DayZ 1.24
No Matches
Weapon Class Reference

script counterpart to engine's class Weapon More...

Collaboration diagram for Weapon:

Protected Member Functions

void Weapon_Base ()
void InitStateMachine ()
override void EEInit ()
void SetInitialState (WeaponStableState initState)
bool IsCharged ()
void SetCharged (bool value)
bool IsWeaponOpen ()
void SetWeaponOpen (bool value)
float GetWeightSpecialized (bool forceRecalc=false)
void AssembleGun ()
 override on weapons with some assembly required
bool CanProcessAction (int action, int actionType)
bool HasActionAbility (int action, int actionType)
 query if weapon supports action and actionType
int GetAbilityCount ()
AbilityRecord GetAbility (int index)
bool CanProcessWeaponEvents ()
WeaponStateBase GetCurrentState ()
 returns currently active state
bool IsWaitingForActionFinish ()
 returns true if state machine started playing action/actionType and waits for finish
bool IsIdle ()
bool ProcessWeaponEvent (WeaponEventBase e)
 weapon's fsm handling of events @NOTE: warning: ProcessWeaponEvent can be called only within DayZPlayer::HandleWeapons (or CommandHandler)
bool ProcessWeaponAbortEvent (WeaponEventBase e)
bool CanChamberBullet (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag)
void SetWeaponAnimState (int state)
void ResetWeaponAnimState ()
int GetWeaponAnimState ()
void EEFired (int muzzleType, int mode, string ammoType)
bool JamCheck (int muzzleIndex)
void ShowBullet (int muzzleIndex)
void HideBullet (int muzzleIndex)
bool IsJammed ()
bool CanEjectBullet ()
void SetJammed (bool value)
float GetSyncChanceToJam ()
float GetChanceToJam ()
void SyncSelectionState (bool has_bullet, bool has_mag)
void ForceSyncSelectionState ()
override bool OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
void SaveCurrentFSMState (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
bool LoadCurrentFSMState (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
override void AfterStoreLoad ()
override void OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
int GetInternalStateID ()
int GetCurrentStableStateID ()
 tries to return identifier of current stable state (or nearest stable state if unstable state is currently running)
void RandomizeFSMState ()
 With the parameters given, selects a random suitable state for the FSM of the weapon @WARNING: Weapon_Base.Synchronize call might be needed, if this method is called while clients are connected.
array< MuzzleStateGetMuzzleStates ()
 Helper method for RandomizeFSMState.

Protected Attributes

const float DEFAULT_DAMAGE_ON_SHOT = 0.05
ref array< ref AbilityRecordm_abilities = new array<ref AbilityRecord>
ref WeaponFSM m_fsm
 weapon abilities
bool m_isJammed = false
 weapon state machine
bool m_LiftWeapon = false
bool m_BayonetAttached
bool m_ButtstockAttached
bool m_Charged = false
bool m_WeaponOpen = false
int m_BurstCount
int m_BayonetAttachmentIdx
int m_ButtstockAttachmentIdx
int m_weaponAnimState = -1
int m_magazineSimpleSelectionIndex = -1
 animation state the weapon is in, -1 == uninitialized
int m_weaponHideBarrelIdx = -1
float m_DmgPerShot = 0
float m_WeaponLength
float m_WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset
float m_ShoulderDistance
vector m_LastLiftPosition
ref array< intm_bulletSelectionIndex = new array<int>
ref array< floatm_DOFProperties
ref array< floatm_ChanceToJam = new array<float>
float m_ChanceToJamSync = 0
ref PropertyModifiers m_PropertyModifierObject
PhxInteractionLayers hit_mask = PhxInteractionLayers.CHARACTER | PhxInteractionLayers.BUILDING | PhxInteractionLayers.DOOR | PhxInteractionLayers.VEHICLE | PhxInteractionLayers.ROADWAY | PhxInteractionLayers.TERRAIN | PhxInteractionLayers.ITEM_SMALL | PhxInteractionLayers.ITEM_LARGE | PhxInteractionLayers.FENCE | PhxInteractionLayers.AI

Private Member Functions

override int GetSlotsCountCorrect ()
 Returns number of slots for attachments corrected for weapons.

Private Attributes

const int SAMF_DEFAULT = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER | WeaponWithAmmoFlags.MAX_CAPACITY_MAG
 Full highest capacity magazine + chambered round.
const int SAMF_RNG = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER_RNG | WeaponWithAmmoFlags.QUANTITY_RNG
 Random bullet quantity + maybe chambered round.

Weapon With Ammo

Helpers for spawning ammo/magazine in weapon For the flags, either a combination of WeaponWithAmmoFlags can be used Or one of the preset 'const int' with 'SAMF_' prefix (SAMF_DEFAULT, SAMF_RNG)

bool SpawnAmmo (string magazineType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
 General method trying to attch magazine, fill inner magazine and fill chamber.
Magazine SpawnAttachedMagazine (string magazineType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
 Try to spawn and attach a magazine.
bool FillInnerMagazine (string ammoType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
 Try to fill the inner magazine.
bool FillChamber (string ammoType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
 Try to fill the chamber.
override int GetSlotsCountCorrect ()
 Returns number of slots for attachments corrected for weapons.
PropertyModifiers GetPropertyModifierObject ()
void OnFire (int muzzle_index)
void OnFireModeChange (int fireMode)
void ValidateAndRepair ()
override void OnInventoryEnter (Man player)
override void OnInventoryExit (Man player)
override void EEItemAttached (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
override void EEItemDetached (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
override void EEItemLocationChanged (notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc, notnull InventoryLocation newLoc)
override void OnItemLocationChanged (EntityAI old_owner, EntityAI new_owner)
override bool CanReleaseAttachment (EntityAI attachment)
override bool CanRemoveFromHands (EntityAI parent)
bool IsRemoteWeapon ()
void SyncEventToRemote (WeaponEventBase e)
RecoilBase SpawnRecoilObject ()
int GetWeaponSpecificCommand (int weaponAction, int subCommand)
bool CanFire ()
bool CanEnterIronsights ()
bool InitDOFProperties (out array< float > temp_array)
 Initializes DOF properties for weapon's ironsight/optics cameras.
bool InitReliability (out array< float > reliability_array)
bool InitWeaponLength ()
 gets weapon length from config for weaponlift raycast
bool InitWeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset ()
 gets weapon vertical offset from config for weaponlift raycast
bool InitShoulderDistance ()
 gets approximate weapon distance from shoulder from config
ref array< floatGetWeaponDOF ()
bool LiftWeaponCheck (PlayerBase player)
bool LiftWeaponRaycastResultCheck (notnull RaycastRVResult res)
 Return whether provided material triggers weapon lift (true) or not (false).
float GetEffectiveAttachmentLength ()
 Returns effective length of attachments that influence total weapon length.
void SetSyncJammingChance (float jamming_chance)
bool EjectCartridge (int muzzleIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName)
 unload bullet from chamber or internal magazine
bool CopyWeaponStateFrom (notnull Weapon_Base src)
override void SetBayonetAttached (bool pState, int slot_idx=-1)
 attachment helpers (firearm melee)
override bool HasBayonetAttached ()
override int GetBayonetAttachmentIdx ()
override void SetButtstockAttached (bool pState, int slot_idx=-1)
override bool HasButtstockAttached ()
override int GetButtstockAttachmentIdx ()
void HideWeaponBarrel (bool state)
void ShowMagazine ()
void HideMagazine ()
override EntityAI ProcessMeleeItemDamage (int mode=0)
bool IsShowingChamberedBullet ()
int GetBurstCount ()
void ResetBurstCount ()
override void SetActions ()
override bool CanBeUsedForSuicide ()
override void OnDebugSpawn ()
static Weapon_Base CreateWeaponWithAmmo (string weaponType, string magazineType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
 Create weapon with ammo.

Detailed Description

script counterpart to engine's class Weapon

Definition at line 48 of file InventoryItem.c.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AfterStoreLoad()

override void Weapon::AfterStoreLoad ( )

Definition at line 583 of file Weapon_Base.c.

584 {
585 if (m_fsm)
586 {
587 int mi = GetCurrentMuzzle();
588 Magazine mag = GetMagazine(mi);
589 bool has_mag = mag != null;
590 bool has_bullet = !IsChamberEmpty(mi);
592 }
593 }
void SyncSelectionState(bool has_bullet, bool has_mag)
ref WeaponFSM m_fsm
weapon abilities
Definition Weapon_Base.c:47

◆ AssembleGun()

void Weapon::AssembleGun ( )

override on weapons with some assembly required

◆ CanBeUsedForSuicide()

override bool Weapon::CanBeUsedForSuicide ( )

Definition at line 1761 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1762 {
1763 if (!ConfigGetBool("isSuicideWeapon"))
1764 return false;
1766 return super.CanBeUsedForSuicide();
1767 }

◆ CanChamberBullet()

bool Weapon::CanChamberBullet ( int muzzleIndex,
Magazine mag )

Definition at line 303 of file Weapon_Base.c.

304 {
305 return CanChamberFromMag(muzzleIndex, mag) && (!IsChamberFull(muzzleIndex) || IsChamberFiredOut(muzzleIndex) || !IsInternalMagazineFull(muzzleIndex));
306 }
bool IsChamberFiredOut(int idx)
bool IsChamberFull(int idx)

References IsChamberFiredOut(), and IsChamberFull().

◆ CanEjectBullet()

bool Weapon::CanEjectBullet ( )

Definition at line 383 of file Weapon_Base.c.

383{return true;}

◆ CanEnterIronsights()

bool Weapon::CanEnterIronsights ( )

Definition at line 1160 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1161 {
1162 ItemOptics optic = GetAttachedOptics();
1163 if (!optic)
1164 return true;
1166 return optic.HasWeaponIronsightsOverride();
1167 }

◆ CanFire()

bool Weapon::CanFire ( )

Definition at line 1153 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1154 {
1155 if (!IsChamberEmpty(GetCurrentMuzzle()) && !IsChamberFiredOut(GetCurrentMuzzle()) && !IsJammed() && !m_LiftWeapon && !IsDamageDestroyed())
1156 return true;
1157 return false;
1158 }
bool IsDamageDestroyed(ActionTarget target)
Definition ActionBase.c:841
bool IsJammed()
bool m_LiftWeapon
Definition Weapon_Base.c:49

References IsChamberFiredOut(), IsDamageDestroyed(), and IsJammed().

◆ CanProcessAction()

bool Weapon::CanProcessAction ( int action,
int actionType )

Definition at line 215 of file Weapon_Base.c.

216 {
217 return false; // @TODO
218 }

◆ CanProcessWeaponEvents()

Weapon::CanProcessWeaponEvents ( )
true if weapon has running fsm

Definition at line 249 of file Weapon_Base.c.

249{ return m_fsm && m_fsm.IsRunning(); }

◆ CanReleaseAttachment()

override bool Weapon::CanReleaseAttachment ( EntityAI attachment)

Definition at line 1082 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1083 {
1084 if (!super.CanReleaseAttachment(attachment))
1085 return false;
1087 if (mag)
1088 {
1089 PlayerBase player = PlayerBase.Cast(GetHierarchyRootPlayer());
1090 if (player)
1091 {
1092 if (player.GetItemInHands() == this)
1093 return true;
1094 }
1095 return false;
1096 }
1098 return true;
1099 }

◆ CanRemoveFromHands()

override bool Weapon::CanRemoveFromHands ( EntityAI parent)

Definition at line 1101 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1102 {
1103 if (IsIdle())
1104 return true;
1105 if (LogManager.IsWeaponLogEnable()) wpnDebugPrint("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon=" + this + " not in stable state=" + GetCurrentState().Type());
1106 return false; // do not allow removal of weapon while weapon is busy
1107 }
void wpnDebugPrint(string s)
Definition Debug.c:9
string Type
static bool IsWeaponLogEnable()
Definition Debug.c:799
bool IsIdle()
WeaponStateBase GetCurrentState()
returns currently active state

References IsIdle(), LogManager::IsWeaponLogEnable(), Type, and wpnDebugPrint().

◆ CopyWeaponStateFrom()

bool Weapon::CopyWeaponStateFrom ( notnull Weapon_Base src)

Definition at line 1611 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1612 {
1613 float damage = 0.0;
1614 string type;
1616 for (int mi = 0; mi < src.GetMuzzleCount(); ++mi)
1617 {
1618 if (!src.IsChamberEmpty(mi))
1619 {
1620 if (src.GetCartridgeInfo(mi, damage, type))
1621 PushCartridgeToChamber(mi, damage, type);
1622 }
1624 for (int ci = 0; ci < src.GetInternalMagazineCartridgeCount(mi); ++ci)
1625 {
1626 if (src.GetInternalMagazineCartridgeInfo(mi, ci, damage, type))
1627 PushCartridgeToInternalMagazine(mi, damage, type);
1628 }
1629 }
1631 int dummy_version = int.MAX;
1632 PlayerBase parentPlayer = PlayerBase.Cast(src.GetHierarchyRootPlayer());
1633 if (!parentPlayer)
1634 dummy_version -= 1;
1636 src.OnStoreSave(ctx.GetWriteContext());
1637 OnStoreLoad(ctx.GetReadContext(), dummy_version);
1638 return true;
1639 }
override bool OnStoreLoad(ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)

References OnStoreLoad().

◆ CreateWeaponWithAmmo()

Weapon::CreateWeaponWithAmmo ( string weaponType,
string magazineType = "",
int flags = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER )

Create weapon with ammo.

[in]weaponTypestring The weapon to create
[in]magazineTypestring The magazine to attach or ammo to load, passing in empty string will select random
[in]flagsint Setup flags, please read WeaponWithAmmoFlags
The created weapon

Definition at line 697 of file Weapon_Base.c.

698 {
701 if (!wpn)
702 {
703 ErrorEx(string.Format("%1 does not exist or is not a weapon.", weaponType));
704 return null;
705 }
707 wpn.SpawnAmmo(magazineType, flags);
708 return wpn;
709 }
static const vector Zero
Definition EnConvert.c:110
proto native CGame GetGame()
enum ShapeType ErrorEx

References ECE_PLACE_ON_SURFACE, ErrorEx, GetGame(), and vector::Zero.

◆ EEFired()

void Weapon::EEFired ( int muzzleType,
int mode,
string ammoType )

Definition at line 320 of file Weapon_Base.c.

321 {
322 if (!GetGame().IsDedicatedServer())
323 {
324 ItemBase suppressor = GetAttachedSuppressor();
326 // Muzzle flash & overheating effects
327 ItemBase.PlayFireParticles(this, muzzleType, ammoType, this, suppressor, "CfgWeapons");
328 IncreaseOverheating(this, ammoType, this, suppressor, "CfgWeapons");
330 if (suppressor)
331 {
332 ItemBase.PlayFireParticles(this, muzzleType, ammoType, suppressor, NULL, "CfgVehicles");
333 suppressor.IncreaseOverheating(this, ammoType, this, suppressor, "CfgVehicles");
334 }
335 }
337 //obsolete, replaced by C++ solution!
338 /*
339 if (GetGame().IsServer())
340 {
341 AddHealth("","Health",-m_DmgPerShot); //damages weapon
342 if (suppressor)
343 suppressor.AddHealth("","Health",-m_DmgPerShot); //damages suppressor; TODO add suppressor damage coeficient/parameter (?) to suppressors/weapons (?)
344 }
345 */
346 //JamCheck(muzzleType);
349 MiscGameplayFunctions.UnlimitedAmmoDebugCheck(this);
351 }
void IncreaseOverheating(ItemBase weapon, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search)
Definition ItemBase.c:5176

References GetGame(), and IncreaseOverheating().

◆ EEInit()

override void Weapon::EEInit ( )

Definition at line 116 of file Weapon_Base.c.

117 {
118 super.EEInit();
120 if (GetGame().IsServer())
121 GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).Call(AssembleGun);
122 }
void AssembleGun()
override on weapons with some assembly required
Definition tools.c:10

References Weapon_Base::AssembleGun(), CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY, and GetGame().

◆ EEItemAttached()

override void Weapon::EEItemAttached ( EntityAI item,
string slot_name )

Definition at line 1033 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1034 {
1035 super.EEItemAttached(item, slot_name);
1038 }
PropertyModifiers GetPropertyModifierObject()

◆ EEItemDetached()

override void Weapon::EEItemDetached ( EntityAI item,
string slot_name )

Definition at line 1040 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1041 {
1042 super.EEItemDetached(item, slot_name);
1045 }

◆ EEItemLocationChanged()

override void Weapon::EEItemLocationChanged ( notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc,
notnull InventoryLocation newLoc )

Definition at line 1047 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1048 {
1049 super.EEItemLocationChanged(oldLoc, newLoc);
1051 if (newLoc.GetType() == InventoryLocationType.HANDS)
1052 {
1054 if (newLoc.GetParent() && PlayerBase.CastTo(player, newLoc.GetParent()))
1055 {
1056 HumanCommandMove cm = player.GetCommand_Move();
1057 if (cm)
1058 cm.SetMeleeBlock(false);
1059 }
1060 }
1061 }
types of Inventory Location

◆ EjectCartridge()

Weapon::EjectCartridge ( int muzzleIndex,
out float ammoDamage,
out string ammoTypeName )

unload bullet from chamber or internal magazine

@NOTE: EjectCartridge = GetCartridgeInfo + PopCartridge

[out]ammoDamagedamage of the ammo
[out]ammoTypeNametype name of the ejected ammo
true if bullet removed from chamber

Definition at line 1596 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1597 {
1598 if (IsChamberEjectable(muzzleIndex))
1599 {
1600 if (PopCartridgeFromChamber(muzzleIndex, ammoDamage, ammoTypeName))
1601 return true;
1602 }
1603 else if (GetInternalMagazineCartridgeCount(muzzleIndex) > 0)
1604 {
1605 if (PopCartridgeFromInternalMagazine(muzzleIndex, ammoDamage, ammoTypeName))
1606 return true;
1607 }
1608 return false;
1609 }

◆ FillChamber()

Weapon::FillChamber ( string ammoType = "",
int flags = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER )

Try to fill the chamber.

[in]ammoTypestring The ammo to load, passing in empty string will select random
It is best to fill in the actual 'ammo', as in the ones usually prefixed by 'Bullet_', to skip searching for it
[in]flagsint Setup flags, please read WeaponWithAmmoFlags
Whether any chamber was filled

Definition at line 862 of file Weapon_Base.c.

863 {
864 // Quickly check if there are any chambers we can fill
865 int muzzCount = GetMuzzleCount();
866 bool anyEmpty = false;
868 for (int m = 0; m < muzzCount; ++m)
869 {
870 if (IsChamberEmpty(m))
871 {
872 anyEmpty = true;
873 break;
874 }
875 }
877 if (!anyEmpty)
878 return false;
880 // Make sure the given ammoType is actually useable
881 if (ammoType != "")
883 return false;
885 // Just so we don't '&' wastefully in a loop
886 bool didSomething = false;
887 bool chamberFullRng = (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER_RNG_SPORADIC);
888 bool chamberRng = (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER_RNG);
889 bool chamber = (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER);
892 {
895 // No need to do this for full rng, as that will roll for every muzzle
896 if (chamberRng)
899 bool chamberAmmoRng = (ammoType == "");
900 bool chamberAmmoFullRng = chamberAmmoRng && (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.AMMO_CHAMBER_RNG);
902 // No full RNG flag, so pick one random and use only this one
904 ammoType = GetRandomChamberableAmmoTypeName(0);
906 for (int i = 0; i < muzzCount; ++i)
907 {
908 // Skip when there's already something in the chamber
909 if (!IsChamberEmpty(i))
910 continue;
912 // Roll the rng when enabled
913 if (chamberFullRng)
916 // We chambering
917 if (chamber)
918 {
919 // Full random, decide a new one for every muzzle
921 ammoType = GetRandomChamberableAmmoTypeName(i);
923 // Push it
924 PushCartridgeToChamber(i, 0, ammoType);
925 didSomething = true;
927 // Stop chambering when we hit the desired amount
929 if (amountToChamber <= 0)
930 break;
931 }
932 }
933 }
935 // Only fix the FSM and Synchronize when absolutely needed
936 if (!didSomething)
937 return false;
939 // FSM cares about chamber state
941 Synchronize();
943 return true;
944 }
void Synchronize()
static bool MagazineTypeToAmmoType(string magazineType, out string ammoType)
Helper method.
Definition AmmoTypes.c:12
Definition EnMath.c:7
void RandomizeFSMState()
With the parameters given, selects a random suitable state for the FSM of the weapon @WARNING: Weapon...
static int RandomIntInclusive(int min, int max)
Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
Definition EnMath.c:54

References AmmoTypesAPI::MagazineTypeToAmmoType(), Math::RandomIntInclusive(), and Synchronize().

◆ FillInnerMagazine()

Weapon::FillInnerMagazine ( string ammoType = "",
int flags = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER )

Try to fill the inner magazine.

[in]ammoTypestring The ammo to load, passing in empty string will select random
It is best to fill in the actual 'ammo', as in the ones usually prefixed by 'Bullet_', to skip searching for it
[in]flagsint Setup flags, please read WeaponWithAmmoFlags
Whether any ammo was added to the gun or not

Definition at line 796 of file Weapon_Base.c.

797 {
798 // Don't try to fill it when there are none
799 if (!HasInternalMagazine(-1))
800 return false;
802 // Make sure the given ammoType is actually useable
803 if (ammoType != "")
804 {
806 return false;
807 }
810 bool didSomething = false;
811 int muzzCount = GetMuzzleCount();
813 bool ammoRng = ammoType == "";
814 bool ammoFullRng = ammoRng && (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.AMMO_MAG_RNG);
816 // No full RNG flag, so pick one random and use only this one
817 if (ammoRng && !ammoFullRng)
818 ammoType = GetRandomChamberableAmmoTypeName(0);
820 // Fill the internal magazine
821 for (int i = 0; i < muzzCount; ++i)
822 {
823 int ammoCount = GetInternalMagazineMaxCartridgeCount(i);
825 // Decide random quantity when enabled
826 if (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.QUANTITY_RNG)
829 // Only do the things when there is actually ammo to fill
830 if (ammoCount > 0)
831 {
832 // Push in the cartridges
833 for (int j = 0; j < ammoCount; ++j)
834 {
835 // Full random, decide a new one for every cartridge
836 if (ammoFullRng)
837 ammoType = GetRandomChamberableAmmoTypeName(i);
839 PushCartridgeToInternalMagazine(i, 0, ammoType);
840 didSomething = true;
841 }
842 }
843 }
845 // Call the chamber method if asked for
846 bool chamber = (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER) || (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER_RNG);
847 if (chamber && FillChamber(ammoType, flags))
848 didSomething = true;
850 // Does not need any FSM fixing, FSM does not care about inner magazines
852 return didSomething;
853 }
bool FillChamber(string ammoType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
Try to fill the chamber.

References AmmoTypesAPI::MagazineTypeToAmmoType(), and Math::RandomIntInclusive().

◆ ForceSyncSelectionState()

void Weapon::ForceSyncSelectionState ( )

Definition at line 435 of file Weapon_Base.c.

436 {
437 int nMuzzles = GetMuzzleCount();
438 for (int i = 0; i < nMuzzles; ++i)
439 {
440 if (IsChamberFull(i))
441 {
442 ShowBullet(i);
443 float damage;
444 string ammoTypeName;
445 GetCartridgeInfo(i, damage, ammoTypeName);
446 EffectBulletShow(i, damage, ammoTypeName);
447 }
448 else
449 {
450 HideBullet(i);
451 EffectBulletHide(i);
452 }
454 Magazine mag = GetMagazine(i);
455 if (mag)
456 ShowMagazine();
457 else
458 HideMagazine();
459 }
460 }
void HideMagazine()
void ShowMagazine()
void ShowBullet(int muzzleIndex)
void HideBullet(int muzzleIndex)

References Weapon_Base::HideBullet(), IsChamberFull(), and Weapon_Base::ShowBullet().

◆ GetAbility()

Weapon::GetAbility ( int index)
[in]indexindex into m_abilities storage
ability record

Definition at line 244 of file Weapon_Base.c.

244{ return m_abilities.Get(index); }
ref array< ref AbilityRecord > m_abilities
Definition Weapon_Base.c:46

◆ GetAbilityCount()

Weapon::GetAbilityCount ( )
number of stored abilities

Definition at line 239 of file Weapon_Base.c.

239{ return m_abilities.Count(); }

◆ GetBayonetAttachmentIdx()

override int Weapon::GetBayonetAttachmentIdx ( )

Definition at line 1653 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1654 {
1656 }
int m_BayonetAttachmentIdx
Definition Weapon_Base.c:55

◆ GetBurstCount()

int Weapon::GetBurstCount ( )

Definition at line 1737 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1738 {
1739 return m_BurstCount;
1740 }
int m_BurstCount
Definition Weapon_Base.c:54

◆ GetButtstockAttachmentIdx()

override int Weapon::GetButtstockAttachmentIdx ( )

Definition at line 1669 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1670 {
1672 }
int m_ButtstockAttachmentIdx
Definition Weapon_Base.c:56

◆ GetChanceToJam()

float Weapon::GetChanceToJam ( )

Definition at line 386 of file Weapon_Base.c.

387 {
388 int level = GetHealthLevel();
390 if (level >= 0 && level < m_ChanceToJam.Count())
391 return m_ChanceToJam[level];
392 else
393 return 0.0;
394 }
ref array< float > m_ChanceToJam
Definition Weapon_Base.c:67

◆ GetCurrentStableStateID()

Weapon::GetCurrentStableStateID ( )

tries to return identifier of current stable state (or nearest stable state if unstable state is currently running)

Definition at line 633 of file Weapon_Base.c.

634 {
635 if (m_fsm)
636 return m_fsm.GetCurrentStableStateID();
637 return 0;
638 }

◆ GetCurrentState()

Weapon::GetCurrentState ( )

returns currently active state

current state the FSM is in (or NULL)

Definition at line 255 of file Weapon_Base.c.

255{ return m_fsm.GetCurrentState(); }

◆ GetEffectiveAttachmentLength()

float Weapon::GetEffectiveAttachmentLength ( )

Returns effective length of attachments that influence total weapon length.

Definition at line 1564 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1565 {
1567 if (HasBayonetAttached())
1568 {
1570 attachment = ItemBase.Cast(GetInventory().FindAttachment(bayonetIndex));
1571 }
1572 else
1573 attachment = GetAttachedSuppressor();
1575 if (attachment)
1576 return Math.Max(attachment.m_ItemModelLength + attachment.m_ItemAttachOffset, 0);
1577 else
1578 return 0;
1579 }
override int GetBayonetAttachmentIdx()
override bool HasBayonetAttached()
static proto float Max(float x, float y)
Returns bigger of two given values.

References Math::Max().

◆ GetInternalStateID()

int Weapon::GetInternalStateID ( )

Definition at line 623 of file Weapon_Base.c.

624 {
625 if (m_fsm)
626 return m_fsm.GetInternalStateID();
627 return 0;
628 }

◆ GetMuzzleStates()

array< MuzzleState > Weapon::GetMuzzleStates ( )

Helper method for RandomizeFSMState.

Definition at line 660 of file Weapon_Base.c.

661 {
664 int nMuzzles = GetMuzzleCount();
665 for (int i = 0; i < nMuzzles; ++i)
666 {
668 if (IsChamberFiredOut(i))
669 state = MuzzleState.F;
670 else if (IsChamberFull(i))
671 state = MuzzleState.L;
672 else if (IsChamberEmpty(i))
673 state = MuzzleState.E;
674 else
675 ErrorEx(string.Format("Unable to identify chamber state of muzzle %1", i));
677 muzzleStates.Insert(state);
678 }
680 return muzzleStates;
681 }

References ErrorEx, IsChamberFiredOut(), and IsChamberFull().

◆ GetPropertyModifierObject()

PropertyModifiers Weapon::GetPropertyModifierObject ( )

Definition at line 960 of file Weapon_Base.c.

961 {
965 }
ref PropertyModifiers m_PropertyModifierObject
Definition Weapon_Base.c:69

◆ GetSlotsCountCorrect() [1/2]

override int Weapon::GetSlotsCountCorrect ( )

Returns number of slots for attachments corrected for weapons.

Definition at line 952 of file Weapon_Base.c.

953 {
954 int ac = GetInventory().AttachmentCount();
955 int sc = GetInventory().GetAttachmentSlotsCount() + GetMuzzleCount();
956 if (ac > sc) sc = ac; // fix of some weapons which has 1 attachments but 0 slots...
957 return sc;
958 };

◆ GetSlotsCountCorrect() [2/2]

override int Weapon::GetSlotsCountCorrect ( )

Returns number of slots for attachments corrected for weapons.

Definition at line 6 of file BinocularsBase.c.

7 {
8 return GetInventory().GetAttachmentSlotsCount();
9 };

◆ GetSyncChanceToJam()

float Weapon::GetSyncChanceToJam ( )

Definition at line 385 of file Weapon_Base.c.

385{ return m_ChanceToJamSync; }
float m_ChanceToJamSync
Definition Weapon_Base.c:68

◆ GetWeaponAnimState()

int Weapon::GetWeaponAnimState ( )

Definition at line 318 of file Weapon_Base.c.

318{ return m_weaponAnimState; }
int m_weaponAnimState
Definition Weapon_Base.c:57

◆ GetWeaponDOF()

ref array< float > Weapon::GetWeaponDOF ( )

Definition at line 1227 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1228 {
1229 return m_DOFProperties;
1230 }
ref array< float > m_DOFProperties
Definition Weapon_Base.c:66

◆ GetWeaponSpecificCommand()

int Weapon::GetWeaponSpecificCommand ( int weaponAction,
int subCommand )

Definition at line 1148 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1149 {
1150 return subCommand;
1151 }

◆ GetWeightSpecialized()

float Weapon::GetWeightSpecialized ( bool forceRecalc = false)

Definition at line 152 of file Weapon_Base.c.

153 {
154 float baseWeight = GetInventoryAndCargoWeight(forceRecalc);
155 float ammoWeight;
156 float ammoDamage;
159 int muzzleCount = GetMuzzleCount();
160#ifdef DEVELOPER
161 if (WeightDebug.m_VerbosityFlags & WeightDebugType.RECALC_FORCED)
162 {
163 WeightDebugData data1 = WeightDebug.GetWeightDebug(this);
164 data1.SetCalcDetails("TWPN: " + m_ConfigWeight + "(item weight) + " + baseWeight + "(contents weight)");
165 }
168 {
169 //chamber weight
170 if (!IsChamberEmpty(muzzleIndex))
171 {
172 ammoTypeName = GetChamberAmmoTypeName(muzzleIndex);
173 ammoWeight += g_Game.ConfigGetFloat(string.Format("CfgMagazines %1 weight", ammoTypeName));
175#ifdef DEVELOPER
176 if (WeightDebug.m_VerbosityFlags & WeightDebugType.RECALC_FORCED)
177 {
178 WeightDebugData data2 = WeightDebug.GetWeightDebug(this);
179 data2.AddCalcDetails(g_Game.ConfigGetFloat("CfgMagazines " + ammoTypeName + " weight").ToString() + "(chamber weight)");
180 }
182 }
184 //correctly calculates internal magazine weight based on the ammo type of each bullet
185 if (HasInternalMagazine(muzzleIndex))
186 {
187#ifdef DEVELOPER
190 int cartridgeCount = GetInternalMagazineCartridgeCount(muzzleIndex);
192 {
193 GetInternalMagazineCartridgeInfo(muzzleIndex, cartridgeIndex, ammoDamage, bulletTypeName);
195#ifdef DEVELOPER
196 debugInternalMagWeight += g_Game.ConfigGetFloat("CfgMagazines " + ammoTypeName + " weight");
198 }
199#ifdef DEVELOPER
201 if (WeightDebug.m_VerbosityFlags & WeightDebugType.RECALC_FORCED)
202 {
203 WeightDebugData data3 = WeightDebug.GetWeightDebug(this);
204 data3.AddCalcDetails(debugInternalMagWeight.ToString() + "(internal mag weight)");
205 }
207 }
209 }
210 return ammoWeight + baseWeight + GetConfigWeightModified();
211 }
DayZGame g_Game
Definition DayZGame.c:3528
ammo pile base
static float GetAmmoWeightByBulletType(string bulletType)

References g_Game, and Ammunition_Base::GetAmmoWeightByBulletType().

◆ HasActionAbility()

Weapon::HasActionAbility ( int action,
int actionType )

query if weapon supports action and actionType

[in]actionone of Human.actions (i.e. RELOAD, MECHANISM, ...)
[in]actionTypeone of Human.actionTypes (i.e. CHAMBERING_ONEBULLET_CLOSED, MECHANISM_CLOSED...)
true if weapon supports operation

Definition at line 225 of file Weapon_Base.c.

226 {
227 int count = GetAbilityCount();
228 for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
229 {
231 if (rec.m_action == action && rec.m_actionType == actionType)
232 return true;
233 }
234 return false;
235 }
pair ( action, actionType )
Definition Weapon_Base.c:5
int GetAbilityCount()
AbilityRecord GetAbility(int index)

◆ HasBayonetAttached()

override bool Weapon::HasBayonetAttached ( )

Definition at line 1648 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1649 {
1650 return m_BayonetAttached;
1651 }
bool m_BayonetAttached
Definition Weapon_Base.c:50

◆ HasButtstockAttached()

override bool Weapon::HasButtstockAttached ( )

Definition at line 1664 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1665 {
1666 return m_ButtstockAttached;
1667 }
bool m_ButtstockAttached
Definition Weapon_Base.c:51

◆ HideBullet()

void Weapon::HideBullet ( int muzzleIndex)

Definition at line 374 of file Weapon_Base.c.

375 {
377 SetSimpleHiddenSelectionState(m_bulletSelectionIndex[muzzleIndex], 0);
378 else
379 SelectionBulletHide();
380 }
ref array< int > m_bulletSelectionIndex
Definition Weapon_Base.c:65

◆ HideMagazine()

void Weapon::HideMagazine ( )

Definition at line 1692 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1693 {
1695 SetSimpleHiddenSelectionState(m_magazineSimpleSelectionIndex, 0);
1696 else
1697 SelectionMagazineHide();
1698 }
int m_magazineSimpleSelectionIndex
animation state the weapon is in, -1 == uninitialized
Definition Weapon_Base.c:58

◆ HideWeaponBarrel()

void Weapon::HideWeaponBarrel ( bool state)

Definition at line 1674 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1675 {
1676 if (!GetGame().IsDedicatedServer()) //hidden for client only
1677 {
1678 ItemOptics optics = GetAttachedOptics();
1679 if (optics && !optics.AllowsDOF() && m_weaponHideBarrelIdx != -1)
1680 SetSimpleHiddenSelectionState(m_weaponHideBarrelIdx, !state);
1681 }
1682 }
int m_weaponHideBarrelIdx
Definition Weapon_Base.c:59

References GetGame().

◆ InitDOFProperties()

bool Weapon::InitDOFProperties ( out array< float > temp_array)

Initializes DOF properties for weapon's ironsight/optics cameras.

Definition at line 1170 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1171 {
1172 if (GetGame().ConfigIsExisting("cfgWeapons " + GetType() + " PPDOFProperties"))
1173 {
1174 GetGame().ConfigGetFloatArray("cfgWeapons " + GetType() + " PPDOFProperties", temp_array);
1175 return true;
1176 }
1177 return false;
1178 }
eBleedingSourceType GetType()

References GetGame(), and GetType().

◆ InitReliability()

bool Weapon::InitReliability ( out array< float > reliability_array)

Definition at line 1180 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1181 {
1182 if (GetGame().ConfigIsExisting("cfgWeapons " + GetType() + " Reliability ChanceToJam"))
1183 {
1184 GetGame().ConfigGetFloatArray("cfgWeapons " + GetType() + " Reliability ChanceToJam", reliability_array);
1185 return true;
1186 }
1187 return false;
1188 }

References GetGame(), and GetType().

◆ InitShoulderDistance()

bool Weapon::InitShoulderDistance ( )

gets approximate weapon distance from shoulder from config

Definition at line 1215 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1216 {
1217 if (ConfigIsExisting("ShoulderDistance"))
1218 {
1219 m_ShoulderDistance = ConfigGetFloat("ShoulderDistance");
1220 return true;
1221 }
1224 return false;
1225 }
float m_ShoulderDistance
Definition Weapon_Base.c:63

◆ InitStateMachine()

void Weapon::InitStateMachine ( )

Definition at line 114 of file Weapon_Base.c.

114{ }

◆ InitWeaponLength()

bool Weapon::InitWeaponLength ( )

gets weapon length from config for weaponlift raycast

Definition at line 1191 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1192 {
1193 if (ConfigIsExisting("WeaponLength"))
1194 {
1195 m_WeaponLength = ConfigGetFloat("WeaponLength");
1196 return true;
1197 }
1198 m_WeaponLength = 0.8; //default value if not set in config; should not be zero
1199 return false;
1200 }
float m_WeaponLength
Definition Weapon_Base.c:61

◆ InitWeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset()

bool Weapon::InitWeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset ( )

gets weapon vertical offset from config for weaponlift raycast

Definition at line 1203 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1204 {
1205 if (ConfigIsExisting("WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset"))
1206 {
1207 m_WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset = ConfigGetFloat("WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset");
1208 return true;
1209 }
1210 m_WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset = 0.0; //no offset by default
1211 return false;
1212 }
float m_WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset
Definition Weapon_Base.c:62

◆ IsCharged()

bool Weapon::IsCharged ( )

Definition at line 132 of file Weapon_Base.c.

133 {
134 return m_Charged;
135 }
bool m_Charged
Definition Weapon_Base.c:52

◆ IsIdle()

bool Weapon::IsIdle ( )

Definition at line 265 of file Weapon_Base.c.

266 {
268 }
bool CanProcessWeaponEvents()
bool IsIdle()
idle state does not expect any animation events

◆ IsJammed()

bool Weapon::IsJammed ( )

Definition at line 382 of file Weapon_Base.c.

382{ return m_isJammed; }
bool m_isJammed
weapon state machine
Definition Weapon_Base.c:48

◆ IsRemoteWeapon()

bool Weapon::IsRemoteWeapon ( )

Definition at line 1109 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1110 {
1112 if (GetInventory().GetCurrentInventoryLocation(il))
1113 {
1114 EntityAI parent = il.GetParent();
1115 DayZPlayer dayzp = DayZPlayer.Cast(parent);
1116 if (il.GetType() == InventoryLocationType.HANDS && dayzp)
1117 {
1118 bool remote = dayzp.GetInstanceType() == DayZPlayerInstanceType.INSTANCETYPE_REMOTE;
1119 return remote;
1120 }
1121 }
1122 return true;
1123 }
defined in C++

◆ IsShowingChamberedBullet()

bool Weapon::IsShowingChamberedBullet ( )

Definition at line 1732 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1733 {
1734 return true;
1735 }

◆ IsWaitingForActionFinish()

Weapon::IsWaitingForActionFinish ( )

returns true if state machine started playing action/actionType and waits for finish

Definition at line 260 of file Weapon_Base.c.

261 {
263 }
override bool IsWaitingForActionFinish()
waiting for active animation action/actionType finish

◆ IsWeaponOpen()

bool Weapon::IsWeaponOpen ( )

Definition at line 142 of file Weapon_Base.c.

143 {
144 return m_WeaponOpen;
145 }
bool m_WeaponOpen
Definition Weapon_Base.c:53

◆ JamCheck()

bool Weapon::JamCheck ( int muzzleIndex)

Definition at line 353 of file Weapon_Base.c.

354 {
355 PlayerBase player = PlayerBase.Cast(GetHierarchyRootPlayer());
356 if (player)
357 {
358 float rnd = player.GetRandomGeneratorSyncManager().GetRandom01(RandomGeneratorSyncUsage.RGSJam);
359 //Print("Random Jam - " + rnd);
360 if (rnd < GetSyncChanceToJam())
361 return true;
362 }
363 return false;
364 }
float GetSyncChanceToJam()

◆ LiftWeaponCheck()

bool Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck ( PlayerBase player)

snippet below measures distance from "RightHandIndex1" bone for lifting calibration

Definition at line 1233 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1234 {
1235 int idx;
1236 float distance;
1237 float hit_fraction; //junk
1238 vector start, end;
1242 vector hit_pos, hit_normal; //junk
1243 Object obj;
1247 bool wasLift = m_LiftWeapon;
1250 m_LiftWeapon = false;
1251 // not a gun, no weap.raise for now
1252 if (HasSelection("Usti hlavne"))
1253 return false;
1255 if (!player)
1256 {
1257 Print("Error: No weapon owner, returning");
1258 return false;
1259 }
1261 // weapon not raised
1262 player.GetMovementState(movementState);
1263 if (!movementState.IsRaised())
1264 return false;
1266 // suppress raising of weapon during melee attack preventing state inconsistency
1267 if (movementState.m_CommandTypeId == DayZPlayerConstants.COMMANDID_MELEE || movementState.m_CommandTypeId == DayZPlayerConstants.COMMANDID_MELEE2)
1268 return false;
1270 usti_hlavne_position = GetSelectionPositionLS("Usti hlavne"); // Usti hlavne
1271 trigger_axis_position = GetSelectionPositionLS("trigger_axis");
1273 // If possible use aiming angles instead as these will work consistently
1274 // and independently of any cameras, etc.
1275 HumanCommandWeapons hcw = player.GetCommandModifier_Weapons();
1276 if (hcw)
1277 {
1279 hcw.GetBaseAimingAngleLR() + player.GetOrientation()[0],
1280 hcw.GetBaseAimingAngleUD(),
1281 0.0);
1282 direction = yawPitchRoll.AnglesToVector();
1283 }
1284 else // Fallback to previously implemented logic
1285 {
1286 // freelook raycast
1287 if (player.GetInputController().CameraIsFreeLook())
1288 {
1289 if (player.m_DirectionToCursor != vector.Zero)
1290 direction = player.m_DirectionToCursor;
1291 // if player raises weapon in freelook
1292 else
1293 direction = MiscGameplayFunctions.GetHeadingVector(player);
1294 }
1295 else
1296 {
1297 direction = GetGame().GetCurrentCameraDirection(); // exception for freelook. Much better this way!
1298 }
1299 }
1301 idx = player.GetBoneIndexByName("Neck"); //RightHandIndex1
1302 if (idx == -1)
1303 start = player.GetPosition()[1] + 1.5;
1304 else
1305 start = player.GetBonePositionWS(idx);
1308 // Updated weapon lift detection code prototype
1309 {
1310 // 0: construct stable trasformation matrix that
1311 // approximately aligns with the weapon transform
1312 // without actually using the weapon as reference
1313 // (as the weapon can be moved unpredictably by anims)
1314 vector resTM[4];
1315 resTM[0] = Vector(direction[0], 0, direction[2]).Normalized();
1317 resTM[2] = direction;
1318 resTM[1] = resTM[2] * resTM[0];
1319 resTM[3] = start;
1321 // Approximate the roll of leaning
1323 player.GetMovementState(hms);
1324 float leanAngle = hms.m_fLeaning * 35;
1325 vector rotTM[3];
1329 // Draw relative TM diagnostic
1331 if (DiagMenu.GetValue(DiagMenuIDs.WEAPON_LIFT_DEBUG))
1332 {
1333 Shape.CreateArrow(resTM[3], resTM[3] + resTM[0], 0.05, COLOR_RED, ShapeFlags.ONCE);
1334 Shape.CreateArrow(resTM[3], resTM[3] + resTM[1], 0.05, COLOR_GREEN, ShapeFlags.ONCE);
1335 Shape.CreateArrow(resTM[3], resTM[3] + resTM[2], 0.05, COLOR_BLUE, ShapeFlags.ONCE);
1336 }
1339 // 1: pick from predefined offset relative to
1340 // the previously constructed transform
1341 float udAngle = Math.Asin(direction[1]) * Math.RAD2DEG;
1343 // offsets are [right, up, forward]
1344 // values are based on what felt right after iterating
1345 vector offsets[] = {
1346 "0.11 0.17 0.0", // offset while aiming down
1347 "0.12 0.05 0.0", // offset while aiming forward
1348 "0.112 0.03 0.0" // offset while aiming up
1349 };
1350 const int lastIndex = 2; // length of offsets - 1
1352 // <0,1> range of aiming
1353 float a = Math.Clamp(Math.InverseLerp(DayZPlayerCamera1stPerson.CONST_UD_MIN, DayZPlayerCamera1stPerson.CONST_UD_MAX, udAngle), 0, 0.9999);
1354 int lo = a * lastIndex;
1355 int hi = Math.Clamp(lo + 1, 0, lastIndex);
1357 // remap to current lo-hi range
1358 float t = Math.Clamp(a * lastIndex - lo, 0, 1);
1361 // offsets are [right, up forward]
1362 // additional offsets added to previous offsets per stance
1363 vector stanceOffsets[] = {
1364 "0 -0.015 0", // erect
1365 "0 0.03 0", // crouch
1366 "0 -0.04 0",// prone
1367 };
1369 // 2. pick from predefined offsets based on stance,
1370 // allows to even further approximate the alignment
1371 int stanceOffsetIndex = hms.m_iStanceIdx;
1372 if (stanceOffsetIndex >= DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_PRONE)
1373 stanceOffsetIndex -= DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_RAISED;
1375 stanceOffsetIndex -= DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_ERECT;
1378 // if any additional height offset is defined, apply it
1382 // 3. use the offset as the start position.
1383 // it will not be perfect, but it should reflect
1384 // the actual weapon transform more accurately
1385 start = offset.Multiply4(resTM);
1386 }
1389 /*usti_hlavne_position = ModelToWorld(usti_hlavne_position);
1390 distance = vector.Distance(start,usti_hlavne_position);*/
1396 // Draw diagnostics: Script -> Weapon -> Weapon Lift
1398 if (DiagMenu.GetValue(DiagMenuIDs.WEAPON_LIFT_DEBUG))
1399 {
1401 int diagPtsShpFlgs = ShapeFlags.ONCE | ShapeFlags.NOOUTLINE;
1402 float diagPtsRadius = 0.025;
1406 }
1409 // For the physical cast, extend the distance by x%
1410 // to allow for smoother transition handling in some cases
1411 end = weaponEnd + ((0.1 * distance) * direction);
1413 // Prepare raycast params and perform the cast in fire geo
1415 rayParm.flags = CollisionFlags.ALLOBJECTS;
1416 rayParm.type = ObjIntersect.Fire;
1420 if (!DayZPhysics.RaycastRVProxy(rayParm, results) || results.Count() == 0)
1421 {
1423 hit_fraction = 0;
1424 }
1425 else
1426 {
1429#ifdef DIAG_DEVELOPER // isect diag
1430 if (DiagMenu.GetValue(DiagMenuIDs.WEAPON_LIFT_DEBUG) == 2)
1431 {
1432 DbgUI.Begin("Weapon Lift Diag");
1433 {
1434 if (res.surface)
1435 {
1436 DbgUI.Text("Intersection data:");
1437 DbgUI.Text(" Name: " + res.surface.GetName());
1438 DbgUI.Text(" EntryName: " + res.surface.GetEntryName());
1439 DbgUI.Text(" SurfaceType: " + res.surface.GetSurfaceType());
1441 DbgUI.Text(" IsPassThrough: " + res.surface.IsPassthrough());
1442 DbgUI.Text(" IsSolid: " + res.surface.IsSolid());
1443 }
1444 else
1445 DbgUI.Text("Intersection with no surface");
1446 }
1447 DbgUI.End();
1448 }
1449#endif // !isect diag
1452 {
1453 hit_pos = res.pos;
1454 float len0 = (hit_pos - start).Length();
1455 float len1 = (end - start).Length();
1456 if (len0 <= 0 || len1 <= 0)
1457 hit_fraction = 1;
1458 else
1460 }
1461 else
1462 {
1464 hit_fraction = 0;
1465 }
1466 }
1470 // Draw diagnostics: Script -> Weapon -> Weapon Lift
1472 if (DiagMenu.GetValue(DiagMenuIDs.WEAPON_LIFT_DEBUG))
1473 {
1474 const vector epsilon = "0 0.0002 0"; // to overcome excessive z-fighting for diag
1476 Shape.CreateArrow(start - epsilon, lastLiftPosition - epsilon, 0.05, COLOR_YELLOW, ShapeFlags.ONCE);
1478 Shape.CreateArrow(start, weaponEnd, 0.05, COLOR_WHITE, ShapeFlags.ONCE | ShapeFlags.NOZBUFFER);
1480 if (hit_fraction != 0)
1481 Shape.CreateArrow(start + epsilon, hit_pos + epsilon, 0.05, COLOR_RED, ShapeFlags.ONCE);
1482 }
1485 // Start by assuming that we want to retain state
1486 bool wantsLift = wasLift;
1488 // Sq. distance of weapon movement required to trigger lift (in)
1489 const float inThreshold = 0.002;
1490 // Sq. distance of weapon movement required to trigger lift (out)
1491 const float outThreshold = 0.003;
1492 const float noIsctOutThreshold = 0.01;
1494 // Min angle in degrees change from last lift to stop lifting
1495 // Base threshold of 0.75 degrees + 0.6 degrees per meter of weapon length
1496 float angleThreshold = 0.75 + Math.Clamp(m_WeaponLength * 0.6, 0, 1.5);
1498 // Update state when a hit is registered
1499 if (hit_fraction != 0)
1500 {
1502 vector v2 = hit_pos - end;
1503 float d = vector.Dot(v1, v2);
1504 // But leave some threshold where previous state is kept
1505 // to prevent excessive switches from occuring
1506 if (!wasLift && d > inThreshold)
1507 wantsLift = true;
1508 else if (wasLift && d < -outThreshold)
1509 wantsLift = false;
1512 }
1513 else
1514 {
1515 // With no hit and no previous lift
1517 {
1518 wantsLift = false;
1520 }
1521 // See if previous hit wasn't very close to our current position,
1522 // in which case simply don't lift the weapon
1523 else
1524 {
1525 vector v3 = (lastLiftPosition - start).Normalized();
1526 vector v4 = (end - start).Normalized();
1527 float d2 = vector.Dot(v3, v4);
1528 // no isect, angle delta check
1529 if (Math.Acos(d2) > (angleThreshold * Math.DEG2RAD)) // if relative angle is > x degree, stop lifting
1530 {
1531 wantsLift = false;
1533 }
1534 // no isect, distance check
1535 else
1536 {
1537 float d3 = vector.Dot(lastLiftPosition - weaponEnd, (start - end).Normalized());
1538 if (d3 < -noIsctOutThreshold)
1539 {
1540 wantsLift = false;
1542 }
1543 }
1544 }
1545 }
1547 // lift is desired
1548 if (wantsLift)
1549 {
1550 //Print(distance);
1551 m_LiftWeapon = true;
1552 return true;
1553 }
1554 return false;
1555 }
Definition EDiagMenuIDs.c:2
static proto bool RaycastRVProxy(notnull RaycastRVParams in, out notnull array< ref RaycastRVResult > results, array< Object > excluded=null)
Definition DbgUI.c:60
float GetEffectiveAttachmentLength()
Returns effective length of attachments that influence total weapon length.
vector m_LastLiftPosition
Definition Weapon_Base.c:64
bool LiftWeaponRaycastResultCheck(notnull RaycastRVResult res)
Return whether provided material triggers weapon lift (true) or not (false).
static vector RotateAroundZeroDeg(vector vec, vector axis, float angle)
Rotate a vector around 0,0,0 by an angle in degrees.
Definition EnConvert.c:451
static float Dot(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns Dot product of vector v1 and vector v2.
Definition EnConvert.c:271
static const vector Up
Definition EnConvert.c:107
static proto native vector Lerp(vector v1, vector v2, float t)
Lerp between two vectors.
defined in C++
Definition dayzplayer.c:597
const int COLOR_BLUE
Definition constants.c:66
const int COLOR_RED
Definition constants.c:64
const int COLOR_GREEN
Definition constants.c:65
const int COLOR_WHITE
Definition constants.c:63
const int COLOR_YELLOW
Definition constants.c:67
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
Definition EnDebug.c:141
Definition EnDebug.c:126
static proto native void End()
static proto native void Begin(string windowTitle, float x=0, float y=0)
static proto native void Text(string label)
static proto void BeginCleanupScope()
static proto native void EndCleanupScope()
class DiagMenu Shape
don't call destructor directly. Use Destroy() instead
static proto int GetValue(int id)
Get value as int from the given script id.
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.
static proto void YawPitchRollMatrix(vector ang, out vector mat[3])
Creates rotation matrix from angles.
static proto void MatrixMultiply3(vector mat0[3], vector mat1[3], out vector res[3])
Transforms rotation matrix.
static proto float Asin(float s)
Returns angle in radians from sinus.
static proto float Acos(float c)
Returns angle in radians from cosinus.
static proto float Clamp(float value, float min, float max)
Clamps 'value' to 'min' if it is lower than 'min', or to 'max' if it is higher than 'max'.
static proto float InverseLerp(float a, float b, float value)
Calculates the linear value that produces the interpolant value within the range [a,...
static const float RAD2DEG
Definition EnMath.c:16
static const float DEG2RAD
Definition EnMath.c:17

References Math::Acos(), Math::Asin(), DbgUI::Begin(), DbgUI::BeginCleanupScope(), Math::Clamp(), COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_YELLOW, Math::DEG2RAD, vector::Dot(), DbgUI::End(), DbgUI::EndCleanupScope(), GetGame(), DiagMenu::GetValue(), Math::InverseLerp(), vector::Lerp(), Math3D::MatrixMultiply3(), Print(), Math::RAD2DEG, DayZPhysics::RaycastRVProxy(), vector::RotateAroundZeroDeg(), Shape, DbgUI::Text(), vector::Up, Vector(), Math3D::YawPitchRollMatrix(), and vector::Zero.

◆ LiftWeaponRaycastResultCheck()

bool Weapon::LiftWeaponRaycastResultCheck ( notnull RaycastRVResult res)

Return whether provided material triggers weapon lift (true) or not (false).

Definition at line 1558 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1559 {
1560 return res.surface.IsSolid();
1561 }

◆ LoadCurrentFSMState()

bool Weapon::LoadCurrentFSMState ( ParamsReadContext ctx,
int version )

Definition at line 550 of file Weapon_Base.c.

551 {
552 if (m_fsm)
553 {
554 if (m_fsm.LoadCurrentFSMState(ctx, version))
555 {
557 if (state)
558 {
559 SyncSelectionState(state.HasBullet(), state.HasMagazine());
560 state.SyncAnimState();
561 if (LogManager.IsWeaponLogEnable()) wpnDebugPrint("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon=" + this + " stable state loaded and synced.");
562 return true;
563 }
564 else
565 {
566 if (LogManager.IsWeaponLogEnable()) wpnDebugPrint("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon=" + this + " unstable/error state loaded.");
567 return false;
568 }
569 }
570 else
571 {
572 Error("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon=" + this + " did not load.");
573 return false;
574 }
575 }
576 else
577 {
578 Error("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon.LoadCurrentFSMState: trying to load weapon without FSM (or uninitialized weapon) this=" + this + " type=" + GetType());
579 return false;
580 }
581 }
represents weapon's stable state (i.e. the basic states that the weapon will spend the most time in)
Definition Crossbow.c:27
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.
Definition EnDebug.c:90

References Error(), GetType(), LogManager::IsWeaponLogEnable(), and wpnDebugPrint().

◆ OnDebugSpawn()

override void Weapon::OnDebugSpawn ( )

Definition at line 1770 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1771 {
1773 }
bool SpawnAmmo(string magazineType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
General method trying to attch magazine, fill inner magazine and fill chamber.
const int SAMF_DEFAULT
Full highest capacity magazine + chambered round.
Definition Weapon_Base.c:41

◆ OnFire()

void Weapon::OnFire ( int muzzle_index)

Definition at line 967 of file Weapon_Base.c.

968 {
969 /*
970 array<Man> players();
971 GetGame().GetPlayers(players);
973 Man root = GetHierarchyRootPlayer();
975 if (!root)
976 {
977 return;
978 }
980 vector safePosition = root.GetPosition() + (root.GetDirection() * "0 1 0" * 3.0);
982 Man other = null;
983 foreach (auto player : players)
984 {
985 if (player != GetHierarchyRootPlayer())
986 {
987 player.SetPosition(safePosition);
988 }
989 }
990 */
992 m_BurstCount++;
993 }

◆ OnFireModeChange()

void Weapon::OnFireModeChange ( int fireMode)

Definition at line 995 of file Weapon_Base.c.

996 {
997 if (!GetGame().IsDedicatedServer())
998 {
1001 if (fireMode == 0)
1002 eff = SEffectManager.PlaySound("Fire_Mode_Switch_Marked_Click_SoundSet", GetPosition());
1003 else
1004 eff = SEffectManager.PlaySound("Fire_Mode_Switch_Simple_Click_SoundSet", GetPosition());
1006 eff.SetAutodestroy(true);
1007 }
1010 }
class JsonUndergroundAreaTriggerData GetPosition
Wrapper class for managing sound through SEffectManager.
Definition EffectSound.c:5
Manager class for managing Effect (EffectParticle, EffectSound)
static EffectSound PlaySound(string sound_set, vector position, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0, bool loop=false)
Create and play an EffectSound.
void ResetBurstCount()

References GetGame(), GetPosition, and SEffectManager::PlaySound().

◆ OnInventoryEnter()

override void Weapon::OnInventoryEnter ( Man player)

Definition at line 1018 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1019 {
1024 super.OnInventoryEnter(player);
1025 }
void ValidateAndRepair()

◆ OnInventoryExit()

override void Weapon::OnInventoryExit ( Man player)

Definition at line 1027 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1028 {
1030 super.OnInventoryExit(player);
1031 }

◆ OnItemLocationChanged()

override void Weapon::OnItemLocationChanged ( EntityAI old_owner,
EntityAI new_owner )

Definition at line 1063 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1064 {
1065 super.OnItemLocationChanged(old_owner, new_owner);
1067 // "resets" optics memory on optics
1069 if (PlayerBase.CastTo(player, old_owner))
1070 {
1071 player.SetReturnToOptics(false);
1073 //optics item state reset
1075 if (Class.CastTo(optics, GetAttachedOptics()))
1076 player.SwitchOptics(optics, false);
1077 }
1079 HideWeaponBarrel(false);
1080 }
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
Definition EnScript.c:11
void HideWeaponBarrel(bool state)
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.

References Class::CastTo().

◆ OnStoreLoad()

override bool Weapon::OnStoreLoad ( ParamsReadContext ctx,
int version )

Definition at line 462 of file Weapon_Base.c.

463 {
464 if (!super.OnStoreLoad(ctx, version))
465 return false;
468 if (version >= 113)
469 {
470 int current_muzzle = 0;
471 if (!ctx.Read(current_muzzle))
472 {
473 Error("Weapon.OnStoreLoad " + this + " cannot read current muzzle!");
474 return false;
475 }
477 if (current_muzzle >= GetMuzzleCount() || current_muzzle < 0)
478 Error("Weapon.OnStoreLoad " + this + " trying to set muzzle index " + current_muzzle + " while it only has " + GetMuzzleCount() + " muzzles!");
479 else
480 SetCurrentMuzzle(current_muzzle);
481 }
483 if (version >= 105)
484 {
485 int mode_count = 0;
486 if (!ctx.Read(mode_count))
487 {
488 Error("Weapon.OnStoreLoad " + this + " cannot read mode count!");
489 return false;
490 }
492 for (int m = 0; m < mode_count; ++m)
493 {
494 int mode = 0;
495 if (!ctx.Read(mode))
496 {
497 Error("Weapon.OnStoreLoad " + this + " cannot read mode[" + m + "]");
498 return false;
499 }
501 if (LogManager.IsWeaponLogEnable()) wpnDebugPrint("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " OnStoreLoad - loaded muzzle[" + m + "].mode = " + mode);
502 SetCurrentMode(m, mode);
503 }
504 }
506 if (version >= 106)
507 {
508 if (!ctx.Read(m_isJammed))
509 {
510 Error("Weapon.OnStoreLoad cannot load jamming state");
511 return false;
512 }
513 }
515 if (m_fsm)
516 {
517 if (!m_fsm.OnStoreLoad(ctx, version))
518 return false;
520 WeaponStableState wss = WeaponStableState.Cast(m_fsm.GetCurrentState());
521 if (wss)
522 SetGroundAnimFrameIndex(wss.m_animState);
524 }
525 else
526 {
527 int dummy = 0;
528 if (!ctx.Read(dummy))
529 return false;
530 }
532 return true;
533 }

References Error(), LogManager::IsWeaponLogEnable(), and wpnDebugPrint().

◆ OnStoreSave()

override void Weapon::OnStoreSave ( ParamsWriteContext ctx)

Definition at line 595 of file Weapon_Base.c.

596 {
597 super.OnStoreSave(ctx);
599 // current muzzle added in version 113
600 int current_muzzle = GetCurrentMuzzle();
601 ctx.Write(current_muzzle);
603 // fire mode added in version 105
604 int mode_count = GetMuzzleCount();
605 ctx.Write(mode_count);
606 for (int m = 0; m < mode_count; ++m)
607 ctx.Write(GetCurrentMode(m));
609 ctx.Write(m_isJammed);
611 if (m_fsm)
612 m_fsm.OnStoreSave(ctx);
613 else
614 {
615 int dummy = 0;
616 ctx.Write(dummy);
617 }
618 }

◆ ProcessMeleeItemDamage()

override EntityAI Weapon::ProcessMeleeItemDamage ( int mode = 0)

Definition at line 1700 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1701 {
1704 switch (mode)
1705 {
1706 case 0:
1707 super.ProcessMeleeItemDamage();
1708 break;
1710 case 1:
1711 attachment = GetInventory().FindAttachment(m_ButtstockAttachmentIdx);
1712 break;
1714 case 2:
1715 attachment = GetInventory().FindAttachment(m_BayonetAttachmentIdx);
1716 break;
1718 default:
1719 super.ProcessMeleeItemDamage();
1720 break;
1721 }
1723 if (attachment)
1724 {
1725 attachment.ProcessMeleeItemDamage();
1726 return attachment;
1727 }
1729 return this;
1730 }

◆ ProcessWeaponAbortEvent()

Weapon::ProcessWeaponAbortEvent ( WeaponEventBase e)

@NOTE: warning: ProcessWeaponEvent can be called only within DayZPlayer::HandleWeapons (or CommandHandler)

Definition at line 294 of file Weapon_Base.c.

295 {
299 m_fsm.ProcessAbortEvent(e, aa);
300 return aa == ProcessEventResult.FSM_OK;
301 }
Definition FSMBase.c:41
void SyncEventToRemote(WeaponEventBase e)

◆ ProcessWeaponEvent()

Weapon::ProcessWeaponEvent ( WeaponEventBase e)

weapon's fsm handling of events @NOTE: warning: ProcessWeaponEvent can be called only within DayZPlayer::HandleWeapons (or CommandHandler)

Definition at line 274 of file Weapon_Base.c.

275 {
278 // @NOTE: synchronous events not handled by fsm
279 if (e.GetEventID() == WeaponEventID.SET_NEXT_MUZZLE_MODE)
280 {
281 SetNextMuzzleMode(GetCurrentMuzzle());
282 return true;
283 }
285 if (m_fsm.ProcessEvent(e) == ProcessEventResult.FSM_OK)
286 return true;
288 //if (LogManager.IsWeaponLogEnable()) { wpnDebugPrint("FSM refused to process event (no transition): src=" + GetCurrentState().ToString() + " event=" + e.ToString()); }
289 return false;
290 }
identifier for events. mainly for rpc purposes
Definition Events.c:6

◆ RandomizeFSMState()

Weapon::RandomizeFSMState ( )

With the parameters given, selects a random suitable state for the FSM of the weapon @WARNING: Weapon_Base.Synchronize call might be needed, if this method is called while clients are connected.

Definition at line 644 of file Weapon_Base.c.

645 {
646 if (m_fsm)
647 {
648 int mi = GetCurrentMuzzle();
649 Magazine mag = GetMagazine(mi);
650 bool has_mag = mag != null;
651 bool has_bullet = !IsChamberEmpty(mi);
652 bool has_jam = IsJammed();
654 m_fsm.RandomizeFSMStateEx(muzzleStates, has_mag, has_jam);
656 }
657 }
array< MuzzleState > GetMuzzleStates()
Helper method for RandomizeFSMState.
void ForceSyncSelectionState()

References IsJammed().

◆ ResetBurstCount()

void Weapon::ResetBurstCount ( )

Definition at line 1742 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1743 {
1744 m_BurstCount = 0;
1745 }

◆ ResetWeaponAnimState()

void Weapon::ResetWeaponAnimState ( )

Definition at line 313 of file Weapon_Base.c.

314 {
315 if (LogManager.IsWeaponLogEnable()) fsmDebugSpam("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " resetting anim state: " + typename.EnumToString(PistolAnimState, m_weaponAnimState) + " --> " + typename.EnumToString(PistolAnimState, -1));
317 }
void fsmDebugSpam(string s)
Definition HFSMBase.c:9
Definition Pistol_Base.c:3

References fsmDebugSpam(), and LogManager::IsWeaponLogEnable().

◆ SaveCurrentFSMState()

void Weapon::SaveCurrentFSMState ( ParamsWriteContext ctx)

Definition at line 535 of file Weapon_Base.c.

536 {
537 if (m_fsm && m_fsm.IsRunning())
538 {
539 if (m_fsm.SaveCurrentFSMState(ctx))
540 {
541 if (LogManager.IsWeaponLogEnable()) wpnDebugPrint("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon=" + this + " state saved.");
542 }
543 else
544 Error("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon=" + this + " state NOT saved.");
545 }
546 else
547 Error("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " Weapon.SaveCurrentFSMState: trying to save weapon without FSM (or uninitialized weapon) this=" + this + " type=" + GetType());
548 }

References Error(), GetType(), LogManager::IsWeaponLogEnable(), and wpnDebugPrint().

◆ SetActions()

◆ SetBayonetAttached()

override void Weapon::SetBayonetAttached ( bool pState,
int slot_idx = -1 )

attachment helpers (firearm melee)

Definition at line 1642 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ SetButtstockAttached()

override void Weapon::SetButtstockAttached ( bool pState,
int slot_idx = -1 )

Definition at line 1658 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ SetCharged()

void Weapon::SetCharged ( bool value)

Definition at line 137 of file Weapon_Base.c.

138 {
140 }

◆ SetInitialState()

void Weapon::SetInitialState ( WeaponStableState initState)

Definition at line 124 of file Weapon_Base.c.

125 {
126 m_fsm.SetInitialState(initState);
127 SetCharged(!initState.IsDischarged());
128 SetWeaponOpen(!initState.IsWeaponOpen());
129 SetGroundAnimFrameIndex(initState.m_animState);
130 }
void SetCharged(bool value)
void SetWeaponOpen(bool value)

◆ SetJammed()

void Weapon::SetJammed ( bool value)

Definition at line 384 of file Weapon_Base.c.

384{ m_isJammed = value; }

◆ SetSyncJammingChance()

void Weapon::SetSyncJammingChance ( float jamming_chance)

Definition at line 1581 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1582 {
1584 }

◆ SetWeaponAnimState()

void Weapon::SetWeaponAnimState ( int state)

Definition at line 308 of file Weapon_Base.c.

309 {
311 SetGroundAnimFrameIndex(state);
312 }

◆ SetWeaponOpen()

void Weapon::SetWeaponOpen ( bool value)

Definition at line 147 of file Weapon_Base.c.

148 {
150 }

◆ ShowBullet()

void Weapon::ShowBullet ( int muzzleIndex)

Definition at line 366 of file Weapon_Base.c.

367 {
369 SetSimpleHiddenSelectionState(m_bulletSelectionIndex[muzzleIndex], 1);
370 else
371 SelectionBulletShow();
372 }

◆ ShowMagazine()

void Weapon::ShowMagazine ( )

Definition at line 1684 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1685 {
1687 SetSimpleHiddenSelectionState(m_magazineSimpleSelectionIndex, 1);
1688 else
1689 SelectionMagazineShow();
1690 }

◆ SpawnAmmo()

Weapon::SpawnAmmo ( string magazineType = "",
int flags = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER )

General method trying to attch magazine, fill inner magazine and fill chamber.

[in]magazineTypestring The magazine to attach or ammo to load, passing in empty string will select random
[in]flagsint Setup flags, please read WeaponWithAmmoFlags
whether anything was spawned or done

Definition at line 717 of file Weapon_Base.c.

718 {
719 // Attempt internal mag
720 if (HasInternalMagazine(-1) && FillInnerMagazine(magazineType, flags))
721 return true;
723 // Attempt mag attachment
724 if (GetMagazineTypeCount(0) > 0 && SpawnAttachedMagazine(magazineType, flags))
725 return true;
727 // Attempt chamber
728 if (FillChamber(magazineType, flags))
729 return true;
731 return false;
732 }
bool FillInnerMagazine(string ammoType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
Try to fill the inner magazine.
Magazine SpawnAttachedMagazine(string magazineType="", int flags=WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER)
Try to spawn and attach a magazine.

◆ SpawnAttachedMagazine()

Weapon::SpawnAttachedMagazine ( string magazineType = "",
int flags = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER )

Try to spawn and attach a magazine.

[in]magazineTypestring The magazine to attach, passing in empty string will select random
[in]flagsint Setup flags, please read WeaponWithAmmoFlags
The created magazine or null

Definition at line 740 of file Weapon_Base.c.

741 {
742 // Check if the gun has any magazines registered in config
743 if (GetMagazineTypeCount(0) == 0)
744 {
745 ErrorEx(string.Format("No 'magazines' config entry for %1.", this));
746 return null;
747 }
749 // Randomize when no specific one is given
750 if (magazineType == "")
751 {
752 if (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.MAX_CAPACITY_MAG)
753 magazineType = GetMaxMagazineTypeName(0);
754 else
755 magazineType = GetRandomMagazineTypeName(0);
756 }
758 EntityAI magAI = GetInventory().CreateAttachment(magazineType);
759 if (!magAI)
760 {
761 ErrorEx(string.Format("Failed to create and attach %1 to %2", GetDebugName(magAI), this));
762 return null;
763 }
766 if (!CastTo(mag, magAI))
767 {
768 ErrorEx(string.Format("Expected magazine, created: %1", GetDebugName(magAI)));
769 return null;
770 }
772 // Decide random quantity when enabled
773 if (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.QUANTITY_RNG)
774 mag.ServerSetAmmoCount(Math.RandomIntInclusive(0, mag.GetAmmoMax()));
776 // Fill chamber when flagged
777 bool chamberRng = (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER_RNG);
778 bool chamber = (flags & WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER) || chamberRng;
779 if (chamber || chamberRng)
782 // FSM cares about magazine state
784 Synchronize();
786 return mag;
787 }
override string GetDebugName()

References ErrorEx, GetDebugName(), Math::RandomIntInclusive(), and Synchronize().

◆ SpawnRecoilObject()

RecoilBase Weapon::SpawnRecoilObject ( )

Definition at line 1143 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1144 {
1145 return new DefaultRecoil(this);
1146 }

◆ SyncEventToRemote()

void Weapon::SyncEventToRemote ( WeaponEventBase e)

Definition at line 1125 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1126 {
1127 DayZPlayer p = DayZPlayer.Cast(GetHierarchyParent());
1128 if (p && p.GetInstanceType() == DayZPlayerInstanceType.INSTANCETYPE_SERVER)
1129 {
1133 e.WriteToContext(ctx);
1136 wpnDebugPrint("[wpnfsm] " + Object.GetDebugName(this) + " send 2 remote: sending e=" + e + " id=" + e.GetEventID() + " p=" + e.m_player + " m=" + e.m_magazine);
1138 p.StoreInputForRemotes(ctx);
1139 }
1140 }
Definition _constants.c:12

References INPUT_UDT_WEAPON_REMOTE_EVENT, LogManager::IsWeaponLogEnable(), and wpnDebugPrint().

◆ SyncSelectionState()

void Weapon::SyncSelectionState ( bool has_bullet,
bool has_mag )

Definition at line 396 of file Weapon_Base.c.

397 {
398 if (has_bullet)
399 {
401 float chamberedAmmoDmg;
403 if (GetCartridgeInfo(0, chamberedAmmoDmg, chamberedAmmoTypeName))
404 EffectBulletShow(0, chamberedAmmoDmg, chamberedAmmoTypeName);
405 //ShowBullet(0);
406 SelectionBulletShow();
407 }
408 else
409 {
410 //HideBullet(0);
411 SelectionBulletHide();
412 EffectBulletHide(0);
413 }
415 if (has_mag)
416 ShowMagazine();
417 else
418 HideMagazine();
419 }

◆ ValidateAndRepair()

void Weapon::ValidateAndRepair ( )

Definition at line 1012 of file Weapon_Base.c.

1013 {
1014 if (m_fsm)
1015 m_fsm.ValidateAndRepair();
1016 }

◆ Weapon_Base()

void Weapon::Weapon_Base ( )

Definition at line 72 of file Weapon_Base.c.

73 {
74 //m_DmgPerShot = ConfigGetFloat("damagePerShot");
75 m_BayonetAttached = false;
76 m_ButtstockAttached = false;
79 m_BurstCount = 0;
82 if (ConfigIsExisting("simpleHiddenSelections"))
83 {
85 ConfigGetTextArray("simpleHiddenSelections", selectionNames);
86 m_weaponHideBarrelIdx = selectionNames.Find("hide_barrel");
89 int bulletIndex = selectionNames.Find("bullet");
90 if (bulletIndex != -1)
91 {
94 for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++)
95 {
96 bulletIndex = selectionNames.Find(string.Format("bullet%1", i));
97 if (bulletIndex != -1)
99 else
100 break;
101 }
102 }
103 }
109 if (GetGame().IsServer())
112 }
bool InitWeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset()
gets weapon vertical offset from config for weaponlift raycast
bool InitShoulderDistance()
gets approximate weapon distance from shoulder from config
bool InitDOFProperties(out array< float > temp_array)
Initializes DOF properties for weapon's ironsight/optics cameras.
void InitStateMachine()
bool InitReliability(out array< float > reliability_array)
bool InitWeaponLength()
gets weapon length from config for weaponlift raycast
array< string > TStringArray
Definition EnScript.c:666

References GetGame(), and Weapon_Base::InitStateMachine().

Member Data Documentation


const float Weapon::DEFAULT_DAMAGE_ON_SHOT = 0.05

Definition at line 45 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ hit_mask

◆ m_abilities

ref array<ref AbilityRecord> Weapon::m_abilities = new array<ref AbilityRecord>

Definition at line 46 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_BayonetAttached

bool Weapon::m_BayonetAttached

Definition at line 50 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_BayonetAttachmentIdx

int Weapon::m_BayonetAttachmentIdx

Definition at line 55 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_bulletSelectionIndex

ref array<int> Weapon::m_bulletSelectionIndex = new array<int>

Definition at line 65 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_BurstCount

int Weapon::m_BurstCount

Definition at line 54 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_ButtstockAttached

bool Weapon::m_ButtstockAttached

Definition at line 51 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_ButtstockAttachmentIdx

int Weapon::m_ButtstockAttachmentIdx

Definition at line 56 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_ChanceToJam

ref array<float> Weapon::m_ChanceToJam = new array<float>

Definition at line 67 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_ChanceToJamSync

float Weapon::m_ChanceToJamSync = 0

Definition at line 68 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_Charged

bool Weapon::m_Charged = false

Definition at line 52 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_DmgPerShot

float Weapon::m_DmgPerShot = 0

Definition at line 60 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_DOFProperties

ref array<float> Weapon::m_DOFProperties

Definition at line 66 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_fsm

ref WeaponFSM Weapon::m_fsm

weapon abilities

Definition at line 47 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_isJammed

bool Weapon::m_isJammed = false

weapon state machine

Definition at line 48 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_LastLiftPosition

vector Weapon::m_LastLiftPosition

Definition at line 64 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_LiftWeapon

bool Weapon::m_LiftWeapon = false

Definition at line 49 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_magazineSimpleSelectionIndex

int Weapon::m_magazineSimpleSelectionIndex = -1

animation state the weapon is in, -1 == uninitialized

Definition at line 58 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_PropertyModifierObject

ref PropertyModifiers Weapon::m_PropertyModifierObject

Definition at line 69 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_ShoulderDistance

float Weapon::m_ShoulderDistance

Definition at line 63 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_weaponAnimState

int Weapon::m_weaponAnimState = -1

Definition at line 57 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_weaponHideBarrelIdx

int Weapon::m_weaponHideBarrelIdx = -1

Definition at line 59 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_WeaponLength

float Weapon::m_WeaponLength

Definition at line 61 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset

float Weapon::m_WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset

Definition at line 62 of file Weapon_Base.c.

◆ m_WeaponOpen

bool Weapon::m_WeaponOpen = false

Definition at line 53 of file Weapon_Base.c.


const int Weapon::SAMF_DEFAULT = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER | WeaponWithAmmoFlags.MAX_CAPACITY_MAG

Full highest capacity magazine + chambered round.

Definition at line 41 of file Weapon_Base.c.


const int Weapon::SAMF_RNG = WeaponWithAmmoFlags.CHAMBER_RNG | WeaponWithAmmoFlags.QUANTITY_RNG

Random bullet quantity + maybe chambered round.

Definition at line 43 of file Weapon_Base.c.

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