImage
TextWidget m_TitleTextDlc
MultilineTextWidget m_DescriptionTextDlc
VideoWidget m_VideoWidget
ref ModInfo m_ThisModInfo
ref JsonDataDLCInfo m_DlcInfo
ref BannerHandlerBase m_BannerHandler
Widget m_TimeSurvived
TextWidget m_TimeSurvivedValue
Widget m_PlayersKilled
TextWidget m_PlayersKilledValue
Widget m_InfectedKilled
TextWidget m_InfectedKilledValue
Widget m_DistanceTraveled
TextWidget m_DistanceTraveledValue
Widget m_LongRangeShot
TextWidget m_LongRangeShotValue
Widget m_CloseButton
ScrollWidget m_Scroll
ref map< ref ModInfo, ref ModsMenuDetailedEntrym_Data
ModInfo m_Highlighted
UIScriptedMenu m_Menu
ModsMenuTooltip m_Tooltip
ref Timer m_TooltipTimer
ModInfo m_TooltipMod
Widget m_Detail
ImageWidget m_IconSmall
ImageWidget m_IconCollapse
TextWidget m_Name
ImageWidget m_IconBig
MultilineTextWidget m_Author
TextWidget m_Version
RichTextWidget m_ActionWebsite
RichTextWidget m_ActionPurchase
RichTextWidget m_Description
ModInfo m_Data
ModsMenuDetailed m_ParentMenu
bool m_IsOpen
Widget m_MoreButton
Widget m_MoreHighlight
ref map< ModInfo, ref ModsMenuSimpleEntrym_Data
ModsMenuDetailed m_DetailMenu
ButtonWidget m_ModButton
ImageWidget m_Icon
Widget m_Hover
bool m_HasLogoOver
ModsMenuSimple m_ParentMenu
RichTextWidget m_Text
Widget m_SettingsRoot
Widget m_DetailsBodyDefault
Widget m_DetailsBodyConnectivity
TextWidget m_DetailsLabel
RichTextWidget m_DetailsText
GridSpacerWidget m_Keybindings
GameOptions m_Options
OptionsMenu m_Menu
ref SwitchOptionsAccess m_KeyboardOption
ref SwitchOptionsAccess m_AimHelperOption
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_KeyboardSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_AimHelperSelector
ref SwitchOptionsAccess m_Mouse_InvertOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_Mouse_VSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_Mouse_HSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_Mouse_AimMod_VSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_Mouse_AimMod_HSensitivityOption
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_Mouse_InvertSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_Mouse_VSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_Mouse_HSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_Mouse_AimMod_VSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_Mouse_AimMod_HSensitivitySelector
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerLS_VSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerLS_HSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerLS_VehicleMod_HSensitivityOption
ref SwitchOptionsAccess m_ControllerRS_InvertOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerRS_VSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerRS_HSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerRS_CurvatureOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerRS_AimMod_VSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerRS_AimMod_HSensitivityOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_ControllerRS_AimMod_CurvatureOption
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerLS_VSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerLS_HSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerLS_VehicleMod_HSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ControllerRS_InvertSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerRS_VSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerRS_HSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerRS_CurvatureSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerRS_AimMod_VSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerRS_AimMod_HSensitivitySelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_ControllerRS_AimMod_CurvatureSelector
ref map< int, ref Param2< string, string > > m_TextMap
ButtonWidget m_QuickbarButton
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_FOVOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_LanguageOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_PauseOption
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_LanguageSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_FOVSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShowHUDSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShowCrosshairSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShowQuickbarSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShowGameSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShowAdminSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShowPlayerSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShowServerInfoSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_BleedingIndication
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ConnectivityInfo
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_HUDBrightnessSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_PauseSelector
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_MasterOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_EffectsOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_VOIPOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_VOIPThresholdOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_MusicOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_InputModeOption
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_MasterSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_EffectsSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_VOIPSelector
ref OptionSelectorLevelMarker m_VOIPThresholdSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_MusicSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_InputModeSelector
ref Timer m_AudioLevelTimer
MissionGameplay m_MissionGameplay
VONManagerBase m_VonManager
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_OverallQualitySelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_DisplayModeSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ResolutionSelector
ref OptionSelectorSlider m_BrightnessSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_VSyncSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ObjectDetailSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_TerrainDetailSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_TextureDetailSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ShadowDetailSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_TextureFilteringSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_TerrainSurfaceDetailSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_PPAASelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_HWAASelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_ATOCSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_AOSelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_PPQualitySelector
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_SSRQualitySelector
ref ListOptionsAccess m_OverallQualityOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_DisplayModeOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_ResolutionOption
ref NumericOptionsAccess m_BrightnessOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_VSyncOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_ObjectDetailOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_TerrainDetailOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_TextureDetailOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_ShadowDetailOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_TextureFilteringOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_TerrainSurfaceDetailOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_PPAAOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_HWAAOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_ATOCOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_AOOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_PPQualityOption
ref ListOptionsAccess m_SSRQualityOption
int m_SelectorType = 0
bool m_Enabled
ScriptedWidgetEventHandler m_ParentClass
ref ScriptInvoker m_OptionFocused = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker m_OptionUnfocused = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker m_AttemptOptionChange = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker m_OptionChanged = new ScriptInvoker
Widget m_Favorite
Widget m_Expand
TextWidget m_ServerName
TextWidget m_ServerPopulation
TextWidget m_ServerSlots
TextWidget m_ServerPing
ImageWidget m_ServerTime
ImageWidget m_ServerLock
ImageWidget m_ServerModIcon
ImageWidget m_ServerMaKIcon
TextWidget m_ServerShard
TextWidget m_ServerCharacterAlive
TextWidget m_ServerFriends
TextWidget m_ServerMode
TextWidget m_ServerBattleye
TextWidget m_ServerIP
TextWidget m_ServerAcceleration
TextWidget m_ServerMap
TextWidget m_ServerMods
ButtonWidget m_ServerModsExpand
ref array< stringm_Mods
bool m_IsFavorited
bool m_IsOnline
ref GetServersResultRow m_ServerData
ServerBrowserTab m_Tab
bool m_FirstExpand = true
EditBoxWidget m_SearchByName
EditBoxWidget m_SearchByIP
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_CharacterAliveFilter
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_SortingFilter
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_RegionFilter
ref OptionSelectorMultistate m_PingFilter
ref OptionSelector m_DLCFilter
ref OptionSelector m_FavoritedFilter
ref OptionSelector m_FriendsPlayingFilter
ref OptionSelector m_BattleyeFilter
ref OptionSelector m_PasswordFilter
ref OptionSelector m_WhitelistFilter
ref OptionSelector m_KeyboardFilter
ref OptionSelector m_PreviouslyPlayedFilter
ref OptionSelector m_VersionMatchFilter
ref OptionSelector m_FullServerFilter
ref OptionSelector m_ThirdPersonFilter
ref OptionSelector m_PublicFilter
ref OptionSelector m_AcceleratedTimeFilter
bool m_FirstInit = true
Widget m_TabControlsRoot
int m_TabsCount
ref map< int, Widgetm_TabControls
ref map< int, Widgetm_Tabs
int m_SelectedIndex
float m_ResolutionMultiplier
bool m_CanSwitch
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnTabSwitch = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnAttemptTabSwitch = new ScriptInvoker()
ref Timer m_InitTimer
ButtonWidget m_PlayButton
ButtonWidget m_PauseButton
ButtonWidget m_StopButton
ButtonWidget m_OnceButton
ButtonWidget m_RepeatButton
ButtonWidget m_LoadButton
GridSpacerWidget m_LoadVideo
SliderWidget m_Progress
TextWidget m_CurrentTime
TextWidget m_TotalTime
ImageWidget m_Buffering
Object m_TargetObject
bool m_Visible
bool m_Debug
Weapon_Base m_Weapon

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Private Attributes inherited from ScriptedWidgetEventHandler
static bool m_IgnoredBool
static ref ContextMenu m_ContextMenuInstance
static const float SLIDER_STEP = 0.025

Detailed Description

Definition at line 53 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ActionTargetsCursor()

void ActionTargetsCursor::ActionTargetsCursor ( )

Definition at line 93 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

94 {
97 m_Single = null;
99 m_AM = null;
101 m_HealthEnabled = true;
102 m_QuantityEnabled = true;
105 m_Hidden = false;
108 m_Hud = GetHud();
110 m_UseActionWrapper = GetUApi().GetInputByID(UAAction).GetPersistentWrapper();
112 GetGame().GetMission().GetOnInputPresetChanged().Insert(OnInputPresetChanged);
113 GetGame().GetMission().GetOnInputDeviceChanged().Insert(OnInputDeviceChanged);
114 }
proto native UAInputAPI GetUApi()
void OnInputDeviceChanged(EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType)
ref ATCCachedObject m_CachedObject
ActionManagerClient m_AM
proto native CGame GetGame()

References GetGame(), GetHud(), GetUApi(), m_AM, m_CachedObject, m_Continuous, m_ContinuousInteract, m_DisplayInteractTarget, m_HealthEnabled, m_Hidden, m_Hud, m_Interact, m_QuantityEnabled, m_Single, m_UseActionWrapper, OnInputDeviceChanged(), and OnInputPresetChanged().

◆ ~ActionTargetsCursor()

void ActionTargetsCursor::~ActionTargetsCursor ( )

Definition at line 116 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.


Member Function Documentation

◆ AttachmentsWithInventoryOrCargoCount()

int ActionTargetsCursor::AttachmentsWithInventoryOrCargoCount ( notnull GameInventory inventory)

Definition at line 1179 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1181 {
1184 CargoBase cargo = inventory.GetCargo();
1185 if (cargo && cargo.GetItemCount() > 0)
1186 return 1;
1188 for (int i = 0; i < inventory.AttachmentCount(); i++)
1189 {
1190 EntityAI attachment = inventory.GetAttachmentFromIndex(i);
1191 int attachmentSlotId = attachment.GetInventory().GetSlotId(0);
1193 if (attachment.GetInventory())
1195 }
represents base for cargo storage for entities
Definition Cargo.c:7

◆ BuildFixedCursor()

void ActionTargetsCursor::BuildFixedCursor ( )

Definition at line 226 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

227 {
228 int w, h, x, y;
231 GetScreenSize(w, h);
232 x = w / 2 + 32;
233 y = h / 2 + 32;
235 m_Root.SetPos(x, y);
236 }
Icon x
Icon y
proto void GetScreenSize(out int x, out int y)

References GetScreenSize(), m_Root, PrepareCursorContent(), x, and y.

Referenced by Update().

◆ BuildFloatingCursor()

void ActionTargetsCursor::BuildFloatingCursor ( bool forceRebuild)

Get OnScreenPos when forced or targeted component differs

in case of cached item, all above is reused except the position

Definition at line 238 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

239 {
240 float pos_x, pos_y = 0.0;
245 if (forceRebuild || m_Target.GetComponentIndex() != m_CachedObject.GetCursorCompIdx())
248 else
249 {
252 pos_x = screen_pos[0];
253 pos_y = screen_pos[1];
254 }
256 pos_x = Math.Ceil(pos_x);
257 pos_y = Math.Ceil(pos_y);
259 Widget parentWdg = m_Root.GetParent();
261 float screen_w = 0;
262 float screen_h = 0;
264 float wdg_w = 0;
265 float wdg_h = 0;
267 parentWdg.GetScreenSize(screen_w, screen_h);
268 m_Root.GetSize(wdg_w, wdg_h);
270 if (pos_x + wdg_w > screen_w)
271 pos_x = screen_w - wdg_w;
273 if (pos_y + wdg_h > screen_h)
274 pos_y = screen_h - wdg_h;
276 m_Root.SetPos(pos_x, pos_y);
277 }
void GetOnScreenPosition(out float x, out float y)
vector TransformToScreenPos(vector pWorldPos)
transform world pos to screen pos (related to parent widget size)
Definition EnMath.c:7
static proto float Ceil(float f)
Returns ceil of value.

References Math::Ceil(), GetOnScreenPosition(), m_CachedObject, m_Root, m_Target, PrepareCursorContent(), and TransformToScreenPos().

Referenced by Update().

◆ CheckRefresherFlagVisibility()

void ActionTargetsCursor::CheckRefresherFlagVisibility ( Object object)

Definition at line 1171 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1173 {
1175 Widget w = m_Root.FindAnyWidget("item_flag_icon");
1176 if (Class.CastTo(entity, object) && w)
1177 w.Show(entity.IsRefresherSignalingViable() && m_Player.IsTargetInActiveRefresherRange(entity));
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
Definition EnScript.c:11
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.

References Class::CastTo(), m_Player, and m_Root.

◆ GetActionDesc()

string ActionTargetsCursor::GetActionDesc ( ActionBase action)

Definition at line 718 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

720 {
721 string desc = "";
722 if (action && action.GetText())
723 desc = action.GetText();
725 return desc;

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ GetActionManager()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetActionManager ( )

Definition at line 658 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

660 {
661 if (m_Player && m_Player.IsPlayerSelected())
662 Class.CastTo(m_AM, m_Player.GetActionManager());
663 else
664 m_AM = null;

References Class::CastTo(), m_AM, and m_Player.

Referenced by Update().

◆ GetActions()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetActions ( )

get actions from Action Manager

Definition at line 667 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

669 {
672 m_Single = null;
675 if (!m_AM) return;
676 if (!m_Target) return;
677 if (m_Player.IsSprinting()) return;
678 if (m_Player.IsInVehicle()) return; // TODO: TMP: Car AM rework needed
683 m_Continuous = m_AM.GetPossibleAction(ContinuousDefaultActionInput);
688 m_ContinuousItemActionsNum = m_AM.GetPossibleActionCount(ContinuousDefaultActionInput);
692 if (m_Interact)
693 m_DisplayInteractTarget = m_Interact.GetDisplayInteractObject(m_Player, m_Target);
694 else if (m_Single)
695 m_DisplayInteractTarget = m_Single.GetDisplayInteractObject(m_Player, m_Target);
696 else if (m_ContinuousInteract)
698 else
int GetPossibleActionCount(typename inputType)
ActionBase GetPossibleAction(typename inputType)

Referenced by Update().

◆ GetHud()

IngameHud ActionTargetsCursor::GetHud ( )

Definition at line 1199 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1201 {
1202 Mission mission = GetGame().GetMission();
1203 if (mission)
1204 {
1205 IngameHud hud = IngameHud.Cast(mission.GetHud());
1206 return hud;
1207 }
1209 return null;
Mission mission
Mission class.
Definition gameplay.c:668
Hud GetHud()
Definition gameplay.c:701

References GetGame(), Mission::GetHud(), and mission.

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor().

◆ GetItemCargoCount()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetItemCargoCount ( out int cargoCount)

returns number of items in cargo for targeted entity

default cargo count

Definition at line 879 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

881 {
885 if (!tgObject && m_Target)
886 tgObject = m_Target.GetObject();
889 {
891 GameInventory inventory = entity.GetInventory();
892 if (inventory)
893 {
895 return;
896 }
899 cargoCount = 0;
900 }
int AttachmentsWithInventoryOrCargoCount(notnull GameInventory inventory)
script counterpart to engine's class Inventory
Definition Inventory.c:79

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ GetItemDesc()

string ActionTargetsCursor::GetItemDesc ( ActionBase action)

Definition at line 728 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

730 {
731 string desc = "";
733 if (!tgObject && m_Target)
734 tgObject = m_Target.GetObject();
736 if (tgObject)
737 {
738 //BreakOut if item is ruined
739 Object tgParent = m_Target.GetParent();
740 if (!tgObject.IsAlive())
741 {
742 //Fetch parent item name if one is present
743 if (!tgParent || tgObject.DisplayNameRuinAttach())
744 desc = tgObject.GetDisplayName();
745 else
746 desc = tgParent.GetDisplayName();
747 return desc;
748 }
752 if (tgParent && (tgParent.IsItemBase() || tgParent.IsTransport()))
755 if (tgObject.IsItemBase() || tgObject.IsTransport())
758 if (targetEntity && targetEntity.ShowZonesHealth())
759 {
760 string zone = "";
764 //NOTE: relevant fire geometry and view geometry selection names MUST match in order to get a valid damage zone
765 if (targetEntity.IsInherited(TentBase) && TentBase.Cast(targetEntity).GetState() != TentBase.PACKED)
766 {
767 //This is really specific to tents, as they use proxies. Hence object must be used
768 if (DamageSystem.GetDamageZoneFromComponentName(targetEntity, tgObject.GetActionComponentName(m_Target.GetComponentIndex(), LOD.NAME_FIRE), zone))
769 desc = DamageSystem.GetDamageDisplayName(targetEntity, zone);
770 }
771 else
772 {
773 targetEntity.GetActionComponentNameList(m_Target.GetComponentIndex(), selections, LOD.NAME_VIEW);
775 //Important to get display name from component tied to multiple selections
776 for (int s = 0; s < selections.Count(); s++)
777 {
778 if (DamageSystem.GetDamageZoneFromComponentName(targetEntity, selections[s], zone))
779 desc = DamageSystem.GetDamageDisplayName(targetEntity, zone);
780 }
781 }
782 }
784 //Safety check to output something to widget
785 if (targetEntity && desc == "")
786 desc = targetEntity.GetDisplayName();
787 }
789 return desc;
LOD class.
Definition gameplay.c:203
static const string NAME_FIRE
Definition gameplay.c:207
static const string NAME_VIEW
Definition gameplay.c:206

References m_DisplayInteractTarget, m_Target, LOD::NAME_FIRE, and LOD::NAME_VIEW.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ GetItemHealth()

int ActionTargetsCursor::GetItemHealth ( )

Definition at line 791 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

793 {
794 int health = -1;
796 if (m_Interact && !m_Interact.HasTarget())
797 return health;
800 if (!tgObject && m_Target)
801 tgObject = m_Target.GetObject();
803 if (tgObject)
804 {
805 Object tgParent = m_Target.GetParent();
808 //Return specific part health, even if display name is from parent
809 if (!tgObject.IsAlive())
810 {
811 health = tgObject.GetHealthLevel();
812 return health;
813 }
815 if (tgParent && (tgParent.IsItemBase() || tgParent.IsTransport()))
818 if (tgObject.IsItemBase() || tgObject.IsTransport())
821 if (targetEntity)
822 {
823 if (!targetEntity.IsDamageDestroyed())
824 {
825 string zone = "";
828 if (targetEntity.IsInherited(TentBase) && TentBase.Cast(targetEntity).GetState() != TentBase.PACKED)
829 {
830 //This is really specific to tents, as they use proxies. Hence object must be used
831 if (DamageSystem.GetDamageZoneFromComponentName(targetEntity, tgObject.GetActionComponentName(m_Target.GetComponentIndex(), LOD.NAME_FIRE), zone))
832 health = targetEntity.GetHealthLevel(zone);
833 }
834 else
835 {
836 //NOTE: relevant view geometry and view geometry selection names MUST match in order to get a valid damage zone
837 targetEntity.GetActionComponentNameList(m_Target.GetComponentIndex(), selections, LOD.NAME_VIEW);
839 for (int s = 0; s < selections.Count(); s++)
840 {
841 if (DamageSystem.GetDamageZoneFromComponentName(targetEntity, selections[s], zone))
842 {
843 health = targetEntity.GetHealthLevel(zone);
844 break;
845 }
846 }
847 }
849 if (zone == "")
850 health = targetEntity.GetHealthLevel();
851 }
852 }
853 else
854 health = tgObject.GetHealthLevel();
855 }
857 return health;

References m_DisplayInteractTarget, m_Interact, m_Target, LOD::NAME_FIRE, and LOD::NAME_VIEW.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ GetItemQuantity()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetItemQuantity ( out int q_type,
out float q_cur,
out int q_min,
out int q_max )

◆ GetOnScreenPosition()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetOnScreenPosition ( out float x,
out float y )

kept for backward compatibility

Get memory LOD from p3d

save selection from memory lod

cache current object and the widget world pos


single vertex in selection

multiple vertices in selection

cache current object and the widget world pos

do not store component index for doors/handles

ladders handling

cache current object and the widget world pos

do not store component index for ladders

Definition at line 465 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

467 {
468 const float DEFAULT_HANDLE_OFFSET = 0.2;
469 const string CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME = "ce_center";
470 const string MEM_LOD_NAME = LOD.NAME_MEMORY;
472 int compIdx;
473 float pivotOffset = 0.0;
474 float memOffset = 0.0;
475 string compName;
477 bool isTargetForced = false;
482 LOD lod;
485 array<string> components = new array<string>; // for components with multiple selection
489 if (m_Target)
490 {
491 object = m_Target.GetObject();
492 compIdx = m_Target.GetComponentIndex();
494 if (m_Target.GetCursorHitPos() == vector.Zero)
495 isTargetForced = true;
496 }
497 else
498 return;
500 if (object)
501 {
502 if (!isTargetForced)
503 {
504 compName = object.GetActionComponentName(compIdx);
505 object.GetActionComponentNameList(compIdx, components);
507 if (!object.IsInventoryItem() && (object.HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition() || object.GetActionComponentNameList(compIdx, components) == 0))
508 {
509 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
510 return;
511 }
513 pivotOffset = object.ConfigGetFloat("actionTargetPivotOffsetY");
514 memOffset = object.ConfigGetFloat("actionTargetMemOffsetY");
517 lod = object.GetLODByName(MEM_LOD_NAME);
518 if (lod != null)
519 {
521 lod.GetSelections(memSelections);
523 // items with CE_Center mem point
524 if (MiscGameplayFunctions.IsComponentInSelection(memSelections, CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME))
525 {
526 for (int i2 = 0; i2 < memSelections.Count(); ++i2)
527 {
528 if (memSelections[i2].GetName() == CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME && memSelections[i2].GetVertexCount() == 1)
529 {
530 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
531 modelPos = object.GetSelectionPositionMS(CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME);
532 worldPos = object.ModelToWorld(modelPos);
533 if (memOffset != 0.0)
534 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
535 else
537 }
538 }
541 m_CachedObject.Store(object, worldPos, compIdx);
542 }
544 else if (!compName.Contains("ladder") && IsComponentInSelection(memSelections, compName))
545 {
546 for (int i1 = 0; i1 < memSelections.Count(); ++i1)
547 {
549 if (memSelections[i1].GetName() == compName && memSelections[i1].GetVertexCount() == 1)
550 {
551 modelPos = object.GetSelectionPositionMS(compName);
552 worldPos = object.ModelToWorld(modelPos);
554 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
555 if (object.GetType() == "Fence" || object.GetType() == "Watchttower" || object.GetType() == "GardenPlot")
556 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
558 if (memOffset != 0.0)
559 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
560 else
562 }
565 if (memSelections[i1].GetName() == compName && memSelections[i1].GetVertexCount() > 1)
566 {
567 for (int j = 0; j < components.Count(); ++j)
568 {
570 {
571 modelPos = object.GetSelectionPositionMS(components[j]);
572 worldPos = object.ModelToWorld(modelPos);
574 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
575 if (memOffset != 0.0)
576 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
577 else
579 }
580 }
581 }
582 }
585 m_CachedObject.Store(object, worldPos, -1);
586 }
588 else if (compName.Contains("ladder") && IsComponentInSelection(memSelections, compName))
589 {
592 float lastDistance = 0;
594 for (int i3 = 0; i3 < memSelections.Count(); ++i3)
595 {
596 if (memSelections[i3].GetName() == compName && memSelections[i3].GetVertexCount() > 1)
597 {
598 ladderHandlePointLS = memSelections[i3].GetVertexPosition(lod, 0);
599 ladderHandlePointWS = object.ModelToWorld(ladderHandlePointLS);
603 for (int k = 1; k < memSelections[i3].GetVertexCount(); ++k)
604 {
605 ladderHandlePointLS = memSelections[i3].GetVertexPosition(lod, k);
606 ladderHandlePointWS = object.ModelToWorld(ladderHandlePointLS);
609 {
612 }
613 }
615 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
617 if (memOffset != 0.0)
618 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
619 else
621 }
622 }
625 m_CachedObject.Store(object, worldPos, -1);
626 }
627 else
628 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
629 }
630 else
631 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
632 }
633 else
634 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
638 x = pos[0];
639 y = pos[1];
640 }
643 isTargetForced = false;
eBleedingSourceType GetType()
override bool HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition()
Definition DayZAnimal.c:111
bool IsComponentInSelection(array< Selection > selection, string compName)
static const string NAME_MEMORY
Definition gameplay.c:208
static proto native float DistanceSq(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the square distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
static const vector Zero
Definition EnConvert.c:110
static proto float AbsFloat(float f)
Returns absolute value.
proto native owned string GetName()

References Math::AbsFloat(), vector::DistanceSq(), GetName(), GetType(), HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition(), IsComponentInSelection(), m_CachedObject, m_FixedOnPosition, m_Player, m_Target, LOD::NAME_MEMORY, TransformToScreenPos(), x, y, and vector::Zero.

Referenced by BuildFloatingCursor().

◆ GetPlayer()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetPlayer ( )

Definition at line 653 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

References Class::CastTo(), GetGame(), GetPlayer(), and m_Player.

Referenced by GetPlayer(), and Update().

◆ GetTarget()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetTarget ( )

Definition at line 701 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

703 {
704 if (!m_AM)
705 return;
708 if (m_Target && m_Target.GetObject() && m_Target.GetObject().IsItemBase())
709 {
710 ItemBase item = ItemBase.Cast(m_Target.GetObject());
712 item.GetInventory().GetCurrentInventoryLocation(invLocation);
714 if (!item.IsTakeable() || (m_Player && m_Player.IsInVehicle()) || invLocation.GetType() != InventoryLocationType.GROUND)
715 m_Hidden = true;
716 }
types of Inventory Location
override ActionTarget FindActionTarget()

References ActionManagerClient::FindActionTarget(), m_AM, m_Hidden, m_Player, and m_Target.

Referenced by Update().

◆ HideWidget()

void ActionTargetsCursor::HideWidget ( )

Definition at line 290 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

291 {
292 if (m_Root.IsVisible())
293 {
294 m_Root.Show(false);
295 m_CachedObject.Invalidate();
296 }
297 }

References m_CachedObject, and m_Root.

Referenced by Update().

◆ IsComponentInSelection()

bool ActionTargetsCursor::IsComponentInSelection ( array< Selection > selection,
string compName )

Definition at line 646 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

648 {
649 return MiscGameplayFunctions.IsComponentInSelection(selection, compName);

Referenced by GetOnScreenPosition().

◆ OnInputDeviceChanged()

void ActionTargetsCursor::OnInputDeviceChanged ( EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType)

Definition at line 166 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

167 {
169 }
void UpdatePCIconsVisibility()
Contains logic for icon set switching (Gamepad/M&K)

References UpdatePCIconsVisibility().

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor().

◆ OnInputPresetChanged()

void ActionTargetsCursor::OnInputPresetChanged ( )

Definition at line 159 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

160 {
164 }
void UpdateControllerInputIcons()
Loads icons from the latest keybinds.

References UpdateControllerInputIcons().

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor().

◆ OnUpdate()

override bool ActionTargetsCursor::OnUpdate ( Widget w)

Definition at line 279 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

280 {
281 if (m_Root == w)
282 {
283 Update();
284 return true;
285 }
287 return false;
288 }

References m_Root, and Update().

◆ OnWidgetScriptInit()

void ActionTargetsCursor::OnWidgetScriptInit ( Widget w)

UA -> widget icon

Definition at line 143 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

144 {
145 m_Root = w;
146 m_Root.Show(false);
147 m_Root.SetHandler(this);
153 m_Container = w.FindAnyWidget("container");
154 m_ItemLeft = w.FindAnyWidget("item_left");
156 m_Root.Update();
157 }

References m_Container, m_ItemLeft, m_Root, UpdateControllerInputIcons(), and UpdatePCIconsVisibility().

◆ PrepareCursorContent()

void ActionTargetsCursor::PrepareCursorContent ( )

item health


cargo in item

fill the widget with data

Definition at line 194 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

195 {
196 int health = -1;
197 int cargoCount = 0;
198 int q_type = 0;
199 int q_min, q_max = -1;
200 float q_cur = -1.0;
204 SetItemHealth(health, "item", "item_health_mark", m_HealthEnabled);
210 SetItemQuantity(q_type, q_cur, q_min, q_max, "item", "item_quantity_pb", "item_quantity_text", m_QuantityEnabled);
211 SetInteractActionIcon("interact", "interact_icon_frame", "interact_btn_inner_icon", "interact_btn_text");
212 SetItemDesc(GetItemDesc(m_Interact), cargoCount, "item", "item_desc");
213 SetActionWidget(m_Interact, GetActionDesc(m_Interact), "interact", "interact_action_name");
215 SetInteractActionIcon("continuous_interact", "continuous_interact_icon_frame", "continuous_interact_btn_inner_icon", "continuous_interact_btn_text");
216 SetActionWidget(m_ContinuousInteract, GetActionDesc(m_ContinuousInteract), "continuous_interact", "continuous_interact_action_name");
218 SetActionWidget(m_Single, GetActionDesc(m_Single), "single", "single_action_name");
219 SetActionWidget(m_Continuous, GetActionDesc(m_Continuous), "continuous", "continuous_action_name");
220 SetMultipleItemAction("single_mlt_wrapper", "single_mlt_wrapper_not_select");
221 SetMultipleContinuousItemAction("continuous_mlt_wrapper", "continuous_mlt_wrapper_not_select");
222 SetMultipleInteractAction("interact_mlt_wrapper", "interact_mlt_wrapper_not_select");
223 SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction("continuous_interact_mlt_wrapper", "continuous_interact_mlt_wrapper_not_select");
224 }
void SetItemHealth(int health, string itemWidget, string healthWidget, bool enabled)
string GetItemDesc(ActionBase action)
void SetItemQuantity(int type, float current, int min, int max, string itemWidget, string quantityPBWidget, string quantityTextWidget, bool enabled)
void SetItemDesc(string descText, int cargoCount, string itemWidget, string descWidget)
void GetItemQuantity(out int q_type, out float q_cur, out int q_min, out int q_max)
void SetMultipleItemAction(string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)
void SetMultipleContinuousItemAction(string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)
void GetItemCargoCount(out int cargoCount)
returns number of items in cargo for targeted entity
void SetActionWidget(ActionBase action, string descText, string actionWidget, string descWidget)
string GetActionDesc(ActionBase action)
void SetMultipleInteractAction(string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)
shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void SetInteractActionIcon(string actionWidget, string actionIconFrameWidget, string actionIconWidget, string actionIconTextWidget)
void SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction(string multiActionsWidget, string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect)

References GetActionDesc(), GetItemCargoCount(), GetItemDesc(), GetItemHealth(), GetItemQuantity(), m_Continuous, m_ContinuousInteract, m_HealthEnabled, m_Interact, m_QuantityEnabled, m_Single, SetActionWidget(), SetInteractActionIcon(), SetItemDesc(), SetItemHealth(), SetItemQuantity(), SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction(), SetMultipleContinuousItemAction(), SetMultipleInteractAction(), and SetMultipleItemAction().

Referenced by BuildFixedCursor(), and BuildFloatingCursor().

◆ SetActionWidget()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetActionWidget ( ActionBase action,
string descText,
string actionWidget,
string descWidget )

Definition at line 1010 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1012 {
1013 Widget widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(actionWidget);
1015 if (action)
1016 {
1017 if (action.HasTarget() && m_AM.GetActionState() < 1) // targeted & action not performing
1018 {
1020 Class.CastTo(actionName, widget.FindAnyWidget(descWidget));
1022 if (action.GetInput().GetInputType() == ActionInputType.AIT_CONTINUOUS)
1023 {
1024 descText = descText + " " + "#action_target_cursor_hold";
1025 actionName.SetText(descText);
1026 }
1027 else
1028 actionName.SetText(descText);
1030 widget.Show(true);
1032 int x, y;
1033 actionName.GetTextSize(x, y);
1034 if (x > m_MaxWidthChild);
1036 }
1037 else
1038 widget.Show(false);
1039 }
1040 else
1041 widget.Show(false);
Definition ActionInput.c:2
float m_MaxWidthChild
widget width

References Class::CastTo(), m_AM, m_MaxWidthChild, m_Root, x, and y.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetContinuousInteractXboxIcon()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetContinuousInteractXboxIcon ( string imageset_name,
string image_name )

◆ SetContinuousXboxIcon()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetContinuousXboxIcon ( string imageset_name,
string image_name )

◆ SetControllerIcon()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetControllerIcon ( string pWidgetName,
string pInputName )

Definition at line 137 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

138 {
139 RichTextWidget w = RichTextWidget.Cast(m_Root.FindAnyWidget(pWidgetName + "_btn_icon_xbox"));
141 }
static string GetRichtextButtonIconFromInputAction(notnull UAInput pInput, string pLocalizedDescription, int pInputDeviceType=EUAINPUT_DEVICE_CONTROLLER, float pScale=ICON_SCALE_NORMAL, bool pVertical=false)
Definition InputUtils.c:151

References InputUtils::GetRichtextButtonIconFromInputAction(), and m_Root.

Referenced by UpdateControllerInputIcons().

◆ SetHealthVisibility()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetHealthVisibility ( bool state)

Definition at line 119 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

120 {
122 }

References m_HealthEnabled.

◆ SetInteractActionIcon()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetInteractActionIcon ( string actionWidget,
string actionIconFrameWidget,
string actionIconWidget,
string actionIconTextWidget )

Definition at line 1153 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1155 {
1156 Widget widget;
1160 widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(actionWidget);
1164 GetDayZGame().GetBacklit().HintShow(m_UseActionWrapper.InputP());
1166 // uses text in floating widget
1167 iconWidget.Show(false);
1168 textWidget.SetText(InputUtils.GetButtonNameFromInput("UAAction", EInputDeviceType.MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD));
1169 textWidget.Show(true);
DayZGame GetDayZGame()
Definition DayZGame.c:3530
static string GetButtonNameFromInput(string pInputName, int pInputDeviceType)
Definition InputUtils.c:17
proto native UAInput InputP()
Definition input.c:3

References Class::CastTo(), InputUtils::GetButtonNameFromInput(), GetDayZGame(), UAIDWrapper::InputP(), m_Root, and m_UseActionWrapper.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetInteractXboxIcon()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetInteractXboxIcon ( string imageset_name,
string image_name )


◆ SetItemDesc()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetItemDesc ( string descText,
int cargoCount,
string itemWidget,
string descWidget )

Last message from finished User Action on target (Thermometer, Blood Test Kit, etc.)

when cargo in container

Definition at line 903 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

905 {
907 widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(itemWidget);
910 PlayerBase playerT = PlayerBase.Cast(m_Target.GetObject());
911 if (playerT)
912 string msg = playerT.GetLastUAMessage();
914 if (descText.Length() == 0 && msg.Length() == 0)
915 {
916 widget.Show(false);
917 return;
918 }
920 descText.ToUpper();
922 Class.CastTo(itemName, widget.FindAnyWidget(descWidget));
925 if (cargoCount > 0)
926 descText = string.Format("[+] %1 %2", descText, msg);
927 else
928 descText = string.Format("%1 %2", descText, msg);
930 itemName.SetText(descText);
931 widget.Show(true);

References Class::CastTo(), m_Root, and m_Target.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetItemHealth()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetItemHealth ( int health,
string itemWidget,
string healthWidget,
bool enabled )

Definition at line 933 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

935 {
936 Widget widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(itemWidget);
938 if (enabled)
939 {
941 Class.CastTo(healthMark, widget.FindAnyWidget(healthWidget));
942 int color = 0x00FFFFFF;
944 if (health == -1)
945 {
946 healthMark.GetParent().Show(false);
947 widget.Show(enabled);
948 return;
949 }
952 healthMark.SetAlpha(0.5);
953 healthMark.GetParent().Show(true);
954 }
956 widget.Show(enabled);
static int GetItemHealthColor(int pHealthLevel)

References Class::CastTo(), ItemManager::GetItemHealthColor(), and m_Root.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetItemQuantity()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetItemQuantity ( int type,
float current,
int min,
int max,
string itemWidget,
string quantityPBWidget,
string quantityTextWidget,
bool enabled )

Definition at line 958 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

960 {
963 widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(itemWidget);
965 if (enabled)
966 {
972 //check for volume vs. count and display progressbar or "bubble" with exact count/max text
973 switch (type)
974 {
976 progressBar.Show(false);
977 textWidget.Show(false);
978 textWidget.GetParent().Show(false);
979 break;
981 if (max > 1 || current > 1)
982 {
983 string qty_text = string.Format("%1/%2", Math.Round(current).ToString(), max.ToString());
984 progressBar.Show(false);
985 textWidget.SetText(qty_text);
986 textWidget.Show(true);
987 textWidget.GetParent().Show(true);
988 }
989 else
990 {
991 progressBar.Show(false);
992 textWidget.Show(false);
993 textWidget.GetParent().Show(false);
994 }
995 break;
997 float qty_num = Math.Round((current / max) * 100);
999 textWidget.Show(false);
1000 progressBar.SetCurrent(qty_num);
1001 progressBar.Show(true);
1002 textWidget.GetParent().Show(true);
1003 break;
1004 }
1005 widget.Show(true);
1006 }
1007 else
1008 widget.Show(false);
Definition constants.c:484
Definition constants.c:483
Definition constants.c:482
static proto float Round(float f)
Returns mathematical round of value.

References Class::CastTo(), m_Root, QUANTITY_COUNT, QUANTITY_HIDDEN, QUANTITY_PROGRESS, and Math::Round().

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction ( string multiActionsWidget,
string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect )

Definition at line 1071 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1073 {
1076 widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(multiActionsWidget);
1080 {
1082 {
1083 widget.Show(true);
1084 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1085 }
1086 else
1087 {
1088 widget.Show(false);
1089 widget_not_select.Show(true);
1090 }
1091 }
1092 else
1093 {
1094 widget.Show(false);
1095 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1096 }

References m_ContinuousInteractActionsNum, m_Root, and m_SelectedActionCategory.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetMultipleContinuousItemAction()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetMultipleContinuousItemAction ( string multiActionsWidget,
string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect )

Definition at line 1126 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1128 {
1131 widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(multiActionsWidget);
1135 {
1136 if (m_SelectedActionCategory == ContinuousDefaultActionInput)
1137 {
1138 widget.Show(true);
1139 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1140 }
1141 else
1142 {
1143 widget.Show(false);
1144 widget_not_select.Show(true);
1145 }
1146 }
1147 else
1148 {
1149 widget.Show(false);
1150 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1151 }

References m_ContinuousItemActionsNum, m_Root, and m_SelectedActionCategory.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetMultipleInteractAction()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetMultipleInteractAction ( string multiActionsWidget,
string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect )

shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available

Definition at line 1044 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1046 {
1049 widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(multiActionsWidget);
1052 if (m_InteractActionsNum > 1)
1053 {
1055 {
1056 widget.Show(true);
1057 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1058 }
1059 else
1060 {
1061 widget.Show(false);
1062 widget_not_select.Show(true);
1063 }
1064 }
1065 else
1066 {
1067 widget.Show(false);
1068 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1069 }

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetMultipleItemAction()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetMultipleItemAction ( string multiActionsWidget,
string multiActionsWidget_NotSelect )

Definition at line 1099 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

1101 {
1104 widget = m_Root.FindAnyWidget(multiActionsWidget);
1107 if (m_ItemActionsNum > 1)
1108 {
1110 {
1111 widget.Show(true);
1112 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1113 }
1114 else
1115 {
1116 widget.Show(false);
1117 widget_not_select.Show(true);
1118 }
1119 }
1120 else
1121 {
1122 widget.Show(false);
1123 widget_not_select.Show(false);
1124 }

References m_ItemActionsNum, m_Root, and m_SelectedActionCategory.

Referenced by PrepareCursorContent().

◆ SetQuantityVisibility()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetQuantityVisibility ( bool state)

Definition at line 124 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

125 {
127 }

References m_QuantityEnabled.

◆ SetSingleXboxIcon()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetSingleXboxIcon ( string imageset_name,
string image_name )

◆ SetXboxIcon()

void ActionTargetsCursor::SetXboxIcon ( string name,
string imageset_name,
string image_name )

◆ ShowXboxHidePCIcons()

void ActionTargetsCursor::ShowXboxHidePCIcons ( string widget,
bool show_xbox_icon )

Definition at line 440 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

442 {
443 m_Root.FindAnyWidget(widget + "_btn_icon_xbox").Show(show_xbox_icon);
444 m_Root.FindAnyWidget(widget + "_btn_icon").Show(!show_xbox_icon);

References m_Root.

Referenced by UpdatePCIconsVisibility().

◆ TransformToScreenPos()

vector ActionTargetsCursor::TransformToScreenPos ( vector pWorldPos)

transform world pos to screen pos (related to parent widget size)

get relative pos for screen from world pos vector

get size of parent widget

calculate corrent position from relative pos and parent widget size

Definition at line 448 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

450 {
455 screen_pos = GetGame().GetScreenPosRelative(pWorldPos);
457 m_Root.GetParent().GetScreenSize(parent_width, parent_height);
463 return transformed_pos;

Referenced by BuildFloatingCursor(), and GetOnScreenPosition().

◆ Update()

void ActionTargetsCursor::Update ( )

don't show floating widget if it's disabled in profile or the player is unconscious

check if action has target, otherwise don't show the widget

cursor with fixed position (environment interaction mainly)

build cursor for new target

use cached version for known target - recalculate onscreen pos only

Definition at line 299 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

300 {
301 if (m_Player && !m_Player.IsAlive()) // handle respawn
302 {
303 m_Player = null;
304 m_AM = null;
305 }
307 if (!m_Player)
308 GetPlayer();
310 if (!m_AM)
313 if (m_Player.IsInVehicle() || m_AM.GetRunningAction())
314 m_Hidden = true;
317 /*
319 if (DeveloperFreeCamera.IsFreeCameraEnabled())
320 HideWidget();
321 return;
322 #endif
323 */
328 if (GetGame().GetUIManager().GetMenu() || !g_Game.GetProfileOption(EDayZProfilesOptions.HUD) || m_Hud.IsHideHudPlayer() || m_Player.IsUnconscious() || isVisionObstructionActive)
329 {
330 HideWidget();
331 return;
332 }
334 GetTarget();
335 GetActions();
339 if (!showTarget)
340 {
341 if (m_Single)
342 showTarget = m_Single.HasTarget();
344 if (m_Continuous)
345 showTarget = showTarget || m_Continuous.HasTarget();
346 }
348 if (showTarget)
349 {
351 if (m_Target.GetObject() == null && (m_Interact || m_ContinuousInteract || m_Single || m_Continuous))
352 {
353 //Print(">> fixed widget");
354 m_CachedObject.Invalidate();
356 m_Root.Show(true);
357 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
358 m_Hidden = false;
359 return;
360 }
361 else if (m_Target.GetObject() != null && !m_Target.GetObject().IsHologram() && (!m_Target.GetParent() || m_Target.GetParent() && !m_Target.GetParent().IsHologram()))
362 {
365 if (m_Target.GetObject() != m_CachedObject.Get())
366 {
368 {
369 //Print(">> non-cached widget");
370 m_CachedObject.Invalidate();
372 m_Root.Show(true);
373 m_Hidden = false;
374 return;
375 }
376 else
377 {
378 //Print(">> non-cached widget (fixed)");
379 m_CachedObject.Invalidate();
381 m_Root.Show(true);
382 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
383 m_Hidden = false;
384 return;
385 }
386 }
388 else if (m_Target.GetObject() == m_CachedObject.Get())
389 {
391 {
392 //Print(">> cached widget");
393 BuildFloatingCursor(false);
394 m_Root.Show(true);
395 m_Hidden = false;
396 return;
397 }
398 else
399 {
400 //Print(">> cached widget (fixed)");
401 m_CachedObject.Invalidate();
403 m_Root.Show(true);
404 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
405 m_Hidden = false;
406 return;
407 }
408 }
409 }
410 else
411 {
412 if (m_Root.IsVisible())
413 {
414 m_CachedObject.Invalidate();
415 m_Root.Show(false);
416 m_Hidden = false;
418 // remove previous backlit
419 GetDayZGame().GetBacklit().HintClear();
420 }
421 }
422 }
423 else
424 {
425 if (m_Root.IsVisible())
426 {
427 m_CachedObject.Invalidate();
428 m_Root.Show(false);
429 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
431 // remove previous backlit
432 GetDayZGame().GetBacklit().HintClear();
433 }
435 m_Hidden = false;
436 }
438 m_MaxWidthChild = 350;
DayZGame g_Game
Definition DayZGame.c:3528
const ref array< typename > VISION_OBSTRUCTION_PPEFFECTS_TYPES
void GetActions()
get actions from Action Manager
void BuildFloatingCursor(bool forceRebuild)
Static component of PPE manager, used to hold the instance.
Definition PPEManager.c:3
static PPEManager GetPPEManager()
Returns the manager instance singleton.
Definition PPEManager.c:27

References BuildFixedCursor(), BuildFloatingCursor(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::CheckRefresherFlagVisibility(), g_Game, GetActionManager(), GetActions(), GetDayZGame(), GetGame(), GetPlayer(), PPEManagerStatic::GetPPEManager(), GetTarget(), HideWidget(), m_AM, m_CachedObject, m_Continuous, m_ContinuousInteract, m_FixedOnPosition, m_Hidden, m_Hud, m_Interact, m_MaxWidthChild, m_Player, m_Root, m_Single, m_Target, and VISION_OBSTRUCTION_PPEFFECTS_TYPES.

Referenced by OnUpdate(), and Hud::Update().

◆ UpdateControllerInputIcons()

void ActionTargetsCursor::UpdateControllerInputIcons ( )

Loads icons from the latest keybinds.

Definition at line 172 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

173 {
174 SetControllerIcon("interact", "UAAction");
175 SetControllerIcon("continuous_interact", "UAAction");
176 SetControllerIcon("single", "UADefaultAction");
177 SetControllerIcon("continuous", "UADefaultAction");
178 }
void SetControllerIcon(string pWidgetName, string pInputName)

References SetControllerIcon().

Referenced by OnInputPresetChanged(), and OnWidgetScriptInit().

◆ UpdatePCIconsVisibility()

void ActionTargetsCursor::UpdatePCIconsVisibility ( )

Contains logic for icon set switching (Gamepad/M&K)

Definition at line 181 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

182 {
183 bool showConsoleIcons = false;
185 showConsoleIcons = GetGame().GetInput().GetCurrentInputDevice() == EInputDeviceType.CONTROLLER || !GetGame().GetInput().IsEnabledMouseAndKeyboardEvenOnServer();
189 ShowXboxHidePCIcons("continuous_interact", showConsoleIcons);
192 }
void ShowXboxHidePCIcons(string widget, bool show_xbox_icon)

References GetGame(), and ShowXboxHidePCIcons().

Referenced by OnInputDeviceChanged(), and OnWidgetScriptInit().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_AM

ActionManagerClient ActionTargetsCursor::m_AM

◆ m_CachedObject

ref ATCCachedObject ActionTargetsCursor::m_CachedObject

◆ m_Container

Widget ActionTargetsCursor::m_Container

Definition at line 85 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by OnWidgetScriptInit().

◆ m_Continuous

ActionBase ActionTargetsCursor::m_Continuous

Definition at line 68 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor(), PrepareCursorContent(), and Update().

◆ m_ContinuousInteract

ActionBase ActionTargetsCursor::m_ContinuousInteract

Definition at line 66 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor(), PrepareCursorContent(), and Update().

◆ m_ContinuousInteractActionsNum

int ActionTargetsCursor::m_ContinuousInteractActionsNum

Definition at line 75 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction().

◆ m_ContinuousItemActionsNum

int ActionTargetsCursor::m_ContinuousItemActionsNum

Definition at line 77 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by SetMultipleContinuousItemAction().

◆ m_DisplayInteractTarget

Object ActionTargetsCursor::m_DisplayInteractTarget

◆ m_FixedOnPosition

bool ActionTargetsCursor::m_FixedOnPosition

Definition at line 81 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by GetOnScreenPosition(), and Update().

◆ m_HealthEnabled

bool ActionTargetsCursor::m_HealthEnabled

◆ m_Hidden

bool ActionTargetsCursor::m_Hidden

Definition at line 82 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor(), GetTarget(), and Update().

◆ m_Hud

IngameHud ActionTargetsCursor::m_Hud

Definition at line 70 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor(), and Update().

◆ m_Interact

ActionBase ActionTargetsCursor::m_Interact

◆ m_InteractActionsNum

int ActionTargetsCursor::m_InteractActionsNum

Definition at line 74 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

◆ m_ItemActionsNum

int ActionTargetsCursor::m_ItemActionsNum

Definition at line 76 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by SetMultipleItemAction().

◆ m_ItemLeft

Widget ActionTargetsCursor::m_ItemLeft

Definition at line 86 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by OnWidgetScriptInit().

◆ m_MaxWidthChild

float ActionTargetsCursor::m_MaxWidthChild

widget width

Definition at line 89 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by SetActionWidget(), and Update().

◆ m_Player

PlayerBase ActionTargetsCursor::m_Player

◆ m_QuantityEnabled

bool ActionTargetsCursor::m_QuantityEnabled

◆ m_Root

◆ m_RootHeight

float ActionTargetsCursor::m_RootHeight

Definition at line 91 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

◆ m_RootWidth

float ActionTargetsCursor::m_RootWidth

Definition at line 90 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

◆ m_SelectedActionCategory


◆ m_Single

ActionBase ActionTargetsCursor::m_Single

Definition at line 67 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor(), PrepareCursorContent(), and Update().

◆ m_Target

ActionTarget ActionTargetsCursor::m_Target

◆ m_UseActionWrapper

UAIDWrapper ActionTargetsCursor::m_UseActionWrapper

Definition at line 72 of file ActionTargetsCursor.c.

Referenced by ActionTargetsCursor(), and SetInteractActionIcon().


const ref array<typename> ActionTargetsCursor::VISION_OBSTRUCTION_PPEFFECTS_TYPES

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: